What charities does Michael Jackson have

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Some charities and foundations that he supported are: AIDS Project Los Angeles and American Cancer Society. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-charities-does-michael-jackson-have ]
More Answers to “What charities does Michael Jackson have
How many charities does Michael Jackson Support?
At least 40 but there are some that no one knows about as he did it secretly: he truly did it to help others not to publicize. For a list go to: http://jacksonaction.com/?page=charity.htm AIDS project Los Angeles American cancer society C…
What are charities michael jackson supported?
・ AIDS Project L.A. ・ American Cancer Society ・ Angel Food ・ Big Brothers of Greater Los Angeles ・ BMI Foundation, Inc. ・ Brotherhood Crusade ・ Brothman Burn Center ・ Camp Ronald McDonald ・ Childhelp U.S.A. ・ Children’s Inst…
Did michael Jackson do charities?
ALL MICHAEL JACKSON. com Michael Jackson is a true humanitarian, an example to us all. He has devoted much time and money to a wide range of charities. He loves children and takes time out when touring secretly visting sick children. He als…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Does anyone know what specific charities Michael Jackson gave to?
Q: …I want to start donating some of the little that I have to them in his memory…Oh wow…cool…I already donate to two of them…Volunteers of America and the American Cancer Society. Thanks so much everyone. I just think that if we all sent a dollar every month to each one in his memory, it will be like his legacy lives on through his fans…
A: He interacted with elderly folks and donated money to poor villagers on his trip to China in 1987.
How much money did Michael Jackson give to charity while he was living and to what charities?
Q: I have heard that he gave the most-more than any celebrity in the world and is in the Guiness book world records. Does anyone have any idea how much and to whom?
A: Most celebs do not disclose this information themselves. It usually leaks out from the charities staff. Telling how much you donate can lead to negative press (nobody likes someone saying “look at me, look how generous I am.”)The best way to gauge it is by how much he raised, such as by releasing charity records, rather than in terms of personal donations. These would be difficult to calculate.
Do you think there should be a Michael Jackson Day in Canada?
Q: I think there should be. Anyone who agrees should help support this by sending a letter to the Prime Minister, or to your MP. Heres how you can contact Stephen Harper:Office of the Prime Minister80 Wellington StreetOttawaK1A 0A2Fax: [email protected] contact the SenateMail may be sent postage-free to any Senator at the following address:The Senate of Canada,Ottawa, OntarioCanadaK1A 0A4 Heres the link to find your MPhttp://webinfo.parl.gc.ca/MembersOfParli…And heres a link you can go to to sign the petition: http://www.petitionspot.com/petitions/MJ…I have also written a letter to the PM and to my MP. You can use this if you would like.Dear Honrable Stephen Harper, (or your MP)My name is (your name) and I live in (city), (province). I am writing to you because I would like to make August 29th the official Michael Jackson Day in Canada. I believe Michael Jackson deserves to have this day dedicated to him in Canada for the following reasons:Michael Jackson is the greatest entertainer of all time. He had so much talent. He could sing, dance, produce, choreograph and he was a humanitarian. When Michael performed he gave all of himself. He’s influenced many modern artists like Celine Dion.Michael Jackson united people across borders and oceans, of different faces and age groups. Michael Jackson broke down racial barriers. One example is: MTV never played any videos with African Americans until Michael Jackson came along.Michael Jackson’s music has a message. He used his fame and influence to inspire his fans and millions of other people around the world to help other. To fight poverty, illness and hunger. Some of the titles of his songs are:- We Are The World- Heal The World- Man In The Mirror- Earth Songetc…Michael Jackson was the ultimate humanitarian. He gave freely. He never made a big deal about the money he was giving. For him it wasn’t about publicity. It was to help those who are less fortunate. In 1984 when his scalp was burned filming a Pepsi commercial he was awarded 1.5 million dollars in a lawsuit. Michael Jackson donated all of it to the Michael Jackson Burn Center. During the Victory tour he made 5 million dollars, all of which he donated to charity. Michael Jackson co-wrote the song, We Are The World, to raise awareness for Africa. He gather 40 other influential singers to help him raise awareness. All proceeds from the songs went to charity. In 1992 he founded the Heal The World Foundation and all the proceeds from the song Heal The World went to the foundation. In 2001 after the 9/11 attacks helped organize United We Stand, a concert to help with 9/11. He also wrote the song What More Can I Give, for the event. Michael Jackson is also in the Guiness Book of Records for all his humanitarian work. He has donated over 300 million dollars to charity. Not to mention the people he helped that we don’t know about. When Michael Jackson heard about a girl who needed a liver transplant, and that no one wanted to pay for it, he took care of it. When he traveled to another country he took the time to visit hospitals, orphanages, and cancer patients. Michael Jackson did so many good deeds.These are just some of the reasons that I believe there should be a Michael Jackson Day in Canada. Work would be able to go on as usual on that day, but people would be united to celebrate Michael Jackson’s incredible life and legacy. Some wearing a white glove on their right hand, other uniting through his music and other people contributing to charities or volunteering. I believe that we can make Michael Jackson Day an officially recognized day in Canada, and by doing so possibly influence other countries to do the same. It could become an International Michael Jackson Day. Let’s take the first step. Let’s make August 29th (Michael Jackson’s birthday) an official Michael Jackson Day. Let’s unite as Canadians and show our support for a man who truly cared for others. A man who gave so much to his fans and to people in need. A man who used his influence to inspire others to make the world a better place. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this letter.(Your Name)Please help support this. Send the goverment letters, emails, and faxes. ThanksPS Do you think there should be a Michael Jackson Day in Canada?
A: No, I do not think that makes any sense at all.
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