Can not having your period give you cancer

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An occasional missed period is normal. However, repeatedly missing periods can increase your risk for endometrial cancer. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can not having your period give you cancer
Can not having your period give you cancer
An occasional missed period is normal. However, repeatedly missing periods can increase your risk for endometrial cancer. ChaCha!

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can you go to your OB-Gyn for a pap while you have your period under extenuating circumstances?
Q: I have an appointment tomorrow afternoon. I already know the results will have cancer cells since I have ovarian cancer and it has spread to my uterus and cervix. The pap is just for the insurace company to give some clearence. I have taken so much time off work because of my situation that I can not afford anymore time.
A: Usually that is the Dr’s choice. Some will and some won’t. I would call and check first.
Can you donate blood while on your period?
Q: I used to work somewhere with my mother. She told me a month ago someone I remember who was always nice to me had AML. Well last week she came home with a little paper that said they were doing a blood drive for her. I checked out the rules for donating blood: While I have tattoos and piercings all were done years ago, and at a tattoo shop. The needles were packaged and I watched them open/dispose of them for all the piercings/tattoos. So I clear on that one. What worries me is I signed up, and sure enough I’m timed for my period around that time. (I guess week before or that week). Can that affect your ability to give blood? I’m healthy try to eat good, and exercise. I meet all the requirements so..this is the only thing that might stop me from donating…I really want to do this. She was a great lady. I was given the OK tonight she is actually considered cancer free, but still needs the replenishment drive to replace the blood she needed to use during treatment. Anyone who knows whether or not for sure you can or can’t answer please! (NO nasty answers or “EWWW’s”. I want to do this for a good friend and I’m hoping Mother Nature’s Gift won’t get in the way!)Thanks for all the great answers. I’ve never been anemic before as a kid or adult, so I should be ok on that….I take vitamins, eat regularly (good food too!) I’m just really happy that the woman I worked with has been OK’d about being cancer free now! And I really just wanted to make sure I didn’t have my hopes up. I knew they’d check my iron levels..but I just wasn’t sure about the whole period thing. I’m new this is my first time donating and if all goes well I’d like to become a regular donor…
A: They’ll do a quick finger prick before you donate to check your iron levels, which do drop soemtimes during your period. As long as the level is high enough you can donate. If you don’t normally deal with anemia it shouldnt be an issue.
Any advice of what I should do? Parents, your advice if appreciate, too.?
Q: Serious Answers Only Please.I’m 15 and been dating “Thomas” (17 in October) for a little over a year. His parents are strong Catholics; mine pretend to be. My mom is a ‘strong believer’ in no sex before marriage, and was supposedly this innocent child throughout her high school years, which by the way, I know is not true- through my cousin and grandmother. My stepdad thinks that I’m going to have sex anywhere and everywhere with my boyfriend because of his own past history, which I learned of through my stepsister. He has never been open and honest with me. Well, to start off with, before we even started dating, Thomas and I were accused of having sex, when he was really just giving me a hug (we both had on all our clothes, the lights were on, and nothing really looked suspicious, because nothing was going on). So, since even before we started dating, he hasn’t been allowed upstairs (where my room is), with or without the door open. To make things even better, he told my mom last night (who relayed it to me) that she would bring me to his house (which is less than 10 minutes away) , where they think we’re watched like hawks, because he didn’t want “Thomas” bringing me. When I asked her why, she just shrugged her shoulder, which I immediately knew “because things might happen” and she knew I did. When I told her that he was retarded, she just said goodnight and went back downstairs. (I’m not allowed over to his house whenever his parents aren’t home and vise-versa, which I completely understand). On top of all of this, though, I have an irregular period, and since I have ocd, it mentally aggravates me. I’ve tried talking to my mom about getting the pill, numerous times actually, but she uses the excuses “it will give you cervical cancer.” and “it’s normal for your period to be like that. mine was.”, because she thinks I only want it so I can have sex (which she won’t admit) and I’ve tried to explain to her otherwise. I even think she got the doctor to lie to me whenever I went and asked (she was there and had talked to the doctor beforehand) because I know skipping two months is not normal, especially after nearly three years. The the thing is, it’s really starting to tick me off. I’ll admit, I’m not innocent (they don’t know), but I have not ever given them a reason to not trust me or act this way! In fact, I’ve only made two C’s my entire life in school (neither of which have been in the last year), I take all honors classes (I’m a sophomore), I’m involved and dedicated to band (3rd chair out of 9), I’m on the executive council of our school’s Beta club (Philanthropist), my friends and boyfriend (he’s a junior) are also in honor classes, and over all, I’m not a bad “child”. I don’t know what to do!I’m not against premarital sex like they are, and I’m sick and tired of them thinking that’s all “Thomas” and I doing! The truth is, we haven’t had sex yet and that has been a joint decision! And when the time comes, I want to be able to talk to my mom about it, but I can’t because she’ll blab to everyone (his parents, my grandmother, aunts, uncles- practically everyone that knows me) and I’ve tried to just talk to her about it as “my sex life”, not just sex, and she threatened to ‘make’ “Thomas” and myself break up.What should I do? Do you any of you have any suggestions? How about the birth control? What would you do parents? I’m not happy right now, and I feel like I’m having to hide my entire life from my mom, which I’ve never had to do before “Thomas”, my first boyfriend, entered the picture. I’m really attached to him, and everything happening around me is making me depressed. I just want to be treated like the young adult I both act like and am. It’s my life, shouldn’t I be able to make my own mistakes and decisions?I think a lot of you are misunderstanding. I’m not upset because they aren’t saying yes to letting me have sex; I’m upset because they aren’t letting me do some things because they think I will have sex (are am doing so), when I’m not.
A: i know what you mean and how you feel i am 21 years finished college married to a wonderful guy i had the same problems with my parents when i was your age they never allowed me go out alone or with my friends they used to check through my things if i am hiding anything and used to listen to my phonecalls it was horrible miserable really i used to have fights with them on this thing and i always thought they didnt trust me i always thought that i was old enough to take care of myself and take my own decisions, believe me when i tell you this I WAS WRONG. i realised that when i grew up because when i went to college i met a guy and we had a very strong relation we loved each other and it was a love story filled with romance and really good times i met his parents and he met my parents he made me believe that when we finish college we will get married and everything was going on fine we were together for 2 years we travelled together we had fun and then he started talking about having sex i was scared because i have always promised myself that i will not have sex until i get married i know old fashioned but i didnt want anything wrong to happen like getting pregnant as my studies and life will be affected and he kept bringing up the topic in a nice way ofcourse one day i was at his place and i saw him getting near and you know what he wanted i stopped him and left after that he changed but gradually until he broke up with me i was devastated my heart was broken because what if i had sex with him and he left me then i was relieved that nothing happened i changed my college so that i am not there with him after 2 years i got over him and met my husband who was a really nice guy. what i want to tell you is that our parents really dont trust our thinking thats it and not us thats what i realised at the end and they were the ones who helped me get through it, believe me having sex at a young age is really wrong wait for the right person to come you have your life ahead of you, didnt you think that your parents are doing this because they are scared that something wrong happens and you get pregnant it will affect your future and as you said you are good at school do you want to loose it for just having fun a couple of minutes.and regarding the pills issue and the period i had the same problem during teenage years because the hormones are not yet stable and i used not to get my period for 2-3 months and it was really painful but never took the pills.So take it slow as you said he is your first you have your life ahead and you might meet new people and believe it your way of thinking will change when you grow i dont mean that this relation might not work but you can never know, enjoy your teenage years you have many years to come to take responsibility so enjoy your life with your friends its the best years and you dont want to spend it taking care of a child or wasting it fighting with your parents just sit with your mom and take to her and assure her that you are not going to have sex so that she feels reliefed
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