Can rats eat citrus

Health related question in topics Animals Plants .We found some answers as below for this question “Can rats eat citrus”,you can compare them.

Male rats shouldn’t eat oranges. Oranges contain an ingredient called d-limonene. It will build up in the kidneys, causing cancer. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can rats eat citrus
Why can’t rats eat citrus?
It’s only male rats that shouldn’t eat it. And it’s not all citruses that they shouldn’t eat, it’s only orange juice. Read this from the Rat and Mouse club of America to learn all about it- Female rats ar…

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Why can’t rats eat citrus?
Q: I was eyeballing some kumquats and thinking how lovely, sweet and vitamin filled they were and thought they were the perfect size to feed to my rats. But then thought, can rats eat citrus?The answer I found is no, but why is that?Is citrus just too much for them?
A: I’m pretty sure its just males and OJ. Something only males have in their liver plus OJ = liver issues. Females are fine though. Mine love a fresh orange
Foods to help prevent cancer in male rats?
Q: I know that they shouldn’t eat citrus. But what other foods, herbs, etc. can help prevent cancer? And, would the same foods that help prevent cancer in humans do the same for my rats, providing that they are safe for rats in the first place?Thanks a bunch!Alex, get a life.
A: Chug it down Allex!For the rats check my sources.Other than that why not ask a vet store?Try not to go to a local but a brand name alright.I love ratts and hamsters as pets.I would get one but unfortunately myy sister hhas a cat.So we are trying to train it.Good Luck with your rats!
LOL! more rat questions!?
Q: well, i was wondering… can rats eat tomato, lettuce, onion etc? because im sick of giving him just fruit. i know citrus is bad for him so i only give him bananas (his favourite) apple, watermelon, etc. oh and can he carrot?
A: Ye tomatoes carrots and lettuce are fine not sure about onions tho, rats also love bread, pasta, chicken, cheese, seeds, and they love dog food.
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