What does sunlight do to your skin

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What does sunlight do to your skin”,you can compare them.

The Sun and Your Skin -Effects: Skin Damage, Eye Damage, Skin Cancer. Overexposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun can cause significant damage to your skin: Wrinkles, Freckles/Sun Spots, Sunburn, Suntan. ChaCha again soon! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-sunlight-do-to-your-skin ]
More Answers to “What does sunlight do to your skin
What Does Sunlight Do To The Skin?
Sunlight can stimulate melanocytes which produce more melanin, a dark pigment that gives skin color. Increased levels of melanin can darken the skin. Sunlight can also cause sunburn and skin cancer.
How Does Sunlight Affect the Aging of Skin?
・ Sunlight is something every living thing needs. It gives us energy and it is our main source of vitamin… ・ The sun’s rays cause a breakdown of collagen, wrinkling, brown spots and general aging. This happens… ・ Repeated exposure to su…
How does sunlight affect the skin?
Sunlight is composed of infra-red light, visible light, and ultra-violet light. Ultra-violet light is divided into ultraviolet light A and ultraviolet B. Ultraviolet B has a shorter wavelength and is the main cause of sunburn. People’s skin…

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A: ► toners do the job for the face… 🙂
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A: Google?
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