Can talking on the phone while it is charging give you cancer

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There are no facts to show that talking on the phone while it is charging will give you cancer. [ Source: ]
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Can talking on the phone while it is charging give you cancer?
There are no facts to show that talking on the phone while it is charging will give you cancer.

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Brain cancer possibility?I am scared help please?
Q: Okay, so I have posted this question before, but i have to post it again for more answers and i will tell you details, that may better help you decide.Alright, so HI, i am a girl 13 years old, but i am turning 14 in about 3 months. I got a cell phone in grade 6 and two days later i had a terrible migraine, i convinced my mom to take me to the doctor and they said i had a migraine(it lasted 7 whole days!) they said i would get them because my mom has migraines every 6 months that are so bad she cant get out of bed.So i played with my new phone, talking while charging, texting talking a lot, until i found out that ou they can give you brain cancer, i stopped immediately using my home portable phone for hours. Till today even! So anyways about 6 months ago even longer i cannot remember i started seeing stars randomly, like one or 2 of them coming in bright colours not disrupting me but enough to make me scared. I also started getting weird pains in my head, like okay well, do this:touch the back of your head in the centre, then move your fingers 2 inches to the right, 2 inches up and 1 inch to the left. there, well about there i get thiss pain like a vain or something going deep in there sort of attatched to me eye pull, or feelslike stuff is going there, its weird, throbs for 30 seconds goes away and sometimes comes back. This happened for weeks, then all of the symptoms stopped. Then some time later they started and stopped, all over again. Npw this pain comes rarely , comes like 3 times in a day hurts and stops, and again a few days or wekks, or months later! Its so weird! (sometimes i get ringing or high pitched squeals in my right ear as well but that goes away too, my friend says she gets is also .) i twitch a lot sometimes, in my veins or muscles but doesnt everybody now and again? I told my mo this i told her i might have brain cancer, she said i don’t, she said if i did i would have bad headaches, seizures and stuff, and tumoors are rare in kids. I said wha if im different? and she said if i had this for months now and they didnt get worse( stopping actually or decreasing) i probably dont. I told my doctor this all my twitches and weird pains and he said that if i get this anf the pani lasts for only a few seconds and goes away coming casually we dont worry about it. i am a hypochondriac and my mom is sick of hearing such outbursts, so im scared.You know what, today i faked a big headache, i think ill do this till she gets me an MRI ..She said if i dont have symptoms they wont take me in , they will but in tso long because ppl need MRI’s..So what do you think?( did have an eating disorder and ate unhealhy as a lack of exersice, and stay on the computer for housr, but when i bettered myself they came, not often but still…i also drink very little water..)and see, today it hapened like 5 times, mild to extreme, its lasts little its weird..i get a lot of headaches but im often on the computer they go after tha i mtrying to stay off:Pso people survive brain cancer?
A: i look it up for you and i hope this answers your question : Cell phones and cancer are in the news all the time now it seems. But almost everyone uses cell phones. All over the world, tens of millions of people are pressing them against their heads for hours every day. In the U.S. it is estimated that there were at least 100 million cell phone users, as of early 2002, and that number has continued to climb. So what’s the fuss? Is cancer caused by cell phones a serious concern, or the media’s panic-du-jour?A cell phone, and a household cordless phone, use a low level form of microwave radiation to send and receive their signals. (see “How do cell phones work” here.) Microwaves, as you know, are used to cook food. As the radiation penetrates tissue it causes it to heat.Is this a problem for us with cell phones? That is the current debate. Let’s examine the positions and the known evidence, without hype or prejudice. As always, EHSO will provide citations and links to the sources of any evidence provided, so you can verify it for yourself. ——————————————————————————–ope this answers your question
Do I have brain cancer , if i do, well will i die?
Q: NOTE PLEASE READ THE WHOLE THING BEOFRE ANSWERING!IF YOUD DON”T TELL ME I WON”T BE MAD< HOWEVER I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW!Alright, so HI, i am a girl 13 years old, but i am turning 14 in about 3 months. I got a cell phone in grade 6 and two days later i had a terrible migraine, i convinced my mom to take me to the doctor and they said i had a migraine(it lasted 7 whole days!) they said i would get them because my mom has migraines every 6 months that are so bad she cant get out of bed.So i played with my new phone, talking while charging, texting talking a lot, until i found out that ou they can give you brain cancer, i stopped immediately using my home portable phone for hours. Till today even! So anyways about 6 months ago even longer i cannot remember i started seeing stars randomly, like one or 2 of them coming in bright colours not disrupting me but enough to make me scared. I also started getting weird pains in my head, like okay well, do this:touch the back of your head in the centre, then move your fingers 2 inches to the right, 2 inches up and 1 inch to the left. there, well about there i get thiss pain like a vain or something going deep in there sort of attatched to me eye pull, or feelslike stuff is going there, its weird, throbs for 30 seconds goes away and sometimes comes back. This happened for weeks, then all of the symptoms stopped. Then some time later they started and stopped, all over again. Npw this pain comes rarely , comes like 3 times in a day hurts and stops, and again a few days or wekks, or months later! Its so weird! (sometimes i get ringing or high pitched squeals in my right ear as well but that goes away too, my friend says she gets is also .) i twitch a lot sometimes, in my veins or muscles but doesnt everybody now and again? I told my mo this i told her i might have brain cancer, she said i don’t, she said if i did i would have bad headaches, seizures and stuff, and tumoors are rare in kids. I said wha if im different? and she said if i had this for months now and they didnt get worse( stopping actually or decreasing) i probably dont. I told my doctor this all my twitches and weird pains and he said that if i get this anf the pani lasts for only a few seconds and goes away coming casually we dont worry about it. i am a hypochondriac and my mom is sick of hearing such outbursts, so im scared.You know what, today i faked a big headache, i think ill do this till she gets me an MRI ..She said if i dont have symptoms they wont take me in , they will but in tso long because ppl need MRI’s..So what do you think?( did have an eating disorder and ate unhealhy as a lack of exersice, and stay on the computer for housr, but when i bettered myself they came, not often but still…i also drink very little water..)and see, today it hapened like 5 times, mild to extreme, its lasts little its weird..i get a lot of headaches but im often on the computer they go after tha i mtrying to stay off:Pso people survive brain cancer?do they survive, will i die?i was born pre mature by 3 months my mmom said until i ws 3 i went for CAT scans and stuff, no one found anything abnormal, im healthyish, need more fuit but im okayi get these pains averyday but for so little time, varying from painful to not really that badi sleep very very well, i notice i eget these when im tired anf groggy more, i sleep deeply, just not enough(school days) so happy look!
A: u knw for a while i went through the same thing. I had this occassional headache and when i browsed the net i found out that it could be a symptom of brain cancer and then i went to see the doctor and she said i had sinuses. For a while though i always thought that IT IS CANCER and after that i started imaging leg pin coz i heard this young girl passed from bone cancer in her leg and i went to see another doctor. I actually cried for several nights thinking that i had bone cancer but after all i jst came to terms with the fact that IT WAS ALL IN MY HEAD. believe me when u think that u hve pain then U HVE IT but the fact is there is no pain and its jst in ur head and ur jst payin too much attention. God frbid, even if u had brain cancer who said ur gonna die from it??? i knw a family member who had a brain tumor and she is alive and healthy now!! its all in god’s hands and no1 knws wats gonna happen to us. So for now jst STOP THINKING ABOUT IT coz ur gonna jst make it worse. If it puts ur mind at rest go to c doctor but brain cancer has symptoms and i dnt think u hve brain cancer.
Is this a brain tumour, or worse brain cancer!?
Q: Okay, so I have posted this question before, but i have to post it again for more answers and i will tell you details, that may better help you decide.Alright, so HI, i am a girl 13 years old, but i am turning 14 in about 3 months. I got a cell phone in grade 6 and two days later i had a terrible migraine, i convinced my mom to take me to the doctor and they said i had a migraine(it lasted 7 whole days!) they said i would get them because my mom has migraines every 6 months that are so bad she cant get out of bed.So i played with my new phone, talking while charging, texting talking a lot, until i found out that ou they can give you brain cancer, i stopped immediately using my home portable phone for hours. Till today even! So anyways about 6 months ago even longer i cannot remember i started seeing stars randomly, like one or 2 of them coming in bright colours not disrupting me but enough to make me scared. I also started getting weird pains in my head, like okay well, do this:touch the back of your head in the centre, then move your fingers 2 inches to the right, 2 inches up and 1 inch to the left. there, well about there i get thiss pain like a vain or something going deep in there sort of attatched to me eye pull, or feelslike stuff is going there, its weird, throbs for 30 seconds goes away and sometimes comes back. This happened for weeks, then all of the symptoms stopped. Then some time later they started and stopped, all over again. Npw this pain comes rarely , comes like 3 times in a day hurts and stops, and again a few days or wekks, or months later! Its so weird! (sometimes i get ringing or high pitched squeals in my right ear as well but that goes away too, my friend says she gets is also .) i twitch a lot sometimes, in my veins or muscles but doesnt everybody now and again? I told my mo this i told her i might have brain cancer, she said i don’t, she said if i did i would have bad headaches, seizures and stuff, and tumoors are rare in kids. I said wha if im different? and she said if i had this for months now and they didnt get worse( stopping actually or decreasing) i probably dont. I told my doctor this all my twitches and weird pains and he said that if i get this anf the pani lasts for only a few seconds and goes away coming casually we dont worry about it. i am a hypochondriac and my mom is sick of hearing such outbursts, so im scared.You know what, today i faked a big headache, i think ill do this till she gets me an MRI ..She said if i dont have symptoms they wont take me in , they will but in tso long because ppl need MRI’s..So what do you think?( did have an eating disorder and ate unhealhy as a lack of exersice, and stay on the computer for housr, but when i bettered myself they came, not often but still…i also drink very little water..)and see, today it hapened like 5 times, mild to extreme, its lasts little its weird..i get a lot of headaches but im often on the computer they go after tha i mtrying to stay off:Pso people survive brain cancer?do they survive, will i die?i was born pre mature by 3 months my mmom said until i ws 3 i went for CAT scans and stuff, no one found anything abnormal, im healthyish, need more fuit but im okayi get these pains averyday but for so little time, varying from painful to not really that bad
A: Cancer, especially a brain tumor or cancer grows extremely fast . . if you had cancer every one would know it by now. Cancer is a progressive disease which means it starts as a single microscopic cell that loses the ability to stop growing. What this means is that the cell will grow very fast by replicating and multiplying until it is a tumor and the tumor will grow very fast too . . weeks to months . .not years. In the case of a brain tumor they grow fast and there is no place for them to go . . they can be seen because eventually the push out through the skull. It is doubtful that you have brain cancer . . . but you should go back to the doctor to be checked for the migranes . . it is possible that the migranes are being caused by a flood of hormones normally brought about by puberty. You should get treatment for the migranes.
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