Is it better to use tanning lotion

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Self tanning lotions are best for your skin. Sun and tanning beds can cause skin cancer. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it better to use tanning lotion
Why do You Get Better Results When Using a Tanning Lotion??
When you tan using sunless tanning products, indoor tanning lotion, or tanning supplies, you are controlling the tanning process through Magnification, Moisturizing, and Skin Conditioning. When you can control light exposure, skin moisture,…
Is it better to use tanning oil or tanning lotion in a tanning be…?
TANNING OILS DO RUIN TANNING BEDS. Please do not use an oil in a bed. Be careful where you buy your lotion from. Most salons severely jack up the price on lotions. To find a wide variety of lotions at reasonable prices, look on ebay. I buy …
What is the best tanning lotion to use outside?
Out of the 12 brands I bought, I’ve tried/tested them all. I prefer “Hot” from Australian Gold, (this is my personal preference) there are numerous better quality and more expensive products in the market but I prefer this one. I …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is it better to use tanning oil or tanning lotion in a tanning bed?
Q: Is it better to use tanning oil or tanning lotion in a tanning bed? Im deciding which to use, because ive heard from people that tanning oil ruins the tanning bed is this true???Any information about tanning lotions and oils would be greatly appreciated Thank you!
A: TANNING OILS DO RUIN TANNING BEDS. Please do not use an oil in a bed. Be careful where you buy your lotion from. Most salons severely jack up the price on lotions. To find a wide variety of lotions at reasonable prices, look on ebay. I buy all of my tanning lotion from there. It’s also extremely safe to order off there when you pay with paypal. I do not like lotions with a bronzer or tingle. I just like accelerators. The classic is australian gold accelerator. It’s great; should cost about 15 on ebay, but 20 in a salon prob. I have tried a few lotions from the millenium tan line and have been disappointed. I would not recommend them. California tan is a line with some good lotions. Have fun shopping for lotions!!
is European gold a good tanning lotion to use in a tanning bed?
Q: i bought european gold tanning lotion today with 7 level bronzing lotion in it. is that a good lotion to use if you have fair skin? im also using a high pressure bed if that helps.
A: I can tell you this, my friend bought this same lotion and she used it, and it worked for her. I just went out and bought the lotion for myself today and am hoping to have the same results that my friend had.
Can I use body lotion as tanning lotion?
Q: Good tanning lotion is expensive and i think it does the same thing as your standard body lotion, which is just moisturize the skin to hold the tan better. Will using body lotion work the same as tanning lotion? Is it better than using no lotion at all? Will it act like sun block?
A: it needs to have an SPF in it. Because that keeps you from getting fried and helps protect a little against the cancer. But not much. lol
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