Can you get liver cancer

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Liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma) is a cancer arising from the liver. It is also known as primary liver cancer or hepatoma. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you get liver cancer
Can you get liver cancer
Liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma) is a cancer arising from the liver. It is also known as primary liver cancer or hepatoma.
How do you get liver cancer?
There is no one known cause for developing liver cancer rather there are risk factors like Hepatitis B and C, cirrhosis, obesity, diabetes, race and gender can all play a role. Learn more online. You can find more information here: http://w…
Who gets Liver cancer?
Profile for Liver cancer: In the United States, liver cancer occurs more often in people over age 60 than in younger people. Gender Profile for Liver cancer: Men 2:1 women. Gender Profile for Liver cancer: Men are twice as likely as women t…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can someone please explain metastatic liver cancer to me? What is the cure rate?
Q: Can someone please explain metastatic liver cancer to me? My mother has this type of cancer. I know that it means the cancer started in her colon and spread to her liver, but I don’t know much of anything else…What is the cure rate? Am I more likely to get this cancer because my mother has it? Is it curable? Any information would be great! Thank you.
A: Metastatic liver cancer means the cancer started in her liver and spread to another part of the body. Usually the lungs or the bones. What you are describing below your question is colon cancer with mets to the liver. Either one is a stage 4 cancer and is very unlikely to be curable. However, treatment may extend life expectancy depending upon the extent of the mets and if the primary tumor was completely removed. Her oncologist would be the best person to ask. It is recommended that you begin colonoscopies when you ar 10 years younger than the age your mother was at diagnosis.
Is there a cure for liver cancer? How long can you live with liver cancer?
Q: My friend had a body scan today and her liver was highlighted for having cancer. The doctor hasn;t given her a sure answer, but she has all the symptoms of liver cancer. Is there a cure? How long can she live? She thinks she’s going to die, is this true? She found out she had cancer in other parts of her body, like her thyroid, so they removed it. Her bone scan came back negative for cancer. She has a brain tumor and a tumor on her pituatary gland, but the doctor says that nothing is connected. She’s been to so many doctors and his losing hope. No one can tell her what’s going on with her body. As soon as one thing gets better, another goes wrong. SHe is my best-friend and I’m looking for hope. She’s only 37 and has a beautiful baby girl. Any answers are appreciated.
A: Liver cancer is treatable. Treatable means you can have the affected portion removed (ablated or resected) and then undergo chemo and/or radiation. Thyroid cancer is also treatable.You say the doctors don’t think they are connected, this is a good sign. None of us can tell what her prognosis is since none of us are treating her, but what is of utmost importance is her being positive. If she is positive, wants to fight for her life, finds strength in her little girl, and turns herself into a warrior, she can defeat it.Please go to this site for more info and i strongly recommend you join a support group, for her sake and yours.
Can you get liver cancer by writing on your hand?
Q: My friend came up to me all freaked out and she said some guy came up to her and looked at her pen-written hand, and said: You’re gonna get liver cancer in 50 yrs cuz u write on ur hand in pen. My friend and I both write on our hands a lot, so i was wondering if this rumor was true.
A: That’s ridiculous.
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