How does someone know of they have cancer

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Common symptoms of cancer include: * extreme exhaustion * swelling or lumps in certain parts of the body, such as the abdomen or neck * headaches * blurred vision * nausea * problems with walking or balance * unusual bleeding Thanks and ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How does someone know of they have cancer
How does someone know of they have cancer
Common symptoms of cancer include: * extreme exhaustion * swelling or lumps in certain parts of the body, such as the abdomen or neck * headaches * blurred vision * nausea * problems with walking or balance * unusual bleeding Thanks and Cha…
Someone I know has breast cancer. What can I say to her??
Right now, just tell her you’re so sorry; by all means tell her you’ll be there for her, but only if you mean it. The most important thing when you talk is to be a good listener – allow her to talk about her cancer and her fears if she need…
How To Know Someone With Cancer
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Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How to acknowledge someone with cancer when they don’t want to be treated differently?
Q: I have recently been informed from my mother that a relative of mine has been diagnosed with cancer. We’ve been told that this person didn’t want to tell anyone and doesn’t want to be treated differently. How can you support this person during this time and acknowledge the fact that you know without treating them differently. My heart goes out to this person and I’d like to do something but don’t want to make them feel bad. Please tell me what I can do?
A: They may feel that people act differently towards them. They don’t want anyone to feel sorry for them. Possibly they have not come to terms with what is going on, yet. They also could be embarrassed that they are in this situation. Just let them know that you are there when or if they would like to talk about how they are feeling. When the time comes if they need help tell them to just ask, other wise go on with your normal life and act as you normally do towards them. In my situation I didn’t want anyone to know until I was sure what was going on. But for me helped to talk about how I was feeling and my fears. But please don’t ask every time you see them how are they feeling today. I get so tired of that. My parents never before asked how I was feeling everyday, now they do. Just treat them normal, because we are, we just have a disease that we cant help that we have. If they want to talk about it they eventually will. Sorry that you are having such a difficult time trying to relate to them. Be yourself. God Bless!
how does someone know if they have breast cancer?
Q: how do you find out if someone has breast cancer? what about skin cancer? how many different kinds of cancers are there?
A: Some people find a breast lump or notice a change in their breasts, and go to a doctor; if the doctor is concerned, they are referred to a specialist clinic for tests.Others may have no symptoms, but lumps or other irregularities are discovered by a routine mammogram.Either way, they only know they have breast cancer after tests, including a biopsy or biopsies, have confirmed it.
How would a cancer victim eventually die if he/she never knew they had cancer?
Q: What I’m asking is, if someone with cancer never went to the doctor and therefore never knew they had cancer, how would they eventually die? Would it be painful? Would it take longer without radiation treatments, etc? I suppose it would depend on the type of cancer, but does anyone have thoughts on this?
A: It really just depends on the patient, the cancer and how advanced it is.They may die of the symptoms such as lung tumor crushing the heart.A brain tumor causing brain damage and then death.A liver tumor causing liver failure.I would think that the symptoms before hand would be more painful than the actual death.
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