Can you get red blotches on your face from ringworm

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Can you get red blotches on your face from ringworm”,you can compare them.

Facial ringworm (tinea faciale), also known as tinea faciei or ringworm of the face, is a common, non-cancerous (benign) fungal infection of the surface (superficial) skin of the face. It is red and blotchy. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you get red blotches on your face from ringworm
Can you get red blotches on your face from ringworm
Facial ringworm (tinea faciale), also known as tinea faciei or ringworm of the face, is a common, non-cancerous (benign) fungal infection of the surface (superficial) skin of the face. It is red and blotchy.
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