What does DMSO used for

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Dimethyl sulfoxide is an industrial solvent, a by-product of making paper, which has been promoted as an alter.cancer treatment. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-dmso-used-for ]
More Answers to “What does DMSO used for
What is dmso used for?
DMSO is a medication that is used to treat joint and muscle pain. It has been taken by many athletes. it also stimulates your immune system.
Why is DMSO used as a control?
Many test compounds (drugs, inhibitors, etc) are not soluble in water and therefore dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) is used as a solvent instead. The compound dissolved in DMSO is what is used to treat the cell or animal and therefore you must pro…
Why is DMSO used to dissolve drugs?
No DMSO penetrates the skin, and takes along whatever is dissolved in it. Not every drug can be dissolved in DMSO. Very few drugs can penetrate the skin. DMSO supposedly has amazing curative properties of its own, but no one has shown how D…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can DMSO be used to ferry anything across your skin??
Q: What are the limitations (molecular shapes, sizes and/or masses) for DMSO to ferry substances through the skin. Does anyone know the correct concentration for penetrating the skin (I have heard 70-90%). Any help would be much appreciated.does anyone even have any idea of what I am talking about.
A: Yes DMSO can ferry just about anything through the skin barrier.BUT BE VERY CAREFULL. It can also ferry bacteria and viruses. So make sure you have sterilized the area with alcohol swabs first. Also DMSO has a tendency to “blister” some people if applied above the waist. I can’t stress enough about the dangers of DMSO. So make sure you wash the area it’s to be applied to and use alcohol to sterilize. If precautions are taken DMSO can be very helpful. Your concentration percentages are correct pretty much anywhere in that area will work.
What do you use DMSO for?
Q: Can it be used to manufacture odours of the 3rd kind?
A: Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is an organic solvent. It has many properties. It was once used in drug systems where the drug would be dissolved in DMSO and then applied on a patch to the skin. This was due to that DMSO could be absorbed through the skin with any dissolved compounds in it. Patients often noticed that they would taste something in there mouth then using his method. It is not used nowadays as DMSO is found to be dangerous to health.One of the main uses is its use as a reaction solvent in organic systems, due to is high boiling point and its ability to dissolve organic compounds. It is specially used then you need higher temperatures to kick start a reaction.Another use is in NMR studies were deuterated DMSO or d-6 DMSO is used. With the hydrogen being replaced with deaturium they do not show up on a proton NMR spectra. It is the second mostly commonly use solvent for this purpose then compounds don’t dissolved in deuterated chloroform.
If you use DMSO as a dietary supplement, could you tell me which brand, etc. you buy?
Q: Also, what dose do you use, do you have a link to the specific DMSO product you use?Thanks.P.S.: I know that it is a solvent, and I know exactly what it does. It *can* be handled and taken safely. So if you are one of the people who don’t think others should use it for health reasons, your answer isn’t going to help.
A: I’ve been using it for years but only as a cream to put on my shoulders and elbows before going to the gym and it works perfectly. I buy mine from IhealthTree.com and use the DMSO cream with aloe and rose scented with 70% DMSO and 30% aloe vera in the 4 oz. jar and they are now having a sale on the DMSO. It has the orange label on it.
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