Can you have cancer of the earlobe

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Basal Cell Carcinoma (a form of skin cancer) is commonly found on the earlobe and other sun exposed areas of the skin. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you have cancer of the earlobe
Can You Get Cancer On Your Earlobe?
You can get cancer anywhere in or on the body.
Is there usch a thing as earlobe cancer?
I would not jump to the conclusion that the lump is cancer. It could be any number of things. I would go to see your family doctor to have it checked out which will put your mind at ease. But to answer your question, there is not a ear lobe…
Can you have cancer inside your earlobe?
Yes you can indeed. If you are concerned, make an appointment with your physician. There are several other possibilities for the bump. can you have cancer inside your earlobe? Keyword

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there are 3 swollen lymph nodes on left side of neck and dr can’t find a cause…what could it be?! STRESSED?
Q: Okay I have been in and out of the doctor since march with sinus infections. I even had a high fever of 103 on June 9th and went into the dr with a really bad sore throat. He gave me an antibiotic and I was well within a couple weeks. At the time he didn’t do a strep test nor did he do a blood test for mono. Well….on this past Monday, July 6 I was putting on my makeup and noticed a swollen tender lymph node right under my ear lobe! Like I can feel my earlobe and the swollen node at the same time. I have never had a swollen lymph node in that area. It is on the left side of my neck. I went into the doctor on Wednesday and he couldn’t find anything. No ear infection, no sore throat…NOTHING! So he ordered blood work. He isn’t going to be back in the office until Monday, but I talked to the nurse today and she said that my CMP bloodwork came back fine however my Hemoglobin was a 15.1 and my WBC was slightly elevated. I think they want it to be a 10.5 and mine was an 11.4 maybe?! Anyway I found another swollen node in my neck today on the same side. There are 3 total swollen lymph nodes and I have no idea what’s causing it. I have a 2 year old son and wonderful husband and after reading all this stuff on the internet I am afraid of cancer. Does anyone know what could be causing this and do you think it might be cancer? Please be honest with me….Btw…my sore throat went away within about 2 weeks now I have no symptoms of anything…oh and he did do a mono test on Thursday along with all the blood work! The mono was negative!Therefore, I have been well for almost a month now…with no symptoms or signs of anything….The lymph nodes are not as tender as they were….actually they’re barely even tender at all. I am so worried about cancer and can’t go back to the dr. until Monday….
A: Your lymph nodes most likely are due to infection. You said yourself that you have had recurrent sinus infections which may be the cause. They were very tender when they first came up which is very indicative of infection and the tenderness is decreasing now because the infection is settling. Lymph nodes can sometimes take a while to go down and sometimes they never do. But your story sounds exceptionally unlikely to be cancer. See your doctor Monday who will feel them and be able to tell you if they feel suspicious at all. I doubt they will. Relax.
I am so stressed because I have swollen lymph nodes in my neck and no cause..Please Help! Serious answers only?
Q: Okay I have been in and out of the doctor since march with sinus infections. I even had a high fever of 103 on June 9th and went into the dr with a really bad sore throat. He gave me an antibiotic and I was well within a couple weeks. At the time he didn’t do a strep test nor did he do a blood test for mono. Well….on this past Monday, July 6 I was putting on my makeup and noticed a swollen tender lymph node right under my ear lobe! Like I can feel my earlobe and the swollen node at the same time. I have never had a swollen lymph node in that area. It is on the left side of my neck. I went into the doctor on Wednesday and he couldn’t find anything. No ear infection, no sore throat…NOTHING! So he ordered blood work. He isn’t going to be back in the office until Monday, but I talked to the nurse today and she said that my CMP bloodwork came back fine however my Hemoglobin was a 15.1 and my WBC was slightly elevated. I think they want it to be a 10.5 and mine was an 11.4 maybe?! Anyway I found another swollen node in my neck today on the same side. There are 3 total swollen lymph nodes and I have no idea what’s causing it. I have a 2 year old son and wonderful husband and after reading all this stuff on the internet I am afraid of cancer. Does anyone know what could be causing this and do you think it might be cancer? Please be honest with me….oh and he did do a mono test on Thursday along with all the blood work! The mono was negative!
A: Answerthis gave a very good and accurate answer. I would like to add you do not have symptoms of lymphoma. Your blood work does not suggest lymphoma and swollen nodes while feeling fine are indications they are doing their job well.
3 lymph nodes on left side of neck swollen…no symptoms please help! Serious answers only please!?
Q: Okay I have been in and out of the doctor since march with sinus infections. I even had a high fever of 103 on June 9th and went into the dr with a really bad sore throat. He gave me an antibiotic and I was well within a couple weeks. At the time he didn’t do a strep test nor did he do a blood test for mono. Well….on this past Monday, July 6 I was putting on my makeup and noticed a swollen tender lymph node right under my ear lobe! Like I can feel my earlobe and the swollen node at the same time. I have never had a swollen lymph node in that area. It is on the left side of my neck. I went into the doctor on Wednesday and he couldn’t find anything. No ear infection, no sore throat…NOTHING! So he ordered blood work. He isn’t going to be back in the office until Monday, but I talked to the nurse today and she said that my CMP bloodwork came back fine however my Hemoglobin was a 15.1 and my WBC was slightly elevated. I think they want it to be a 10.5 and mine was an 11.4 maybe?! Anyway I found another swollen node in my neck today on the same side. There are 3 total swollen lymph nodes and I have no idea what’s causing it. I have a 2 year old son and wonderful husband and after reading all this stuff on the internet I am afraid of cancer. Does anyone know what could be causing this and do you think it might be cancer? Please be honest with me….Btw…my sore throat went away within about 2 weeks now I have no symptoms of anything…oh and he did do a mono test on Thursday along with all the blood work! The mono was negative!
A: Please see my answer to your same question three hours ago. It was quite extensive.
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