Is red meat linked to cancer

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Red and processed meats have been associated with an elevated risk with colorectal cancer. ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is red meat linked to cancer
Why might red meat be linked to bowel cancer??
It’s not certain why red meat may be linked to an increased risk of bowel cancer. Some researchers believe it may be linked to how the meat is cooked. When meat is cooked in a direct flame or at high temperatures, cancer-causing substances …
Is there a link between red meat and cancer?
A tricky one, but again it’s about related factors. If you eat nothing but red meat, chances are you’re not eating the kind of vegetables which might help protect against certain cancers (broccoli, cabbage, beetroot etc). If there is a link…
Does red meat cause colon cancer
People who eat a lot of red meat or processed meats may be raising their risk for colon cancer. Thanks for using ChaCha!

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Red meat linked to cancer?
Q: So, I’ve hear that red meat as well as processed meats can increase the risk of developing cancer. My father adores the stuff and makes a habit of stocking our freezer with tons of it. It appears to be a staple anymore, however, its only been this past year that he’s purchased this much, though we would frequently have it in previous years. I’ve had rectal bleeding (yes, it’s gross D:<), but I’ve also had fissures as a result of IBS. I’m only 19. Is this an issue? Might I have developed cancer already and don’t know it or I’m I worrying too much? I don’t seem to have any other cancerous symptoms. Sorry for the long story. I’m kind of a mild hypochondriac
A: A diet high in red and processed meats is a known risk factor for colorectal cancers.A diet high in meat and fat may be a possible risk factor for pancreatic cancer, and a diet high in red and processed meats is thought to be a possible risk factor for stomach cancer.So no, red meat isn’t ‘linked to cancer’, it’s linked to a very few types of cancer when eaten in large quantities.And, as Panda points out, like most cancers colorectal cancer mainly occurs in older people and is very rare in young people
red meat is linked to colon cancer, so are there a lot of people?
Q: in Argentia who have colon cancer???
A: The chances of you developing colon cancer are very slim, and there are many conditions which cause bleeding. If it is bleeding alone, without any cramping, pain, etc then the chances are even slimmer. HOWEVER, you do need to get in contact with a doctor and infact, since you have a first relative with colon cancer you should do regular colonoscopies (every year), there are pre-cancerous stages in the colon which can be detected with colonoscopies and that can prevent the cancer from happening all together. Best of luck.
red meat link to cancer.?
Q: well we have had smoking, then alcohol, now red meats contribute to cancer, you see i dont think they still know what causes cancer,they are clutching at straws, we will all be in little bubbles before long, i will not change my lifestyle i believe when my time is up its up what do you think, i feel sorry for the bars with smoking ban then alcohol, and the farmers that may go out of bussiness due to this last statement.
A: I think clutching at straws is exactly what they are doing, my mom only ate red meat once a week, that was because it was she could afford to do, she never smoked or drank in her life, she was health conscious yet died of breast cancer, I get so damn cross when these so called experts are telling us what we can and can’t eat, I believe cancer is in the genes, in certainly has been in my family, it goes right back to my g-g-g -grandmother, I’m just in the process of having gene testing myself and no matter what the outcome is I am going carry on living my life exactly how I want to, I believe when your time is up then you go and that we cannot change.
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