Can you see a cancer tumer

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You will generally be unable to see a cancerous tumor unless it is overly big and protruding the skin. ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you see a cancer tumer
Can you see a cancer tumer
You will generally be unable to see a cancerous tumor unless it is overly big and protruding the skin. ChaCha on!

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Is there anyone out there that has had a love one die from mouth cancer and the cancer ate a hole in jaw?
Q: My mother has floor of the mouth cancer. She went thru radioation treatment but the tumer came back and it has gotten so big now. Now she has a big hole in her jaw and u can see all the way thru to the inside of her mouth. You can also see her jaw bone which is broke now where the cancer is eating everything up. I was just wondering if there is anyone else out there that has been thru this with a love one? I would like to talk to someone that has been thru what im going thru. Thank you for listening.Melissa
A: Hi there Melissa. I can totally understand what you are going through as my father has been diagnosed with a squamous cell carsinoma, which has started at the chin and gone through his mouth. I have given details about this in my question “I am confused about a cancer diagnosis”. He has just had his jaw cut out and replaced with a steel one, they usually use a leg bone but the vessels to that bone were’nt good enough. He also had other tumors removed (under tongue, neck and chin). This is an aggressive cancer and from what I have learnt, the prognosis is not good if not caught early. My fathers cancer has been staged at T4, that’s the worst stage, but at this point in time we don’t know if it has spread to the lymph nodes as the pathology report is still one week away. If it has spread, his chance of survival is very slim beyond 5 years. I hope your mum is getting the right treatment and since she has done radio and the tumor has worstened, I would say they she will have to have it removed. Don’t wait, get something done now, as my father had his surgery one week after his last MRI and the cancer had spread from there. I wish your mum well, and that you can stay strong. Please contact me if you wish to discuss this any further as there is too much to be detailed here. Good luck.
My dog has a ball on it’s leg?
Q: My 13 year old rather stupid, but sweet black lab has a ball on his left front leg. It hasn’t grown, but he does have pretty bad aurthritis, but it’s better because he used to be really fat, but I put him on a diet (not right now in the winter, though.) and so he can’t weigh more than 90 pounds. You can see his hips, and he doesn’t limp so much anymore. But what could a ball on his leg be? Please don’t guess, just give me what it could be! He doesn’t lick it or anything, and doesn’t limp on that paw, (His back legs are the weak ones.) but I’m wondering if it could be cancer, or a tumer. If it is, he’s so old, there’s no use taking it off. Unless you don’t know, 14 is about the age limit for labs, but my dogs mom lived to be 16.I think it could be because he has to strain his front legs to lift the back part of his body.Don’t you people know what hips are on a dog?! Seriosly! I don’t mean the bone, but there’s a curve, instead of fat, where his hips are, you doofus heads! Oh, and 90 pounds is NOT over weight for a labrador! They are VERY large dogs, and mine’s as large as a wolf!
A: It is a tumor. Labs are know to get tumors at old age. My dog Brandy was put to sleep in August last year, she’s a golden lab, and she was about 14 or so. We found her, so were not sure on her age. So i’m sorry to say, but he’s got a few months. At least Brandy did when we found out about the tumors, and i’m not a vet so I don’t know (i’m 14). Since your a dog person can you answer my dog question.;_ylt=AlcJ4VC84YynYxmdkweM.xXsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090303171214AA9MsFS
I have this weird bump on my ear ..what could it be ?
Q: You can’t see it ..but when I kinda squeeze my ear lobe I can feel it , and it’s not that little bump thing from my ear piercing its bigger . Lately I have been getting bitten by fleas cuz my dog got them so at first I figured it was just that but it doesn’t itch and now it’s been a week and it’s still there only a little tiny bit smaller . Do you think it might be a little tumer or should I ask my doctor ? Cancer does run in my family btw .
A: It most likely a pimple. If it last more than 2 weeks than consult your doctor. 😉
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