How much healthier is coffee than soda

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “How much healthier is coffee than soda”,you can compare them.

Coffee has health benefits affecting blood pressure, cancer cells, diabetes etc. Soda corrodes teeth, raises blood pressure etc. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How much healthier is coffee than soda
How much healthier is coffee than soda
Coffee has health benefits affecting blood pressure, cancer cells, diabetes etc. Soda corrodes teeth, raises blood pressure etc.

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How much caffeine is in green tea?
Q: I want something with some caffeine in it to wake me up in the morning, but I wanted something healthier than soda or coffee, so I was wondering how much caffeine green tea has compared to soda and coffee.
A: Actually coffee is good for you (although too much of anything is bad); it’s been proven to reduce the chances of developing Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Type II diabetes, as well as some cancer. Unfiltered coffee (espresso, vacuum brewed, french press) can increase levels of bad cholesterol slightly and promote hardening of the arteries in heavy smokers. Soda, though, is very bad.As to your question: Green tea is very low in caffeine (25mg/8oz), regular Black tea has about twice as much and White tea has about half as much. Compare that to coffee which has around 130-180mg/8oz and you see how much tea you’ll have to drink to get the same boost.
How to lose those last 10-15 pounds?
Q: I eat healthy: no soda, chips, coffee etc. I weight app. 134 and am 5’5. I lost 26 pounds from 160 and now i’m just trying to lose those last 10-15 pounds. I know that I have to increase my workouts, but I walk/run about 3.50 miles and swim, dance, play tennis, lift weights, and do exercise tapes. I really need some good advice, because I exercise so much and I really have other stuff to do throughout the days. Increasing my workouts, on the tredmill, is hard because I already walk at a 4.3 rate! I run on it too, but I can’t run straight through so I do it in incroments. I don’t want to be on the tredmill for more than an hour, especially because it is in the heat of my garage. So, if anyone has any advice, thankyou for helping me.
A: I know the feeling chick. I went from 175lbs, down to now I’m 138 and I’m the same height as you.I’m doing tae bo. (Billy Blanks) and drinking green tea and water. But still eating healthy. Try Pilates. I know it worked for me in High School. I will resort to that too eventually. I’d like to be cut, now that I’ve lost all the weight.(It is so weird to look down at the scale huh?)Congradulations on your accomplishment. I know I never get tired of hearing people tell me I look Good.. (hehe)I wish you the best, and if you need any encouragement let me know. We might need to motivate one another, I know those last 10-15 lbs are rough…Brittney
soda….and pregnancy?? how bad is it?
Q: ok, so im 9.5 weeks pregnant. I find myself drinking more pepsi now that im pregnant than before I found out I was. I drink probably 3 cans a day..sometimes less, sometimes a tad bit more. Im always telling my mother who raised 3 healthy kids…that I need to cut back on the pop. She just looks at me and says..honey, I drank as much soda and coffee as I wanted when I was pregnant and you guys turned out just fine.” I get so many mixed reviews on the topic. I dont want to be putting my baby in harm in any kind of way..but alot off ppl see nothing wrong with it. What do you think? Am I okay? Am I drinking to much….? I went to the doctor about 3 weeks ago and everything is fine and normal…so no damage im hoping?!
A: You should limit caffiene to about 200 mgs per day. A can of cola has about 35 mgs. So, three cans is within the limits.However, soda is not the best drink to have when pregnant, since it doesn’t offer any nutrition. If you can cut down and replace some of the Pepsi with milk or juice, you’d be better off. It’s advice that’s easy to give and hard to follow- I drank a ton of soda in the first half of my pregnancy, and have since gone off it altogether because I felt I was drinking too much.
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