Do most people die from cancer

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Approximately 1500 people die each day in the United States due to cancer. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Do most people die from cancer
How many people die of cancer each year?
Cancer is the leading cause of cancer and an average of 1500 people die daily from some form of cancer. Roughly 500,000 people die each year from cancer.
What percentage of people die from lung cancer
Hi There, Lung cancer is one of the most common cancers worldwide, accounting for 1.2 million new cases annually. (10) Over 3 million people have lung cancer, the majority residing in developed, industrialized countries. (10) More people di…
What did people die from before cancer?
“I think cancer has always been around.” We just know enough now to classify a death as being from cancer, or from some other cause. Before cancer was known, people used to suffer from “brain fevers”, and breathing disor…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why is Cancer so painful and Why do most people die from it?
A: Because cancer is abnormal cells multiplying wildly out of control.
How do i accept the fact that i am going to die from breast cancer?
Q: I am 27 years old last year i had stage 2 triple negative breast cancer. The tumor was 3cm and it was grade 3. I know i am going to eventually die from this disease within the next 5 years. Most people with triple negative breast cancer die within 5 years after being diagnosed. I am so young. I am only 27 i don’t want to die, but i know there is nothing i can do about it. How do i deal with this?
A: Never say never. Fight it. Attitude is very important. If someone knocks you down, get back up. If they knock you down again, get back up.Keep getting back up until you can’t get up. This means don’t give up hope.You never know what will happen.It’s not over til it’s over.
Why do people die from cancer and whats a good way to deal it?
Q: My aunt is only 40 and has 2 very young kids that love her deeply and it breaks my heart when they ask “why is mommy at the hospotal”. She has cancer all over her body and in her brain, and doesnt have much longer to live. Everyone is praying a lot and tried everything to help her, but it seems to be getting worse. I feel so bad for her kids not being able to grow up with their mom like most others. Why isnt anything working, like praying? I cant even say goodbye because she lives across the country and cant even move or talk. Its so hard dealing with this and watching my family, and her kids suffer. Please give me any type of advice that will help me make more sense of this situation and how to deal with death and my family. I have never lost anyone so close before.
A: It will hurt badly when she goes. It will probably hurt for a long time. Try to find solace in ordinary things. The grass still grows and is still a million colors of green How many do you see? meals are still served and aromas are still pleasant. Enjoy them. All is not dross. Cherish whatever is golden.Grow.
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