How do they effect the body

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Findings so far show that regular use of marijuana may cause some kinds of cancer and problems with respiratory or immune systems. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do they effect the body
Drinking water improves the efficiency of all major body organs. The liver, lungs, skin, kidneys and intestines all use water as a vehicle for cleansing. Inadequate quantities of water slow the system down and can causes you to suffer from …
What effect does marijuana have on the body?
・ Euphoria (feeling high). ・ Impaired or reduced short-term memory — the recalling of verbal or graphic material is adversely affected. … ・ Altered perception of space and time.
What effect does it have on your body?
Atkins tells you not to ‘over indulge’ as this may have unfortunate repercussions on your digestive track, as in the big ‘D’ word. Personally, I’ve eaten one of these every night for the past 2 weeks and I continue losing, maintaining weigh…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Guys. Do you think there’s a conspiracy amongst women to downplay the Axe Effect? [body spray]?
Q: I buy the stuff, the canadian version. To me the stuff works like the commercials. Chicks are talking to me allday long, looking at me funny, dudes get jealous of me for no reason – crazy things happen. Yet when you ask a lady about it they’re like “oh no! It’s gross. I hate it.” As long as they don’t know what you’re wearing they seem to like it, but the moment you tell them it’s Axe it’s like you’ve been branded as a Bad Apple. It’s like they know the stuff works, so they hate it. How do you feel? Experience the same things? What have been some of your experiences? Very interesting.
A: They probably think the commercial is sexist. If they don’t know what it is then they are intruged by you, but once they find out they feel like you want to control them and don’t want to fit into some kind of standard for commercialization.I am a woman, and it personally kills my throat and allergies. It smells good, but no one can wear it around me or I start gagging. It’s a shame really. You know, you could try obsession for men too, it tends to leave the knees of women weak and wobbly. BTW: yes, it is a conspiracy, just in case you didn’t figure that out by my answer.
How much does how attractive a female or males body effect the likeliness or probaility that you’d choose?
Q: them to go out with or be with?I know personality is really important and how pretty/handsome their face is, is also importantbut I’m interested to know from you guys/girls how attractive a males/females body if to you affects the likelihood that you’d choose them to be with?
A: It really doesn’t matter to an extent. I’d like him to be within his weight range to no more than 40 pounds over or 10 pounds under. But that isn’t set in stone either, personality can really catch you and by virtue of that personality attraction happens…just maybe not right away. I’m by no means perfect and have to work out constantly to not gain weight, and I’m not that person who loves to work out, I do it because I like to eat but don’t want to get heavy. The one thing that is must is he has to be taller than me.But that’s all water under the bridge now, I’m married and as time goes by we will both change. He’s (Thankfully) gained some weight, he was too skinny when we met.
How does drinking all day everyday effect the body?
Q: A friend of mine at the weekend could start drinking friday evening and continue all the way to sunday. Take for example the last few days. We had a session Tuesday night and new years eve. I know for a fact this person barely even stopped drinking in between this, going to the pub in the morning and drinking all day again today. What’s worse is that I dont think they even ate/ ate very very little and I think is definitely underweight at about 9 1/2 stone. It cant be good.
A: If he’s young and healthy and such a binge was a one off it shouldn’t have long lasting detrimental effects, in the short term probably just giddy dizziness followed by vomitting and a massive hangover the next day. However, if your friend is in the habbit of drinking very heavily very regulary, your friend will quicly develop alcohol dependency which is very serious as alcohol is a poison and damages every part of the body, although the liver tends to take the biggest hit. After that the organs will be damaged most quickly in proportion to how much blood supply they depend on hence the kidneys, heart and brain take massive hits but there is not a single cell in the body that will not be damaged in some way.Alcohol dependency is a very serious condition as a sudden witdrawl of alcohol can prove a fatal shock to the system yet every dose of alcohol causes more damage so the sooner the patient is weaned off alcohol the better and with the exception of the brain which can rewire itself due to massive redundancy all other parts of the body can regenerate if the problem is treated soon enough.Unfortunately there is very little you can do except be informed and be a friend in case you are needed. If your friend has a problem he or she will have to realise for themselves that they have a problem and seek help and that’s where you come in. If you try to help before they ask for help you will only make the situation worse.
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