Do you get skin cancer if you don’t put on lotion

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If you go outside a lot and never put on sunscreen, it is possible that you will get skin cancer in the future. Always wear sunscreen! ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
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Do you get skin cancer if you don’t put on lotion’t-put-on-lotion
If you go outside a lot and never put on sunscreen, it is possible that you will get skin cancer in the future. Always wear sunscreen! ChaCha on!

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I think I have breast cancer?
Q: How are the bumps suppose to feel like?? I feel bumps but on the left side only, one is bigger then the other (you can tell by just looking at it too), it always get sore, and there is a dark dry skin around it even tho I put so much lotion. That’s all that’s going on right now, so far. I’m just wondering if those are the symptoms and if I need to get checked at the doctors just in case. Do you think I might have it? Or its not a big deal, like its whatever. I don’t have a family history of breast cancer.Serious question please mature answers.
A: Don’t ever take a chance with cancer. 90% of all cancer survivors beat cancer because it was caught early. If you do not detect it within the first several months the survival rate drops from about 80% to 40%. Go get it checked ASAP. It’s better to worry about nothing than lose everything. I hope it’s nothing, or at least less serious than cancer. There’s only one way to find out. Good luck! 🙂
TANNING OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
Q: So it’s almost spring break and I need to go tan before summer. I’m pretty fair, olive skin color or yellow since I’m Korean. I said yellow LOL no not like the simpsons. SO I need to go get a tan somewhere at a tanning salon. I live in the suburb area of illinois so all I see are LA Tan and some other ones that I can’t remember. Which do you girls recommend? Which is better the stand up tanning or the bed tanning? What level should I do? What do I need before I go get a tan, because I don’t want to buy the products there, way too expensive… so like bring tanning goggles? Oh and do I put on tanning lotion that brown stuff before I tan? Am I tanning my face as also, should I wear sunscreen lotion on my face since I don’t want to get those freckle looking stuff…OMG I don’t know what to do. AND please don’t give me crap about skin disease, cancer, etc. I need some color in my life. Need to excentuate my muscle and lean body for a beach body. You know what they say people with nice bodies do tan often. LOL I’m totally joking. I’m just saying if you’re not going to help answer my question please don’t bother replying.
A: Lol I totally get ya dear. I tan everyday.My advice would be if you haven’t tanned at all go buy like a month unlimited at a tanning salon and only start out with about 8 min. and up it each time you go by 2 minutes so you can go gradual and so you don’t burn cuz if you do burn you have to wait until that heals and basically start over. If you don’t want white arm pits do the stand up bed and if you don’t really care do the lay down beds. Either way you’ll still get dark. You don’t need to buy goggles or anything they provide that for you but I do recommend buying the tanning lotion there even if it is expensive because it helps you tan WAY better then any other type of lotion and you get way darker faster and the tan lasts longer. Don’t wear sunscreen. It won’t do anything. You do want to tan your face. Also if you want to get darker faster what I do is I buy the Jergens natural glow lotion in Tan because that way it will get you darker but don’t start using that until you tan in a bed a few times(you don’t want to get orange&blotchy) That’s what I do. Also my tip would be if you burn easily on your chest and face like I do but tan everywhere else good I put a towel over that whole area just so I don’t burn while still getting the rest of my body tanner.Hope that helps : )
Basic questions about tanning (salon and natural)?
Q: First, I would like to say DO NOT PREACH YOUR “Well, tanning leads to cancer, and people with cancer die” ON HERE. I am completely aware, okay?Salon Questions:1. If I go into a bed, what do I have to wear? I don’t really want tanning lines, but I would feel uncomfortable without my bottoms on, so could I just wear bottoms and no top?2. I’m looking for a base tan, and I have ivory light skin with freckles, what type of lotion would I need to get to get the fastest tan. I don’t burn, I just don’t get darker, and if I do, it’s barely any. I’ve heard tinglers? Could someone explain those and how fast they work and what they do?3. What will I have to do to prepare myself for it? Exfoliate my skin? Wear no make up? tye my hair up?4. Does it really help clear or bacne?5. Would I have to put the lotion everywhere? My back? Feet? Top of feet? Hands? Ears and everything?6. I have freckles, would it make them more noticable and darken my skin?7. Can I bring my iPod?8. How long will it last after I get my base tan?Natural Tanning:I’m going to Houston, Texas for Spring Break and I’m going to go the the beach to tan, not swim1.How do I make sure my face gets just as tan as my face, because right now it’s paler? Would I have to no use makeup because that contains SPF?2. What is the best way to get a bronze the fastest, and how long would I have to sit out in the sun?3. When do I flip, and whens the best time in the day to go tanning?4. How long outside will it take to get a basetan, if I don’t go to a tanning salon before?5. Will this decrease bacne too?Sorry this is so much!I appreciate those of you who actually answer my questions and don’t yell at me!Thanks!I wouldn’t get a spray tan because it would cover up my freckles and I love my freckles and it would look really fake if one day I just happened to have all of my freckles disappear, so no thanks.
A: woah you got a lot of them, I’ll see how many I can answer.1. If I go into a bed, what do I have to wear? I don’t really want tanning lines, but I would feel uncomfortable without my bottoms on, so could I just wear bottoms and no top? Yes, when you tan in a tanning salon you have a private room so you can tan wearing whatever you want, whatever makes you feel comfortable. You could even not wear a top, its actually the most common way to tan indoors..2. I’m looking for a base tan, and I have ivory light skin with freckles, what type of lotion would I need to get to get the fastest tan. I don’t burn, I just don’t get darker, and if I do, it’s barely any. I’ve heard tinglers? Could someone explain those and how fast they work and what they do? If you just want a base tan you don’t need to tan that many times before you achieve one with or without any type of lotion, maybe 3-4 times depending on how strong the bulbs of the salon are. What tinglers are is it “stimulates” your blood cells to produce more melanin which is what gives you the color of your skin, and by having excess it increases your chance of being tan. I’m not sure how long you have to get a base tan but you might not even need to use any lotionn..Also tinglers aren’t reccomended for first time tanners, so maybe go a few times before using one to get use to it. They tingle your skin and make you even warmer when tanning.. I’m not exactly sure how long it will take to get your base tan using one, I usually use lotions.3. What will I have to do to prepare myself for it? Exfoliate my skin? Wear no make up? tye my hair up?You don’t really need to prepare yourself..I tie up my hair which you’ll probably want to do too. But I have not noticed a difference if I wear makeup or not.4. Does it really help clear or bacne?Yes, it helps to clear bacne, I actually had it pretty bad before I started tanning and then I started tanning before my senior prom and after I stopped tanning for about a year before I started again and I still don’t have many problems with bacne, I’ll get a few here or a few there but otherwise it worked wonders for me. 5. Would I have to put the lotion everywhere? My back? Feet? Top of feet? Hands? Ears and everything?No you don’t HAVE to put lotion everywhere..I only put it on my legs, arms, hands, feet, chest, and stomach. Most people can’t fully lotion their own back so I don’t even bother because why only lotion half? The bottom of your feet and behind your ears no, even if you did you wouldn’t be able to show it off so it would just really be a waste of lotion. Other then that its up to you where you lotion and where you don’t..6. I have freckles, would it make them more noticable and darken my skin?I suppose that all depends on your skin, my cousin tans and has a bunch of freckles, it helps hide hers. My friend doesn’t tan indoors but when she tans her freckles become more noticable and her skin darkens..7. Can I bring my iPod?You can however the UV lights fry the battery of your ipod, theres no set time in how long it will take for his to happen. Probably more then just once or twice. But I don’t suggest taking it with you..most tanning salons have a radio in every room for you to listen to, I’ve even been to a few places with cd players too. Or I have an FM transmitter for my ipod that doesn’t need to be plugged in so I would bring that and lay it outside of the bed on the floor, but I can’t tell you how many times I’ve almost forgotten it!8. How long will it last after I get my base tan?It will depend how frequently you continue to go its reccomended 1-2 times a week to maintain a tan. If you just want a base tan and then don’t plan on continuing tanning it will still probably last at least a month or two.Natural Tanning:I’m going to Houston, Texas for Spring Break and I’m going to go the the beach to tan, not swim1.How do I make sure my face gets just as tan as my face, because right now it’s paler? Would I have to no use makeup because that contains SPF? I think you ment to say “how do I make my face just as tan as my skin” I’m not quite sure on this one, but my guess is using spf makeup will help..and personally for me if I’m outside my face just gets tanner as the rest of my body might just be different currently because of winter?2. What is the best way to get a bronze the fastest, and how long would I have to sit out in the sun?There are tanning lotions simliar to the ones you use indoors that you can use outdoors, they have bronzing ones that would obviously help you create a bronze tan asap! For how long you would have to sit it all depends on your skin, I can be in the sun for 30 minutes and get some color my cousin can sit out for 3 hours and finally have the same ammount of color I have..I think it has a lot to do with your haritage, and natural skin tones. My cousin and I share our polish haritage, however I have things like Italian in me which make me have a d
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