Does breast milk help fight cancer

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Breastfeeding helps defend against infections, prevent allergies, and protect against a number of chronic conditions. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does breast milk help fight cancer
Does breast milk help fight cancer
Breastfeeding helps defend against infections, prevent allergies, and protect against a number of chronic conditions.

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co-sleeping and not loving it?
Q: My baby is 8 months old and since he has been breast fed up until now it was easier for him to sleep with my husband and I. Now that I am going through cancer treatment, the meds have started drying up my milk and its best that he switch to a bottle. The problem is he fights literally ALL night long about sleeping in his crib and now we get NO sleep. Does anyone know of anything that might help me? I have tried crib in my room, crib in his room (where it is now), a little rice in formula (because until now he ate 3 times at night), white noise, heartbeat bear, shirt i wore all day with my smell on it…….all the tips I have been told. Anyone know of ANYTHING else?
A: That’s a tough one. One person suggested letting him fall asleep where he wants and them moving him. I don’t know if he’ll stay asleep that way, mine wouldn’t.My next solution that I plan on trying for myself, as I’m also trying to find a solution for moving my baby from our bed to his own bed, is to take off the side of the crib that moves up and down and put the crib up against your bed. that way he is in bed with you, but in his own section. I’m literally trying this today so I can let you know how it goes for me. But with all sides of the crib up my baby refuses to sleep in it, he just screams. It might also simply take some time. It’s a big change for him to go from sleeping with you his whole life to having to be by himself. I know cancer treatments are extremely tough on your body and draining, so you might not have the strength to wait it out. I’m really sorry that you are having to go through that. I hope it all turns out well.Do you have someone that can come over and help you a few nights? Like your mother or mother-in-law? It might help just to have back up so you guys don’t have to get up every night. Or switch off with your hubby so that one of you gets sleep one night and then other the next night. I’d simply persist in having him in the crib in his own room, since you have to go through all this you may as well get it all over with. Sorry I don’t have better advice for you. I hope it works out!Best wishes for your cancer treatment.
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