If you wear a bra to bed will it give you breast cancer

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Women who wore their bras for 24 hours per day had a 3 out of 4 chance, more than 12 hour per day but not to bed had a 1 out of 7 [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/if-you-wear-a-bra-to-bed-will-it-give-you-breast-cancer ]
More Answers to “If you wear a bra to bed will it give you breast cancer
Does wearing a bra to bed give you breast cancer?
no. But to ensure you don’t block any circulation just be sure to get properly sized, ( like at a Nordstrom’s ) or a bra specialty store ( Not Victoria’s Secret – hate to say it but most of thier associates are not that well trained in th…
Will wearing a bra to bed reduce your boob size or give you breas…?
No it does not reduce your breast size nor does it cause cancer. It is suggested that you do not wear a bra to bed simply to give your skin a break and a chance to breath. It is simply more comfortable without one but it is perfectly safe t…
Can wearing a bra to bed at night give girls breast cancer??
・ No; there is no such experiment that has been performed to say that.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why do women wear bras?
Q: Increase chances of breast cancer greatly:http://www.all-natural.com/bras.htmlhttp://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2009/05/19/Can-Wearing-Your-Bra-Cause-Cancer.aspxhttp://www.chetday.com/breastcancerandbras.htmhttp://www.turbonet.com/do_bras_cause_breast_cancer.htmand they do not prevent sagging (sports bras do though) and they will appear to sag less while you wear a bra:http://www.007b.com/bra_sagging.phphttp://www.straightdope.com/columns/read/2868/do-bras-prevent-saggy-breastsAnd for those of you who don’t feel like clicking on links (one of each will get the point across, but I was showing you i didn’t just find one b.s. source) I will paste a portion from each:cancer:Says Dr. Michael Schacter, M.D. in his article, The Prevention and Complementary Treatment of Breast Cancer[2]: * Women who wore their bras 24 hours per day had a 3 out of 4 chance of developing breast cancer (in their study, n=2056 for the cancer group and n=2674 for the standard group). * Women who wore bras more than 12 hour per day but not to bed had a 1 out of 7 risk. * Women who wore their bras less than 12 hours per day had a 1 out of 152 risk. * Women who wore bras rarely or never had a 1 out of 168 chance of getting breast cancer. The overall difference between 24 hour wearing and not at all was a 125-fold difference. Over 85 percent of the lymph fluid flowing from the breast drains to the armpit lymph nodes. Most of the rest drains to the nodes along the breast bone. Bras and other external tight clothing can impede flow.The nature of the bra, the tightness, and the length of time worn, will all influence the degree of blockage of lymphatic drainage. Thus, wearing a bra might contribute to the development of breast cancer as a result of cutting off lymphatic drainage, so that toxic chemicals are trapped in the breast.”Annnnd sagging, not even the bra manufactures can claim it prevents it:Even the bra industry seems to know this, as the following quote illustrates:”We have no evidence that wearing a bra could prevent sagging, because the breast itself is not muscle, so keeping it toned up is an impossibility. What it can do, particularly for larger-breasted women, is obviously to provide the comfort and the support. So, if a woman wants a particular breast profile, she will buy a particular brand, and that is what they’re designed for. There’s no permanent effect on the breast from wearing a particular bra. The bra will give you the shape the bra’s been designed to give while you’re wearing it. Of course, when you take it off, you go ‘au natural.’ “executive John Dixey at Bras, Bare Facts documentary (those were just extracted from some of the links, for more info, click on them) my guess is that most women are unaware of all of this. Oh yeah, and feel free to show me any sources or studies or evidence or anything that says otherwise than the 2 points (they don’t prevent sagging, (except for sports bras during exercise which do) and they increase chances for cancer.there’s also a section about metal underwire bras being unhealthy, and how plastic wire is better. well, what do you think? why do women wear bras? comfort? privacy? to try to be sexy?HA! just found something interesting. Men have the same chance of getting breast cancer as braless women, but more women get breast cancer than men (and more women wear bras) http://www.naturalnews.com/025315_cancer_bra_breast_cancer.htmlso those of you who think they don’t cause cancer despite what science and research shows, explain that!! I guess if you reject science, research, and logic. Show me something that shows no strong correlation between breast cancer and bra wearing
A: I wear a bra because it gives my breasts a move even shape (no cone shape that they get sometimes without a bra) and the bra keeps everything in place when I’m walking, running, bending down, etc.I don’t wear a bra to prevent sagging. I’m a 34B and have NO sagging right now, and I doubt I’ll get any until I have a child.ETA: I don’t believe one bit that bras cause breast cancer. Women have been wearing corsets and constricting clothing around their breasts for almost a thousand years. My grandmother actually didn’t wear a bra very often and she died of breast cancer at 52.
sleeping with a bra on stop you from growing..?
Q: Im 14 turning 15 soon and I usually wear a water-bra because i feel self-conscious about the size of my breasts but i also wear it to bed and I’m still as flat chested as i was when i first started wearing bras and I’m really sick of hearing comments about the dramatic change in size once i take the bra off. I’ve gone to bra fitting shops were they told me i was a 10B.. but when i went to go buy a bra in that size it was massive on me and i even tried the smallest size 10A and it was still way to big for me and i cried for ages. I’m worried about what my boyfriend thinks even thought he says he doesn’t care about what i look like but i still would like to be a bit bigger.Is wearing a bra to bed what’s effecting my growth?and if i stop wearing it to bed now will they stay the way they are and not grow any more? and i know the answers probs going to be your young and still growing but i really believe that they should at-least at my age be bigger than what they are at the moment because there pretty much flat.i don’t want to hear myths about wearing bras to bed will give you cancer because i know its not true.thxx for your help 😀
A: Hun, don’t worry about the size of your boobs. We’re all made differently and as a guy, I can tell you your boob size does not matter. You have a bf and he says the same.I dont think bras really affect either negatively or positively your breast size.And don’t cry over this silly matter. To be honest, you are only 14 and you can grow till you are 20! Smile 🙂
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