Does drawing on your hands give you cancer

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Does drawing on your hands give you cancer”,you can compare them.

Some people say it will eventually cause cancer because of what the toxic chemicals do to your skin & it’s not good for your skin [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does drawing on your hands give you cancer
Does drawing on your hands give you cancer
Some people say it will eventually cause cancer because of what the toxic chemicals do to your skin & it’s not good for your skin

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If you draw on your hand, does it give you cancer?
Q: I draw on my hand quite a lot, and my friends all tell me to stop coz i might get blood cancer.poisoining. But, I thought that you only get it if you have an open wound and you draw on that…is it true?
A: If you mean tattoos the answer may be yes, some people not believe in that but i think it is not good for your health.Some links may help:Can Tattoos Indirectly Cause Cancer? Is Used In Tattoo Ink? Can It Cause Cancer Or Any Other Health Problems?
Have you been able to tell that your cell was searching for a signal because YOU FELT PAIN while holding it?
Q: I dumbly thought that i was pyshcic for a while until just recently reading the newly placed article about cell phone radiation on th EWG website which scared the ba-jesus out of me, i feel i need to be screened for cancer now, I have been having muscle and joint pains when near or holding or using and not using my cell phone, which i quickly caught onto (when it first started) that when the pain would occur i’d notice that my phone was beeping because it was searching for a signal (low signal indication) some phones give you the option to be alerted when your signal is low and i left mine on to let me know so that i’d know when/if my call was about to drop and lol to let me know if i hung up on someone by accident- how ever..point is….i noticed shortly before the beeping that i’d get a strange arthritis like joint ache even in places where the is “NO” joints, like the center of my hand from palm to back end, like an ache that makes you shake your hand like michael jackson did or like youd do if you just touched something hot to rid the pain, and it would shortly disaper to never return again until the signal was low again, this didn’t happen every “single solitary time” but if it happened it happend only when near my low signal phone or even while on the phone without a low sinal, especially when battery is low or when i’d been on the phone for over an hr. I just learned that when most if not all phones’ signals are low that your phone is preprogramed to increase its signal 3-7X’s normal signal imput/output, which explains “my stupidity” in thinking i was pshycic but i was actually “FEELING” RA-DI-ATION symptoms. I feel like a ass, excuse my french but for my ignoring that; that something was seriously wrong with getting use to bodily pains and aches from my phone. i think there are others out there like me, pleaaaaase speak out to me.I put a cell before my health and i am an average health concious individual, im in some way in and out of touch with my body, so don’t just write me off as this overly sensitive fluke of a person who is able to sense something so odd like feeling the signal loss from her “CELL PHONE?!” im not crazy im afraid but not crazy and i don’t scare easily. why im afraid, : “long story” so you may leave your answer to my question if you don’t want to read a long story about why i felt compelled to write this question: Here goes, im afraid because i have a mildly consistant pain one that mimics the feeling you have right after giving blood or having blood drawn. i have that feeling off and on and it allllll started one day while using my cell for a long time and having to keep switching arms because my ears would ring and ache like an ear infection pain NOTE: i never had an ear problem or infection in my entire life. and i alway keep the volume low because i sleep in the bed with my toddler who was asleep and she would wake up if i or the convo was loud enough to hear,lol but the conversation was so good and i didn’t own a home phone at the time which catered to my being passive about what was taking place. i then noticed my wrist in each hand that was holding the cell would develop instant arthritis-like pain that pierced like invisible swords in various places related to the cell phone places like: eye, ear, wrist, but, inner elbow an sometimes fatigue after extended use and of course headaches that you know you get from excessive cell usage, Note im 27 years old and never had it before, and the pain would almost immediatly fade once i switched hands. i even noticed off subject: that when i’d carry my cell in my jeans back pocket with the key pad locked that my gludious maximus would ache alllll the same but only in the tissue not in any joints. i can not be alone on this…there’s no way but now back to subject after than convo i noticed i needed to rub away some pain that was piercing my left inner elbow, i would wiggle and flail my arm around to shake it off, instinctively i knew that if i giggled it would disapate and it did but then slowly reaproach that same spot , i went to bed anyways only to wake up with the pain pretty much gone but still apparently in existance. and that was hmmm. i’d say months ago and i stillll have it, it’s at it’s minimum and every blue moon when on my phone it magnifies in the same exact spot. 1st i thought what you may think it was because i held my arm in a weird position and that explains the pains but i never ever held my “BUTT” in a weird position so what’s that about, i was either standing or sitting and pain was just as consistant, I’d have to consisously remove my phone, maybe it’s that particular phone you say? well i’ve had more than one phone in the past 2 years and the last phone was worse but because that was a prepaid phone i diddn’t use or need to keep it as frequent as i do this one.i changed jobs and phones and this one is completely nessecarry because now, my phone is my life, i need it to work, parent, be a wife and more, so i
A: u cant possibly think anyones going to read this
Have you ever been able to tell that your cell was searching for a signal because YOU FELT PAIN while holding?
Q: I dumbly thought that i was pyshcic for a while until just recently reading the newly placed article about cell phone radiation on th EWG website which scared the ba-jesus out of me, i feel i need to be screened for cancer now, I have been having muscle and joint pains when near or holding or using and not using my cell phone, which i quickly caught onto (when it first started) that when the pain would occur i’d notice that my phone was beeping because it was searching for a signal (low signal indication) some phones give you the option to be alerted when your signal is low and i left mine on to let me know so that i’d know when/if my call was about to drop and lol to let me know if i hung up on someone by accident- how ever..point is….i noticed shortly before the beeping that i’d get a strange arthritis like joint ache even in places where the is “NO” joints, like the center of my hand from palm to back end, like an ache that makes you shake your hand like michael jackson did or like youd do if you just touched something hot to rid the pain, and it would shortly disaper to never return again until the signal was low again, this didn’t happen every “single solitary time” but if it happened it happend only when near my low signal phone or even while on the phone without a low sinal, especially when battery is low or when i’d been on the phone for over an hr. I just learned that when most if not all phones’ signals are low that your phone is preprogramed to increase its signal 3-7X’s normal signal imput/output, which explains “my stupidity” in thinking i was pshycic but i was actually “FEELING” RA-DI-ATION symptoms. I feel like a ass, excuse my french but for my ignoring that; that something was seriously wrong with getting use to bodily pains and aches from my phone. i think there are others out there like me, pleaaaaase speak out to me.I put a cell before my health and i am an average health concious individual, im in some way in and out of touch with my body, so don’t just write me off as this overly sensitive fluke of a person who is able to sense something so odd like feeling the signal loss from her “CELL PHONE?!” im not crazy im afraid but not crazy and i don’t scare easily. why im afraid, : “long story” so you may leave your answer to my question if you don’t want to read a long story about why i felt compelled to write this question: Here goes, im afraid because i have a mildly consistant pain one that mimics the feeling you have right after giving blood or having blood drawn. i have that feeling off and on and it allllll started one day while using my cell for a long time and having to keep switching arms because my ears would ring and ache like an ear infection pain NOTE: i never had an ear problem or infection in my entire life. and i alway keep the volume low because i sleep in the bed with my toddler who was asleep and she would wake up if i or the convo was loud enough to hear,lol but the conversation was so good and i didn’t own a home phone at the time which catered to my being passive about what was taking place. i then noticed my wrist in each hand that was holding the cell would develop instant arthritis-like pain that pierced like invisible swords in various places related to the cell phone places like: eye, ear, wrist, but, inner elbow an sometimes fatigue after extended use and of course headaches that you know you get from excessive cell usage, Note im 27 years old and never had it before, and the pain would almost immediatly fade once i switched hands. i even noticed off subject: that when i’d carry my cell in my jeans back pocket with the key pad locked that my gludious maximus would ache alllll the same but only in the tissue not in any joints. i can not be alone on this…there’s no way but now back to subject after than convo i noticed i needed to rub away some pain that was piercing my left inner elbow, i would wiggle and flail my arm around to shake it off, instinctively i knew that if i giggled it would disapate and it did but then slowly reaproach that same spot , i went to bed anyways only to wake up with the pain pretty much gone but still apparently in existance. and that was hmmm. i’d say months ago and i stillll have it, it’s at it’s minimum and every blue moon when on my phone it magnifies in the same exact spot. 1st i thought what you may think it was because i held my arm in a weird position and that explains the pains but i never ever held my “BUTT” in a weird position so what’s that about, i was either standing or sitting and pain was just as consistant, I’d have to consisously remove my phone, maybe it’s that particular phone you say? well i’ve had more than one phone in the past 2 years and the last phone was worse but because that was a prepaid phone i diddn’t use or need to keep it as frequent as i do this one.i changed jobs and phones and this one is completely nessecarry because now, my phone is my life, i need it to work, parent, be a wife and more, so i
A: You rambled too much, get to the point!
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