What causes head tumors

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Health Football .We found some answers as below for this question “What causes head tumors”,you can compare them.

Most tumors of the head and neck are due to cancer, and the cancer has many varied possible causes. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-causes-head-tumors ]
More Answers to “What causes head tumors
What causes head tumors
Most tumors of the head and neck are due to cancer, and the cancer has many varied possible causes. ChaCha on!
Can Head Trauma Cause Tumors? If So, Is It Deadly?
It could cause a subdural hematoma which is a collectin of blood under the dura matter of the brain. but it can not cause tumors in the true sense of the word
Can a bad bump on the head cause a brain tumor?
There are may possibilities for your symptoms some simple conditions. some more serious but you seem to fearing the worst scenario at present so i will give you the simplest answer i can. YOU DEFINATELY DO NEED TO SEE YOUR DR AGAIN A.S.A….

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can Head Trauma Cause Tumors? If So, Is It Deadly?
Q: Can a slight kick to the back of the head cause a tumor? if it can what kind and is it deadly
A: It could cause a subdural hematoma which is a collectin of blood under the dura matter of the brain. but it can not cause tumors in the true sense of the word
what causes brain tumors and what are the symptoms?
Q: i’m a 17 year old guy and there is no cancer history in my family. my mom has migranes and i think i have migranes too, but i just want to make sure that those head aches are not caused by brain tumor. i usually get headaches once or twice a month.
A: Headaches (all the time). Depending on where the tumor is and its size and rate of growth symptoms vary from hormonal imbalances to loss of vision, trouble speaking, trouble understanding speech, inability to navigate through space, uncontrollable muscle movements, etc…
Can stress cause tumors or other physical head or brain problems?
Q: I have beeen STRESSED lately and earlier today I could sware I saw my son’s clothes that were in his closet hanging up breathing slightly. And NO I AM NOT ON DRUGS Or ALCOHOL. what in the world is going on?I am not crazy. so no rediculous answers please. this is a real concern.
A: Constant stress over the period of many years will cause not only cancer but many other ailments. Stress saves our lives in the short term, but it’s our worst enemy if it lasts for long time.
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