Does marijuana have health effects on the body

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Short term-sleepiness,increased heart rate dry mouth and throat; long term-enhanced cancer risk,diminished sexual pleasure. ChaCha [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does marijuana have health effects on the body
What health effects does marijuana have on the human body??
good effects munchies, laughter, relaxed bad effects Distorted perception (sights, sounds, time, touch) Problems with memory and learning Loss of coordination Trouble with thinking and problem-solving Increased heart rate, reduced blood pre…

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What health effects does marijuana have on the human body?
Q: like, what bad things does it do to you?and other effects? even if you only try it once.i’m not smoking it, i need to know for health class
A: good effects munchies, laughter, relaxed bad effects Distorted perception (sights, sounds, time, touch) Problems with memory and learning Loss of coordination Trouble with thinking and problem-solving Increased heart rate, reduced blood pressure anxiety, fear, distrust, or panic.
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Q: Marijuana every day for almost three years, alcohol at least twice a week (maybe up to 5 times some weeks) for 4 years, coke every week for a year (at times maybe 3 times a week), around 200 pills of ecstasy throughout the course of 5 years, all sorts of pharmaseudicals countless times, meth, heroin, and hallucinagens only a couple times…what would that do to one’s body..? I know I should stop, i’ve been clean for about 2 weeks and currently I am going to an outpatient center…but I am worried about what this has done to my health, especially my liver and kidneys…I have a family history of liver cancer also – am I at risk of anything?
A: I can guarantee you if I took all that I would be dead. Just be lucky to be alive……
Are there any negative effects of taking Hydroxycut if you smoke marijuana?
Q: Ok, here’s the deal… my girlfriend unfortunately smokes marijuana and just bought some Hydroxycut to take while she’s working out. Now, not only am I concerned about her health simply because she smokes, I am curious as to if doing both of these things has any worse effects on her body. Any help would be more than great! Thank you.
A: im not here to rant about how smoking is good or bad, or that everyone should smoke… im just going to say what i see in most people who posted. yes it will be bad for her but there is ways to prevent some bad affects which is getting rid of the harmful substances in marijuana which i will explain after i get this off of my chest. some people see marijuana as being a horrible drug but in reality its not. The most that’s gonna happen to you is you will get cancer but why care about that anyways your going to die later in life and why waste it being a straighty… that’s the way i think of it. even if i die early because of OTHER stuff that i have done. you wont die from weed and its better for you than cigarettes. Even though the studies found that it is more harm full for you than cigarettes its not entirely true. One thing that they didnt mention in those studies is how many of those marijuana smokers also smoke cigarettes. if they then did that, marijuana and cigs would be at the top… then just cigs… then marijuana the least harmfull… BUT IF YOU ARE REALLY THAT WORRIED ABOUT SOMETHING HAPPENING TO HER FROM WEED AND HYDROXICUT YOU SHOULD SUGGEST A VAPORIZER TO HER… IT WILL MAKE HER INGEST MORE THC AND IT COMPLETELY CUTS OUT ABOUT 80-90 PERCENT OF THE HARMFUL SUBSTANCES IN IT THEREFORE MAKE HER EXPERIENCE A NEW KIND OF HIGH ALONG WITH THE SIDE AFFECTS OF SITTING NEXT TO A FIRE SINCE VAPORIZING IS ONLY VAPOR GOING INTO YOUR LUNGS. IF SHE DOESNT KNOW WHAT A VAPORIZER IS OR HOW/WHERE TO GET/MAKE ONE SEARCH IT ON YOUTUBE… THE ONLY THING SHE WOULD NEED IS A LIGHTBULB, SOME KIND OF DEVICE TO POKE HOLES SUCH AS A KNIFE, SALT, AND A LIGHTER… THE SALT IS A KEY INGREDIENT IF SHES GOING TO MAKE ONE FROM A LIGHTBULB BECAUSE YOU SHAKE THE SALT IN THE LIGHT BULB TO GET THE WHITE STUFF OUT BECAUSE THAT WILL KILL YOU AFTER ABOUT A DIME VAPORIZED OUT OF ONE. BUT IF SHE MAKES SURE TO SHAKE THE SALT IN THE BULB AND GETS OUT EVERY DROP OF WHITE SUBSTANCE IN THE LIGHT BULB, LIKE I SAID BEFORE IT WILL BE ABOUT AS HARMFUL AS SITTING NEXT TO A FIRE. NOT ONLY IS IT LESS HARMFUL IT INVOLVES NO SMOKE AT ALL, NO EATING, AND NO DRINKING, ITS KIND OF LIKE TAKING A DEEP BREATH WHEN ITS REALLY FOGGY OUTSIDE AND TASTES LIKE STRAIGHT UP BUD, BUT IF SHE SMOKES IT, SHES PROBABLY GOING TO LIKE IT BECAUSE IT TASTES LIKE YOUR EATING IT BUT FEELS LIKE YOUR SMOKING IT, AND WHAT I FOUND OUT AFTER USING ONE A COUPLE OF WEEKS AFTER I STARTED USING A VAPORIZER, I FELT A SENCE OF WELL BEING AND COMPLETELY GOT RID OF MOST OF THE HARMFUL SIDE AFFECTS PSYCOLOGICALLY. vaporizing is also easier to subtract the smell that smoking would otherwise cause. therefore if you dont like the smell after she tokes up, i would highly recommend you telling her about this. Its much safer in the long term affects or smoking marijuana so less chance of cancer, tumors, smoking related illnesses. Probably the only thing that i still have trouble with is the memory loss part(dont know if its me or the weed cause i always had bad memory). I dont know others experiences on this but the decreased reaction time to me is more like increased reaction time because i may be more tired but i can move faster than normal… so if shes like me id prefer to “vaporize” before she goes to work out because when im really feeling it i can run forever and i feel like i havent run at all. another thing i would like to point out is that the thing about apples would be another good idea instead of hydroxicut because any weight loss pill cant be good for the body (physically and mentally) because you become dependent on this pill to help you lose weight and once you get off of it on some pills it will all come right back. just some suggestions… sorry for it being so long though but when it comes to something like this i get lost in the subject… i could have made this alot longer but i think its long enough. but if ANY of this helped you out with not just the question but any of those other things that i stated. your welcome. if not, at least i can say i tried… if you want to know anything else about marijuana or the effects/commonly OVER EXAGERATED effects… feel free to ask me as most people against it would lie about stuff like that it is very bad for you. or tell you that it is all good… because neither is true. in a way it kind of evens out. there are some good things along with some bad things but with the vaporizer the bad things can be reduced and the good things added (such as my increased speed but loss of memory =/). some people might even think that they are true but are not certain because they have never tried it and dont know what happens… i have been through the psycological part of smoking and its not fun… i know the ups and downs to it… im not sure of every detail but i know my stuff well enough… unlike some who were told this or didnt go into the extent of detail.
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