What is the symptoms of brain cancer from a mole

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The following symptoms are most common: Headache, Weakness, Clumsiness, Difficulty walking, Seizures. Other nonspecific symptoms and signs include the following, Altered mental status, Nausea, vomiting, Abnormalities in vision, ChaCha. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-symptoms-of-brain-cancer-from-a-mole ]
More Answers to “What is the symptoms of brain cancer from a mole
What is the symptoms of brain cancer from a mole
The following symptoms are most common: Headache, Weakness, Clumsiness, Difficulty walking, Seizures. Other nonspecific symptoms and signs include the following, Altered mental status, Nausea, vomiting, Abnormalities in vision, ChaCha.

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How do I deal with hypochondria?
Q: Please don’t tell me to make an appointment with a counselor, because I already have. Problem is, that’s not until January 12th, and for me with such distress that seems like an eternity. I need to figure out how to cope with this thing in the meantime. You guys probably don’t know specifically what’s bothering me though, so let me explain:This is the first time since my fathers passing 3 years ago that I’ve been noticeably sick with multiple problems. He died from advanced liver cancer, so you could probably guess that cancer is the main thing I’m very afraid of now. To me, symptoms that are more reflective of IBS than anything else give me anxiety over the possibility of colon cancer. Things as minor as eye pain and a headache around my sinuses are scaring me into thinking I might have a brain tumor. I saw a lump in mouth (which wasn’t white or red, simply the color of the rest of the inside of my mouth and looked more like a bite mark) and feared the worst. I had a sore throat and ear pain and became afraid of throat cancer. Then I had postnasal drip and began to think of nasopharyngeal cancer (even though the postnasal drip was causing the sore throat and thus causing an earache). I saw a slightly peculiar mole and thought I had melanoma (I’m still getting it checked out, but it’s 2mm, one color, only slightly raised, and the only thing wrong with it is that it’s slightly assymetrical, only noticeable if you really pay attention). My appetite has returned, I’ve been gaining more weight and been defectaing more frequently, my sore throat has gotten better, and my ear pain is less frequent and doesn’t last as long, but I’m still letting the worst case scenario get to me. How do I get my mind off this s*** before I lose it? I know that these thoughts aren’t rational and are unlikely, but I’m still getting worried about the possibility of cancer.
A: im the exact same way, i never used to be this bad untill my anxiety has recently gotten realllyy bad over the past few months…but im sure your not getting cancer…actually, im positive of it..because knowing the way i am…it never works out as what i think it is.if you ever need to talk, just email me.
How do I deal with this hypochondria?
Q: Please don’t tell me to make an appointment with a counselor, because I already have. Problem is, that’s not until January 12th, and for me with such distress that seems like an eternity. I need to figure out how to cope with this thing in the meantime. You guys probably don’t know specifically what’s bothering me though, so let me explain:This is the first time since my fathers passing 3 years ago that I’ve been noticeably sick with multiple problems. He died from advanced liver cancer, so you could probably guess that cancer is the main thing I’m very afraid of now. To me, symptoms that are more reflective of IBS than anything else give me anxiety over the possibility of colon cancer. Things as minor as eye pain and a headache around my sinuses are scaring me into thinking I might have a brain tumor. I saw a lump in mouth (which wasn’t white or red, simply the color of the rest of the inside of my mouth and looked more like a bite mark) and feared the worst. I had a sore throat and ear pain and became afraid of throat cancer. Then I had postnasal drip and began to think of nasopharyngeal cancer (even though the postnasal drip was causing the sore throat and thus causing an earache). I saw a slightly peculiar mole and thought I had melanoma (I’m still getting it checked out, but it’s 2mm, one color, only slightly raised, and the only thing wrong with it is that it’s slightly assymetrical, only noticeable if you really pay attention). My appetite has returned, I’ve been gaining more weight and been defectaing more frequently, my sore throat has gotten better, and my ear pain is less frequent and doesn’t last as long, but I’m still letting the worst case scenario get to me. How do I get my mind off this s*** before I lose it? I know that these thoughts aren’t rational and are unlikely, but I’m still getting worried about the possibility of cancer.To be honest, I feel much better now. The Tylenol I had seems to have stopped my headache, which I KNOW would not have happened if I had a brain tumor (and besides, it was located in my sinuses anyway). I just recently got worked up over what looked like nodular melanoma (which I guess could still be), but after looking at some images online, I realized my abnormal mole looks nothing like NM. I’m still kinda worried about SSM, but if that’s what I have then it looks early. Anyway, my headache’s gone, my earache’s dissipating, the lump in my throat beginning to get better, and my body aches are less frequent. I’m also back up to 154 lbs, which is 4 lbs. heavier than what I was when I was sick. I’m starting to look at my worries as kind of ridiculous, since the Dr. even told me that the most likely things I had was the stomach flu and a sinus infection.
A: Firstly, let me congratulate you on recognizing this is hypochondria.You have taken a great first step in arranging to see a councilor.Keep in mind that liver cancer is not considered a hereditary cancer.Get a complete medical, live a healthy life, and see a dr as symptoms develop.Having fought cancer, my best recommendation is to LIVE your life, not just exist worried about what might go wrong.
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