How are cancer cells similar to noncancerous cells

Health related question in topics Biology .We found some answers as below for this question “How are cancer cells similar to noncancerous cells”,you can compare them.

The similarity of cancer cells and noncancerous cells are that they are both cells. ChaCha on!! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How are cancer cells similar to noncancerous cells
How do cancer cells differ from noncancerous cellhow are they sim…?
Part of the definition of cancer is that it is an uncontrolled growth of cells. The similarity is that they are both cells. Cancer cells do not respond to the signals that regulate the growth of most cells.
How are cancer cells different from normal cells?
Cancer cells are basically normal cells that have been damaged and did not respond properly to the damage. Usually when a cell’s DNA is damaged it is either repaired or the cell destroys itself. Cancer cells exist in a constant state of div…
How are cancer cells similar to normal cells and how are they dif…?
cancer cells are abnormal cells that are formed by genetic mutations caused in DNA. These abnormal cells start to duplicate uncontrollably and soon they become a tumor. They have no function and take up space and resources. As for normal ce…
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