How do doctors know when someone has cancer

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The first step in diagnosing Cancer is testing. MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scans look inside the body to detect cancer! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do doctors know when someone has cancer
How do you know if someone has lung cancer with out going to the …?
There is absolutely no way to diagnose lung cancer without seeing a doctor. Many people have no symptoms whatsoever. ChaCha on!

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If someone has endometrial cancer and the surgeon says the cancer penetrated the muscle, how bad is that?
Q: The doctor said they removed lymph nodes when they did a hysterectomy to bisopsy. But he also said cancer had penetrated the muscle wall. I am wondering what does that mean. I am thinking it means it spread but I dont know how bad.
A: It’s spread, which means it’s spreadING, which is awful -it’ll be hard to kill it all. Luckily, there’s this:CANCER: There’s a new Swedish study which shows that human breast milk kills cancer. On the news this guy who drank human breast milk (with a prescription) beat cancer. It was discovered by Swedish scientists that human breast milk (spilled into a petri dish) kills cancer. People who drink it have had some success in fighting off cancer.You need a prescription and it’s about $3 an ounce at a breast milk bank, but it works.
When a doctor tells someone they only have a certain amount of time, how do they deal with this?
Q: A good friend of mine had a bullet wound to the throat while in Iraq. The air quality is not so great and the wound turned to cancer of the lymph nodes. He has gone through chemo, and the cancer is in remission, but now he is dealing with lukemia. They told him that he has to get a bone marrow transplant. This will be his second. He called me crying the other night to tell me that the doctor’s told him he only has a 12% chance of living past 32. He is only 28. How can I help, and how can I be strong for him when he’s around? He is talking about all the things he won’t get to do in his life, and I don’t know what to say to that. I get choked up talking to him too, and I get so upset at myself because I want to be a pillar of strength for him. Can anyone offer some advice?
A: this may not be an answer you want to hear, but I would say to go WITH him to a support group if there is one available. they can help you help him, and help him help himself. looking at the end for such a young person would understandably be very difficult for everyone involved. we stood by our mom when we were told she only had 2 months. it was difficult, but we talked and she decided that she’d want quality of life, over quantity of time. those two months were very precious, and hard. we muddled through and afterward, we all agreed it made us stronger persons for it. my heart goes out to him, and to you. be brave for him, and maybe make a wishlist of things that the two of you can accomplish before his time comes. we did that with our mom, and we have pics and memories that we wouldn’t otherwise have. her grandchildren remember her life and how much she lived it. i wish much luck and strength for you both, and for his friends and family.
How do you know when someone has bipolar disorder? Please help?
Q: My mom is 46 and I believe she has some sort of mental problem because she can’t control her anger. She would call me and threaten me that she is gonna kill my boyfriend if we have sex. (I am 20 years old btw. ) And it happens 2-3 times a week. She wants me to stay home 24/7 and study. She calls me a failure all the time even when I got in UC Berkeley. She doesn’t drive, I drive her around and give her all kinds of help all the time, she is disgustingly dependent on me and my dad.I really can’t manage my life around her so much anymore. Last week she called my boyfriend’s mom and told her that she, (my mom) has cancers and I don’t care about her. And I know for sure she doesn’t have any cancers because I’m always the one who takes her to the doctor. . I’m so tired of this. I called her doctor, but i don’t know if she’s going to freak out if she finds out because she believes she’s mentally healthy. How can someone like this get treated? She won’t see a psychologist.
A: I don’t think this is bi-polar. I think she needs to be tested for a much bigger problem. She may have some disorder in the brain that with pressure and or pain cause her mood to trigger like this. Just don’t give up on her,. I know it can be a pain but, until you really know what you are dealing with, try to get her help. Good luck
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