What are the effects of smoking on a 15 year old

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “What are the effects of smoking on a 15 year old”,you can compare them.

Smoking hurts young people’s physical fitness in terms of both performance & endurance also it increases your risk of lung cancer. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-effects-of-smoking-on-a-15-year-old ]
More Answers to “What are the effects of smoking on a 15 year old
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Smoking weed bad for ADHD at 15 years old?
Q: So i just started to smoke weed like 3 weeks ago and ive smoked alot. feels like it makes my adhd worse but it could just be the after effects of smoking weed. it could go away but i havent stopped smoking weed long enough to know if it goes away. the day after i smoke weed it feels like im in a dream and that im not fully there.. what is going on? is it because im on perscription meds or just my adhd?
A: I use to take something that had almost the same effect of weed. It was an epilepsy drug call Topamax also known as dopamax . It made you stupid, couldn’t talk right, and you lose your short term memory .
second hand smoking effects?how do i stay away from it ?
Q: hi im 15 years old and i have a cardiac arrythmia i do fine on a good day but on bad days its hard to even walk 100feet most days are good however my dad smokes alot, he does not smoke inside the house or car but he seems to blow it in often i cant get him to quit but it seems to bother me more like if im around him i can smell it and my arrythmia slowly gets worse , i dont know how to keep it away from me…… soooooo is this small amount of second hand smoke really effecting my heart? and if so what are some good ideas to keep it away from me as much as possible
A: Its not second hand smoke if your just smelling it on him after he comes in, because he’s not still blowing smoke.
smoking ??
Q: i wanna know …1. what is the cause of smoking besides lung cancer and dieing ??2. if i stop know how long will it take for my lungs to build back up ??3. will it have an effect in my future children ??4. will it have an effect in my life from now on ??im trying to quit smoking. But it is hard. So i decided to actually quit but smoke like once a week. (not really quiting but im trying ) I’m 15 years old. Yesterday my friend erik saw me smoking in front of the school he was shocked. And he showed up to my gym class and told me “i didn’t like what you did today” … “your a great athlete.” And last night i thought about it and sayed to myself … why the F*ck would i let cigarrets keep me from running down the field ??
A: 1. Smoking can cause diminished libido (sex drive) small vessel disease that can lead to stroke, paralysis, toxin build up in organs, stomach cancer, pancreatic cancer, bladder cancer, on and on. The poisons in cigarette smoke are well documented as destructive to living tissues.2. Depending on how long you’ve smoked it will take you about 18 months to bring your body up to about 95% of where it was before you smoked – that’s about the best you can hope for.3. Smoking while pregnant can significantly stagger the development of a fetus according to numerous studies. The same destructive processes smoking creates in your body will occur in your unborn child as well. Some studies suggest nicotine addiction is possible as well. For males – smaller erections, erections that aren’t as ‘full’ as non-smokers and diminished sperm counts are all part of the joys of smoking leading to lowered sex drive and thus less likliehood of creating a new life not to mention the fact that you STINK to your spouse and your habit is disgusting to about 80% of the population (women included!) 4. Again, depending on how long you’ve smoked – your life will forever be altered because of it. Your addiction will determine how you conduct yourself from now on. You will forever be recovering from it and you will have to change your behavior to be successful at quitting. You’ve put yourself in to a corner and you will have to live your life differently because of your decision to smoke. Very few successful athletes smoke. It’s a damaging and sad addiction. There are no ‘up-sides’ to smoking only downs. You really need to concentrate on quitting while you’re still young. It won’t be easy – but it will pay off. Nothing worth while comes easy – decide to quit and make sure ‘Erik’ stays in your face about it. Your friends can help.
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