How does a liver fail

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Liver failure is caused by toxins, drug overdoses, alcohol, and cancer. The liver stops filtering toxins from the body. ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How does a liver fail
How Does The Liver Fail?
Failure of the liver often occurs progressively. Depending on the liver disease present, it may take from a few months to several years to happen. Generally, the tissues of the liver suffer a transformation that causes scarring and hardenin…
Can your liver fail after one night of drinking
Unless you have a pre-existing liver condition, one night of drinking is unlikely to cause liver failure. Binge drinking may.
What causes liver failure?
There are four main ways that a liver can fail:

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48 yr old male has open hrt surgery has kidney and liver fail,developed burnt like chars on hand and feet why?
Q: My husband has been in criticle condition for the past 18 days now I understand about the liver and kidneys failing as part of the risk with open heart procedures, what I dont understand is why are his feet and one hand black and seems to have a charred like appearance. No one seems to beable to give me a straight answer, I wonder if I sould take this to another level? Was it human error? Was it medication? I dont understand, how does a strong, vital and otherwise healthy young man go in for a risky yet very common procedure and wind up looking as he does, he is on a trach and unable to move, talk or function up to this point. How was this possible, he’s confused I’m confused I hope there is someone who can shed some light on this – also his extremities are very pain full and there are blisters forming. Thank you for your responses.I’m sure he had to be shocked as he had aortic valve repair and replacement and well as a quad bypass his aortic valve was so small that it is vertually unheard of and therefore they do not manufacture replacement valves that small so the surgeon was left with a dillema as to what to what had to be done they had to cut and open the valve till it was big enough to fit the replacement valve then they had to repair that using pig tissue all of that took the time of what the whole procedure should have normally been. so all and all he was on the bypass machine for 12 hrs and they were unable to get his heart pumping again. when the surgeon finally got the heart going he had to have a pump do the work that his heart would have otherwise done. He is no longer on that pump, but still many complications.My husband is now a candidate for amputation,as a result he will lose three fingers on his left hand and all ten of his toes.Because he has wet gangren,this type is bactirial and very dangerous,only occurs when an open wound is present. I know there were no wounds when he went in there.Also is it common practice to switch the IV site during a procedure of this magnitude? IV for fluids and blood gases were set in the left hand,when he came out they were relocated to the right hand.As far as I’m concerned somebody messed up big time,and the only person who knows for sure, was in that OR on June 9th. Everytime I ask for an answer to my why and how, I get the run around.Iam very pleased however with the quality of care that he is receiving, but this should have never happened. In the four weeks that I have been there I have seen at least fifty open heart patients come and go from that floor both young and old, and none have even come close to being in the condition that my husband is in.
A: If your husband has been on IV medications, called vasopressors, to keep his blood pressure from getting too low this can cause a decrease in peripheral circulation. The medications cause the vessels to constrict to keep the BP at an appropriate level. Because of this, the circualtion to the limbs, most often hands and feet, is inadequate. Most likely this is the reason his feet and hand appear this way. Unfortunately this is more common than we’d like to admit. Once this damage is done a lot of times there is no way to reverse it as well. The blisters may be forming due to excessive fuid in the tissues, called edema. And once again, fluids in higer volumes may be given to elevate his blood pressure as well. This is also one of those things that is necessary. If you have any questions please feel free to email me. I am a RN, working in a Cardiac Surgery ICU and I see this happen. Please, do not give up hope, I have seen people recover from situations like this. The best thing you can do is ask questions when you have them, and have the faith that your husbands physicians are doing their best to care for him. Best of luck to you and your husband!
how do u know when u have te cancer that men get the cancer from having to much sex that make ure liver fail?
Q: and how come we don’t hav a jab for it
A: There is no such cancer.
how long does it take for an alcoholics liver to fail?
A: It depends on how weak his liver is, how much/ and how often he drinks and his overall general stamina & health. It could be a matter of months, or could take 20 years. In any case, it is very sad.
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