What is big c—

Health related question in topics Sexual Orientation .We found some answers as below for this question “What is big c—“,you can compare them.

When people are worried if they have the “Big C” they are referring to cancer. Thanks for asking ChaCha!! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-big-c%26%2345%3B%26%2345%3B%26%2345%3B ]
More Answers to “What is big c—
What is big C?
n. Slang. The disease cancer. Used with the.
How big is C cup bra?
Honestly, this question is a little weird because C is the size. There is always a number in the front of the letter which determines how “fat”, wide, or just skinny as crap. Now in my world of quick measurements, if you have aver…
How to Make a Big-C Smoothie
・ 1 Chop the banana. ・ 2 Put the banana and frozen strawberries in the jar of a blender. ・ 3 Add orange juice. ・ 4 Blend until smooth. ・ 5 Add lemonade or a small amount of lemon juice to counteract a too-sweet taste. ・ 6 Choose an add-in i…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are some inspirational poems for someone battling the big C?
Q: I am looking for an inspirationsl poem to deliver to a woman of 56.She was recently diagnosed with oral cancer and has been doing radiation, but the tumor has been very aggressive and she is now doing Chemo. She is very down and negative and I would like to send her a card with a poem that would make her feel a little better. She is NOT dying, just struggling and having a bad 6 months. Though the doctors can’t guarantee anything and she is just plain SCARED!!
A: I feel your pain and have been in this same situation several times over the past few years. Sometimes a simple hug is more important than anything else you could do. I lost another dear friend last night to cancer.
What is the music on the ad for the Tv3 documentary “Me and the big C”?
Q: There was a documentary on Tv3 in February 08 called “Me and the Big C” Does anyone know the music that was on that ad???Comptine d’un autre ete from the movie Amelie
A: Try here:http://www.splendad.com/
What is the patch with a big C and 4 stars under it that some NFL players are wearing this year?
A: Whoever is wearing that it means that the players from his team chosen him to be the full season captain
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