How does cancer affect pregnancy

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A pregnant woman with cancer is capable of giving birth to a healthy baby & some cancer treatments are safe during pregnancy. Cancer occurs in approximately one out of every 1,000 pregnancies. However, pregnancy itself does not cause cancer. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How does cancer affect pregnancy
Will cervical cancer affect a pregnancy and delivery??
Not necessarily. When an abnormal Pap test is obtained on a woman who is pregnant the evaluation is modified. In general, the pregnancy has no effect on the cervical problem and the cervical problem has no effect on the pregnancy. However, …
Does Thyroid Cancer affect Pregnancy & is it Hereditary??
Surgery during pregnancy may be advisable if a thyroid cancer is large, appears to be a more aggressive variant, or has already spread to other sites in the neck or elsewhere in the body. If surgery during pregnancy is indicated, it is usua…
Will breast cancer during pregnancy affect my unborn child??
There is no evidence that breast cancer will affect a baby’s development nor that cancer can be passed on to a baby in the womb.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

if you have cervical cancer how does it affect the baby?
Q: my sister has cervical cancer and just found out she is pregnant….how will the cancer affect the baby and her during the pregnancy and will she be able to carry full term?
A: Well, there are quite a few issues at stake here.First off, is it malignant or benign? Occasionally benign polyps will actually detach and flush themselves on their own, but don’t count on this.If it is malignant, I’m assuming she has had a cone biopsy. That will determine the state of the cancer, the size, and spread, etc. It also then leads into have a LEEP performed, where they actually electronically cut away the affected tissue.If she has not had any of this done, she needs to. Now! Not just for the baby, but for her own health and survival.Now, whether she has had a LEEP performed or not, the issue at play is the ability for her cervix to remain closed in order to carry the baby to term. With having a LEEP performed, she does not has as much tissue to hold together as normal, or with the presence of a tumor, it may be restricting the ability of the cervix to remain closed through to term.Any procedures she needs to have done, she needs to do now, so her body has a chance to heal before the pressure of the growing child takes it’s toll on her. Now, depending on the state of the cancer, the current term of the pregnancy, and the views of the doctor, they may feel a surgical procedure is too risky at this point. They will be able to guide her properly with her options.First off, make sure she consults with her OB. They can help her with her questions, and also guide her through the concerns she may have. Secondly, (and her OB will help with this) is to find a good Perinatologist (pronounced perry-nate-ologist). They specialize in difficult pregnancies and they are worth their weight in gold. I don’t know what area you are in, but if you are in the Philadelphia region, look up a Dr. Robert Debbs. And you do what he tells you. Anything he tells you. I trust him with my life, more importantly, I trusted him with my son’s life.Good luck with everything, and congratulations to her.I think Julius needs to go to a better place. This is a forum for helping people with their questions and providing guidance. Not for ridiculing and berating those who come here. Go find some happiness in life, I wish you well.
How does cocaine affect a baby in the first tri-mester of pregnancy????
Q: My nephew is 3 years old… I take care of him cause his mom(my sister) is in jail for drugs (LONG STORY), but she did A-LOT of drugs and drinking during the first tri-mester of her pregnancy and she DID NOT know she was pregnant… She had cervical cancer months before and got it operated then she got pregnant and only found out cause I gave her the test to see if she was and yup… she was… we all cried cause for 7 years married, no kids, then here we are .. but she cried most cause she knew all she had done.. coca, weed, beer , hard drinks, pills… then I wasn’t with her most of the time so… I just wonder cause he (nephew) is a very bright boy , but he is speech delayed and sometimes he just drifts off (does say what he wants or points)… I cancel all this in the name of GOD… I just ask if anyone else in my situation…. My sis comes out in 12/10, she stop doing things after she knew the baby was on the way, but eventually she didn’t stop all the way cause she still did it with her second and well she is locked up but BOY she regrets it ALL.. He does talk but not like your average 3 year old toddler, his sister talks up a storm…she is 2, and makes us know what she wants… Anything can help… God Bless You…
A: ADD, Born addicted, brain damage, liver damage.
Best Contraceptive for sexual intercourse?
Q: Me and my gf regularly have S++. However, I am really sick of using condom and also tired of pulling out, once in a while we use after morning pills when i shoot inside but she dislike it and worry it will cause cancer or affect pregnancy rate in future. We thoughts of monthly pills, spermicide, natural control. Can anyone please advice the side effect of each method and the percentage of protection. Did anyone here heard of woman condom and another method which come in a pad which the girl just stick near ur private area. If yes, please advice how it work and where to buy it and the safety and side effect,If there is any protection method kindly please inform as well. Me and my gf hope to compromise on protection but fun as well.
A: Your girlfriend should be on the pill. And you should wear a condom. Pulling out is not an effective way to prevent pregnancy, in fact it’s not a good idea at all! And morning after pills are meant for only one time emergencies, they can damage her reproductive system if she takes them often, they are not birth control. The best method is birth control and a condom, even just a condom is pretty safe, pulling out and using the morning after pill many times is not, she could have problems when she gets older if she keeps that up, or just not having sex.
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