Is there a vaccination for cervical cancer

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The cervical cancer vaccine (Gardasil) is the first vaccine approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) designedMORE? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is there a vaccination for cervical cancer
How do you prevent cervical cancer?
Cervical Cancer Prevention. A new vaccine to prevent cervical cancer is now available. In June 2006, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the vaccine called Gardasil, which prevents infection against the two types of HPV responsib…
What is the cervical cancer vaccine?
・ The cervical cancer vaccine (Gardasil or Cervarix) protects against two of the types of HPV that have … ・ These two types are responsible for the majority of cervical cancers – between 70 and 80 per cent of …
Why are many doctors refusing to stock the cervical cancer vaccin…?
February 7, 2007 Behind the scenes of private medical practices across the United States, a battle has been raging with insurance companies over reimbursement practices. The fight is specifically regarding the amount of money a doctor or pr…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is there a point to getting a vaccination for cervical cancer if I’m not ‘active’?
Q: My mum wants me to get it if my school offers it. I know the cervical cancer vaccination is free, but I’m not ‘active’, so I don’t think I need one. Or should I get it so it will be useful in the future?Oh really? Well I live in New Zealand, and they offer cervical cancer vaccinationsI think they offer it for teenage girls, I’m 16 so I don’t know if I should get it or not…
A: Although you may not be sexually active currently, you are likely to choose to be active at some time in the future. You cannot know whether a partner might be infected with a potentially dangerous strain. Although there are seventy or more strains of genital herpes virus, only a small number are associated with increased risk of cervical cancer. It is against those strains that Gardasil is effective. It is better to be protected than to have to deal with cervical cancer later.
Is anyone else horrified that there is a nationwide cervical cancer vaccination programme for teens?
Q: in the UK, when the pharmaceutical company making the vaccine has not even finished its stage 3 clinical trials to find out if there are side-effects? Why are we planning to inject all our teenage girls with a virtually untested drug?
A: yeah what the hell is all that about?? I have seen adverts on TV. Very scary not much has been said about it- well I am an adult first I knew about it was the TV adverts. Sounds like trials to me, this government is becoming more and more like a dictatorship, they should be spending more time and energy trying to help kids on the streets,child poverty, knife crime, teen pregnancy b4 all this cancer injection hoopla. Now they are just going to start scaring kids, kids who are not even encouraged to talk about sex from a young age..really messing with kids minds. Not allowed to be adults – but not being educated enough about life as kids to understand what is going on in their world. No wonder they are rebelling. Lord of the flies for real. (Sorry just very passionate kids have no say in this country)
Is there a vaccination for cervical cancer for women over 27?
Q: Hi I am 28 and does it mean no hope for me to get the vaccine for this? Or it just wont work with women over the age of 26? Can anyone please tell me if u do know? I understand that you get free vaccine if you are not over 26 but what about those who are older, are we even allowed to pay for it or it just wont do anything anyway?Many thanksWow does make us sound like sluts lol I might have to ask my GP cuz ive only been with one and a half men lol
A: Well the answer to your question is “It all depends”. Officially, the Guardisil HPV vaccine is only indicated to initiate the series for women up to the age of 26. However as the previous person (Denisedds) it will not help you for something you already have is not accurate. A vaccine is given to induce an allergic response to part of the virus so that you body can recognize it and destroy it easier. Many people have the active virus because their immune system has a poor ability to recognize it as foreign or they lose the antibody titer to give sufficient control of an existing infection.Just look at older adults who get shingles which is an adult outbreak of chicken pox (Herpes Zoster). Even though the person had chicken pox as a child…. thus the immunity from being exposed, can still break out with them again as an adult. We vaccinate adults with ZosterVax to rekindle their immune response to Herpes Zoster. The same thought pattern now exists for Guardisil and is being researched as we speak. My gut feeling on this is that Merk Sharp Dohme (MSD) will apply for an amendment to their indications for the vaccine soon.Look at this: May Be Effective in Older Women…….”A 2007 study conducted by the pharmaceutical company Merck shows that the HPV vaccine Gardasil may be effective at preventing HPV in women up to age 45. Currently, Gardasil is only approved for use in females age 9 through 26.Approximately 3,800 women age 24 to 45 participated in the study; two thirds were not infected with any of the targeted HPV strains, while one third were infected with at least one strain. Half were immunized with the recommended three doses of Gardasil, while the remaining half of women were given a placebo. The women were followed for 20 months. Merck reported a 91% reduction of persistent infection, low-grade cervical abnormalities, cervical pre-cancers, and external genital lesions caused by the four strains of HPV that the vaccine protects against.”…..There is also a drive to make the vaccine available for men as well. It is equally effective in men (not for cervical cancer) 🙂 but it does help stop the spread to women and men also can get penile cancers from the same strains of the virus that cause cervical cancer in women. There are over 40 known strains of the HPV virus. Guardisil immunizes you against 4 strains , 2 of which are known to cause 70% of cervical cancers. the other 2 strains cause genital warts. That still leaves you unprotected agains 30% of unknown cause or from other strains.Oral sex can also cause throat cancers from the same virus so just because you haven’t had vaginal sex yet, you are still at risk. By the age of 26 almost 50% of women and men carry at least one of the 40 strains of the virus.
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