How easy is it to get mouth cancer

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Health .We found some answers as below for this question “How easy is it to get mouth cancer”,you can compare them.

The causes of mouth cancer The most important causes are * Smoking tobacco – including pipes and cigars * Chewing tobacco MORE [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How easy is it to get mouth cancer
How easy is it to get mouth cancer
The causes of mouth cancer The most important causes are * Smoking tobacco – including pipes and cigars * Chewing tobacco MORE

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i dont dip but how easy is it to get mouth cancer?
A: not …. i think chew, smoking are the number one causes sitedif concerned,just have a dentist do an oral screen or ear nose throat doc
I wonder if dentistry work may cause cancer viruses to penetrate the body easier?
Q: They say that a cancer virus has a gestation period of 8 years. But one has to wonder how it gets into the blood to make a mutation there. I am wondering if the most likely place for some people is from the mouth when they get dental work done?
A: If you mean mercury fillings, maybe way off. People with mercury fillings don’t have a higher cancer rate than others. As far as is known most cancers are not caused because of a virus, this is rare although recently publicized with cervical cancer. Without dental work, you could get digestive problems. That can contribute to increase of cancer risk.With rare exceptions cancers are not caused by a virus. Digestive disorders are more likely to contribute to increased cancer risk. As far as is known most cancers are not caused by a virus. In the case of female disorders cervical cancer caused by a virus was known for a long time.
How is copenhagen long cut on beginners?
Q: my friend is going to buy me some cope long cut and i want to know if it easy on beginners. Don’t bullshit on this, i know that you can get mouth cancer and all that shit…but i have hair on my balls
A: Ok i can give you some good advise here. i have been using smokeless tobacco for over 10 years. The very first time you try this. you will get a rush. “feel like you high” but this only last for a few min. cope is a bit on the strong side. you will either like it. or you won’t.long cut to me is better than fine. it packs easy-er. never ever swallow this stuff. you be sorry you did. also another good brand is red man. not the chew. but like cope. i like it. to me it is just as good. well good luck. hope you enjoy. also if you go to Sign up. free. they will send you 3 free cans. samples.
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