What are some uses of radiation

Health related question in topics Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “What are some uses of radiation”,you can compare them.

Radiation is most commonly used to fight cancer cells and even relieve the pain from bone cancers. It can be injected by IV. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-uses-of-radiation ]
More Answers to “What are some uses of radiation
What are the uses for radiation?
In a fission bomb the uranium or plutonium must be compressed usually by a spherical implosion device to a point where the density exceeds the critical mass. This is a condition where the nuclei are close enough that the neutrons given off …
What are some uses of infrared radiation?
Infrared radiation is more commonly known as heat, so it can be used to heat things (like heat lamps at restaurants). It is also frequently used in night-vision goggles.
Does MRI use any radiation?
There is no exposure to x-ray radiation.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

what are some uses of infrared Radiation?
A: Comunications, Temperature measuring, night vision, as some of it, i hope you like it lovely Joanna S.
What are some medical uses of radiation?
A: radiation therapy for treating cancer, also can create cancer though
What are the “exotic” radiations that mankind will encounter when going to Mars?
Q: I’ve been wondering about this. I’m also curious as to know how we could shield the astronauts from the effects, would the effects be present on the Martian surface, and how can we test for possible methods of shielding and the effects of these radiations? I saw an article recently on how some fungi use radiation as an energy source – perhaps that is one way.Wow! Some excellent answers here!!! And, you’ve given me an idea – how about an artificial magnetosphere? If it could be made portable enough and powerful enough, it just might work to simulate the shielding Earth gets from its magnetoshphere. Again, excellent answers – its going to be VERY tough to pick the best one! 🙂
A: Previous answers are partially correct. “Exotic” refers to things that do not get through the Earth’s magnetic field. They refer to both solar and universal radiation.Aboard the ISS they are still within the Earth’s magnetic field, but there are dangers to them that our atmosphere protects us from.A trip to Mars is likely to be deadly unless man can get under the equvalent of about 10-20 feet of dirt. It takes that much to protect against all the ambient radiation out there. This can be water (hydroponic tanks), fuel reserves – it just takes mass to protect against radiation… And an aluminum foil hat won’t work! Sorry.Once on Mars, man cannot stay on the surface without being surrounded by about 20 feet of dirt. The best bet is to get underground, and make air-tight tunnels. Lunar astronaughts have all received about 1/4 – 1/2 the total radiation they can get in their lifetimes. A multi-year tour on Mars will kill them unless they can get underground. I don’t know why NASA is not talking about this. I’m sorry, but man cannot live on the surface of Mars for several years.Mars has no magnetic field to protect astronaughts, or a sufficient amount of atmosphere to stop much ionizing radiation at all.We need to go to the moon, and practice creating tunnels, and mining to create fuel for the Mars mission. And people on mars need to get underground.Ron.
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