Is Obama’s mole cancerous

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Apparently they try to cover up the mole every chance they get. When in speeches he tends to shadow it. It is not cancerous. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is Obama’s mole cancerous
Will Obama get his cancerous mole on his face removed??
They will probably not remove enough. They should get all of the mole from his shirt collar up.

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Is the black mole on Obama’s face cancerous?
A: LMAO, you are so bad…Barry Soetoro is a cancer.
What do liberals mean when they say they believe in freedom? Who is tired of Chairman Obama’s lies and..!!?
Q: What do liberals mean when they say they support “freedom”? Who else is tired of Chairman Obama’s lies and empty promises!!!!??—–Liberals are against the natural order of the world.We should have the freedom to succeed, and the freedom to fail.Taking away from the people that work hard to handout to the poor is against god, capitalism and the security of the state!!!!Liberals are bad for business.Liberals are soft on terrorists.Why are they even allowed to show themselves in public? What can we do so that the American people NEVER AGAIN have to deal with their evil!?I don’t know if liberals truly are INFERIOR people, or if they are deliberately trying to DESTROY THE COUNTRY!!!What say you? What is to be done?To liberals:COMMIE LIBERALS DON’T YOU GET IT YET?TERRORISTS WANT US ALL DEAD! THEY HATE OUR FREEDOMS! THEY WANT TO KILL US ALL!We need to fight them over there before they come over here and rape our women and eat our children!WHY are you so insistent on AIDING THE ENEMY!!???Many 3rd World nations sit atop vast reserves of oil, metals, mineral deposits, gems and other resources. The native populations are a perfect source of cheap labor. Sounds like a dream come true, right?Well, not always.Unfortunately, many obstacles are in place to prevent the efficient exploitation of these resources. International do-gooder organizations often interfere. Burdensome regulations are frequently imposed on industry. Loopholes are routinely and unceremoniously closed. Some local government officials extort exhorbiant pay-offs.What are some ways we can circumvent these obstacles?If they were to just let us take control of their resources and political institutions, we could give them a better life!CHAIRMAN OBAMA JUST WANTED POWER TO RULE OVER THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AND INCREASE THE SIZE OF THE GOVERNMENT!HE CARES NOTHING FOR YOU! OR THE PEOPLE YOU HURT!!WE CANNOT BRING BACK THOSE THAT HAVE DIED DUE TO CHAIRMAN OBAMA, BUT WE WOULD BE BETRAYING THEIR MEMORY IF WE LET THEM WIN IN 2010 AND 2012!!!LIBERALS! I WILL NEVER JOIN YOU!!!You have done your country a disservice!You are like a cancerous mole that scourges the earth DESTROYING every country you infest!!!!YOUR TERROR STOPS HERE! We will win in 2010!!! WE WILL RESTORE AMERICA’S FREEDOMS!
A: You’ve addressed too much to handle in one post, but I’ll try to give it a shot::: What do liberals mean when they say they support “freedom”? ::Folks on the right go for economic freedom (don’t tax me, don’t regulate business, private toll roads, private libraries, private parks, you get police and fire if you can afford it, no Social Security, no welfare, etc.), but want more government intervention in our social behavior (no abortions, no gay marriage, etc.). Under Republicans, inequality grows as more money goes up to the top. Republicans spend more and run up more debt: on the left go for social behavior freedom (stay out of my bedroom and let me marry who I like, etc.), but want more government intervention in economics (regulate business and let’s share some resources where practical such as fire, police, schools, roads, Social Security, social safety nets, etc.). Under Democrats, equality grows as more money comes back to the poor and middle class. Democrats are better for the economy: Who else is tired of Chairman Obama’s lies and empty promises!!!!?? ::That is inaccurate and misleading. Check Obama’s REAL record here: Promises Kept16 Compromises8 Promises BrokenSo far.Bush’s first term? Loads of broken promises. know, you really should do something about all that hate — it’s truly bad for your body.##
Okay, I’ve had enough! Who else is sick and tired of Chairman Obama’s liberal rants of tolerance and peace!?
Q: COMMIE LIBERALS DON’T YOU GET IT YET?TERRORISTS WANT US ALL DEAD! THEY HATE OUR FREEDOMS! THEY WANT TO KILL US ALL!We need to fight them over there before they come over here and rape our women and eat our children!WHY are you so insistent on AIDING THE ENEMY!!???Many 3rd World nations sit atop vast reserves of oil, metals, mineral deposits, gems and other resources. The native populations are a perfect source of cheap labor. Sounds like a dream come true, right?Well, not always.Unfortunately, many obstacles are in place to prevent the efficient exploitation of these resources. International do-gooder organizations often interfere. Burdensome regulations are frequently imposed on industry. Loopholes are routinely and unceremoniously closed. Some local government officials extort exhorbiant pay-offs.What are some ways we can circumvent these obstacles?If they were to just let us take control of their resources and political institutions, we could give them a better life!CHAIRMAN OBAMA JUST WANTED POWER TO RULE OVER THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AND INCREASE THE SIZE OF THE GOVERNMENT!HE CARES NOTHING FOR YOU! OR THE PEOPLE YOU HURT!!WE CANNOT BRING BACK THOSE THAT HAVE DIED DUE TO CHAIRMAN OBAMA, BUT WE WOULD BE BETRAYING THEIR MEMORY IF WE LET THEM WIN IN 2010 AND 2012!!!LIBERALS! I WILL NEVER JOIN YOU!!!You have done your country a disservice!You are like a cancerous mole that scourges the earth DESTROYING every country you infest!!!!YOUR TERROR STOPS HERE! We will win in 2010!!!
A: I couldn’t have said it better my self! I agree 100%
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