What does hpv affect on a person

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It infects the skin and mucous membranes of humans. Some types of HPV can cause warts or Cancer while others have no symptoms. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-hpv-affect-on-a-person ]
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Can A Person Who Is Affected By The Hpv Virus Get Reinfected By T…?
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How much does being nervous/anxious and stress affect your chances of getting pregnant?
Q: I’ve always been really nervous and anxious about things that nobody else is. We’ve been TTC but I don’t know why it isn’t happening. I’ve been to the doctor and he said I should be fine. I do have HPV however but I’ve been told it shouldn’t matter too much. My boyfriend doesn’t want to go get tested…I think something to do with his pride. I don’t know. Even little things like when I had a job I was always freakin out before it like poopin before work and throwin up..I’d get so nervous but it seemed like nobody else got nervous like I did. I can’t go get pills or anything cuz I don’t have insurance. My bf said if I did get pregnant that He’d get us both on his insurance. It’s just expensive for more than one person. So how do I not be nervous? I always had managers that were dicks and I couldn’t ask questions to them or anything and that has made it harder because I don’t want a job where people can yell at me. Am I just a wuss? I don’t know what I should do anymore.Plus I wanted to get pregnant because my grandparents are getting older and their health is failing and there aren’t any kids in my family really. They’re all grown. I think I want one more because I don’t know anyone that has any kids really and I want to be around them but it’s hard at 21…especially if you don’t know anybody that has any. Plus if I had one my life wouldn’t be so boring and I’d have something to live for and wake up for every day. The thought of being a mother excites me so much but I feel like my nervousness and anxiety is getting in the way.Any advice? Sorry it’s so long….I always write these too long…haha.he wants to surprise me is the only reason for him waiting to propose…we’ve been going out for over 3 years. I should’ve just said my man. Times are changing, not everyone has to be married all the time. We will it’s just not something that has to be done this instant. And he already told me that we’d be taken care of. This was not part of the question. And whose to say that everyone is totally ready to have kids when they do? I know people that should definitely not be parents and they are. I think I would do a whole hell of a lot better than them. So please do not judge me for not being married it has nothing to do with who I am as a person.I’m not worried about money and stuff like that really….it’s more like I get nervous around people and things that are new and stuff like that…i’m petrified of people yelling at me so that’s why it’s hard for me to get a job. I don’t know how to take it.Kristena—I understand what you mean but I do not get nervous around children at all. It’s grownups…people that are pricks and enjoy stepping on others to get to where they want to be. Those are the people that I despise and the business world is filled with them. I’ve been in BAD situations. But a child is nothing that I would be nervous about. I have more patience with children than I do with adults. I was just trying to give u insight into my social phobia stuff and things that I go through. I don’t believe it would have any effect on me being a mother at all because being a mother to something that is your own is totally different. I also know people that abuse the state for various reasons and get paid for it all the time. I’m not one of those people. If you can work. You work. That’s how it is. If I have a kid it already has money that I can’t get to from the bonds my parents got me when I was younger. Because they knew how hard it was to raise a kid when funds were limited.
A: I don’t think you’re atall ready for children. I know I’m going to get a lot of thumbs down for that, but it’s true. You don’t even have insurance on yourself. I def wouldn’t count on the BF getting you or the little one insured. WHy doesn’t your BF marry you? Having a baby WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE. It’s no picnic in the park. I think you should think real hard about your decision before TTC. I hope everything works out well for you!***EDIT***Sweety, I’m not judging you at all. All I’m thinking is you don’t have a job, you don’t have health insurance, your baby isn’t going to have health insurance, and you’re going on what your BF is telling you he’s “GOING” to do. Do you know who pays for babies when the parents can’t afford to? I DO and all of the other hardworking people of America do. It’s not fair to ME!****Edit2****You get nervous around people and things that are new??? What do you think a baby is?
My Psycholgoist Said She Is Surprise I am Still Standing? What Does That Mean?
Q: This morning I woke up and I was extremely depressed. I am depressed because I was sexually assaulted and now I have HPV and Herpes from it. I was proactive and I went to see a psychologist at my school. I told her about my issues. She said that she is surprised I am still standing. Is that good? Does that mean that if I have made it this far maybe I can get through this?The man that attacked me and infected me with his diseases also stalked and harassed me. I dropped out of college 6 months ago. I am gong to see my psychologist in a couple days and also an academic advisor. Should I try to get back to school? I stopped going half way through the semester because I was too depressed and I get constant vaginal itching.How do I get through this? I went to the book store and got a book on positive thinking. I am trying to be positive.My dream is to become an attorney to help people fight violent crime. Do you think I should go for my dream of law school? Do you think I can make it.That creep that assaulted me makes me sad and think that humanity is evil, but today I was so happy when I went back to my college after 6 months. My psychologist was so nice and seemed to care a lot!!!! Also, the people at financial aid say I might be able to qualify for financial aid. School starts on Monday. Should I try to go to school? I don’t want to look back and say that this attacker ruined my life….Like say I dropped out of college and had a horrible life. My mom has a high school diploma and my dad only has an 8th grade education. I will be the first person in my whole family to graduate college (if I go back). Also, do you think I could maybe even go to graduate school? I want to go to law school so bad!!!Also, I have only been diagnosed with HPV. I know there is a good chance I also have Herpes because I have Herpes symtoms. However, do you think I should not get diagnosed on Herpes? I think that would be way too depressing. Can I do positive thinking to make the herpes go dormant?Also, can I have a husband someday? I want to get married and have childen, but I also want to adopt from third world countries. My psychologist seemed to still accept me even though I have STDs, do you think I will find a husband that does?Also, will Herpes make me sick a lot? I have had it for 10 months now. I had one outbreak in November and now my second is in August. I just get red ulcers that eventually crust over. Do you think the worst is over? Someone told me that the worst break out is the worst? I am putting baby powder on the sores and they are helping the itch go away.Please help me. Should I not give up and keep trying? I hope I can go back to school on Monday. I want to succeed in life so bad.Am I a diseased person? Please help!!!! Will Herpes affect my health? I don’t want to get sick
A: I like the two answers above mine. I will only add a few things.”Should I try to go to school?” Absolutely yes.You can’t make herpes go away or dormant by positive thinking. But there are good medicines available for it now. And over the years, it will show up a lot less frequently. I have had it for years, and it rarely shows up, say every few years. Herpes shouldn’t make you sick. It can cause swelling and soreness when it is active.Yes, you can certainly have a husband and kids someday. If you have herpes active at the time when you need to give birth, they will like complete the birth via Caesarean section.See your doctor about creams to deal with itching.You’re doing everything right. Don’t quit now.Here’s a book that can give you more potent help than positive thinking (although positive thinking is good)–I highly recommend it:http://www.amazon.com/Ten-Days-Self-Esteem-David-Burns/dp/0688094554/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1215364851&sr=8-1Best Wishes!P. S. “My Psychologist Said She Is Surprised I am Still Standing? What Does That Mean?” She meant that will all you have gone through and have been facing, she is surprised you haven’t lost it totally!
Can a girl who carries the HPV virus transfer it to me through her giving me oral? DESPERATE! HELP!?
Q: A girl recently gave me oral (went down on me) who says she carries the HPV virus. She was not having an outbreak at the time and hasn’t had one in 4 years.I have no symptoms of being affected by any sort of STD and was not prompted to post because of symptoms.My question is, what are the chances that i picked it up from her? And what are my chances of passing it on to someone else, and if i do, will that person remain symptom-free as i have?
A: You cannot get that from recieving oral sex. The disease exists in her vagina. If you know someone has a STD, don’t mess around with them then. BTW more than 60% of the population have HPV.
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