What can you do to survive stomach cancer

Health related question in topics Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “What can you do to survive stomach cancer”,you can compare them.

The best way to treat stomach cancer usually involves surgery to remove cancerous material and chemotherapy/radiation to destroy cancerous cells. During medical treatment, you can change your diet to relieve symptoms and possibly deter relapse. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-can-you-do-to-survive-stomach-cancer ]
More Answers to “What can you do to survive stomach cancer
Can I Survive Stomach Cancer? What Is My Prognosis?
Your chance of recovery depends on these things. ・ The type and location of the cancer The stage of the disease How quickly the cancer is likely to grow … ・ Are free of disease Have few or no signs or symptoms of cancer Are being treated …
How many people survive stomach cancer?
Over the last 25 years five-year relative survival rates for stomach cancer have tripled in Britain, but are still low at around 15%. Read more in-depth stomach cancer survival statistics
Is it possible to have your entire stomach removed due to cancer,…?
Yes, the entire stomach can be removed. Her surgeon would than attach the esophagus to the small intestine. Not sure what the quality of life would be after such a procedure, so you may want to do more research. I have heard that after a to…

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I am puzzled. How can you survive without the stomach? Is it possible? ?
Q: my uncle has stomach cancer and now has spread to the intestines. What can we do?
A: Yes it is possible to survive without a stomach. When the stomach is removed the surgeon usually creates a stomach out of intestinal tissue. It doesn’t work as well as a normal stomach, but it does work. However, I am sorry to say stomach cancer does not have a good prognosis, especially if it extends into the bowel. I think you need to have your uncles oncologist explain his condition and treatment to you.
How can I help a patient that has been denied for any treatments on a stomach cancer by a hospital from dying?
Q: Please help me how can I find out other options to help my uncle, whom has stomach cancer and has been denied by the hospital from any treatment and said that he will be dying soon. I really believed that it is still possible to help him survive the cancer or live a little bit longer. What can I do to find a treatment for him? Please help soon. You can email me your recommendations, phone number or email so that I can contact you soon. Thank you in million. We are currently live in Portland Oregon. Thanks again.
A: listen to the Doctors. they know what they are talking about. Have you asked your uncle what he wants? perhaps he doesnt want to delay the process any longer, if the Doctors have confimed that he is dying, why delay it and give him false hopes? This man needs your unconditional love and support, he does not need the worry that you are trying to work AGAINST the Doctors instead of with them to make his last weeks on Earth memorable and comfortable and happy.
Should we pull the plug?
Q: My Uncle-in-law is only 21 years old and his son is only 10months old. His son has Cancer and yesterday he barely made it. He was so sick the doc said he might not make it through the night. Today he is a little better but not good improvements. The doctor said that they will give his son one week and see if his son has any progress if not then its up to my uncle to decide what he wants best for his son. His son has only 1% chance of surviving and do you think that even at 1% we should we tell our uncle to let his son go and pull the plug or wait to see if he can have better progress? His Cancer spread throughout his body already and he got it from his mom’s gene. Although she doesn’t have Cancer her brother died of stomach Cancer 2 years ago at age 25 and so did her maternal grandma, died of brain Cancer. I’m so sad I’ve never that I’d actually get to know someone close to me and their baby is dying. Sniff…. Sniff…. I love kids and this is so bad….. He’s only 10months old, cute kid looks like a clone of his daddy. First grandchild of their family. Please Pray for him to get better if you believe in miracles help us pray for a chance he’d grow old and live a long life. Even though theres only 1% chance that number counts….
A: This is so said I will pray for him defiantly! Maybe a miracle will happen just stay strong.
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