What problems does oral cancer cause

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Common symptoms of oral cancer include: Patches inside your mouth or on your lips that are white, a mixture of red and More? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-problems-does-oral-cancer-cause ]
More Answers to “What problems does oral cancer cause
What causes oral cancer?
Some causes of oral cancer could be is if you chew tobacco or smoke and if you are a heavy drinker. Although there is no definite cause of oral cancer these are some of things that could contribute to it.You can find more information here…
Do oral contraceptives cause breast cancer?
For years, experts have debated whether oral contraceptives increase the risk of breast cancer. Some studies suggest they do; others do not. In a new Boston University study, researchers have found that women who had taken birth control pil…
What causes oral cancer and what are some of the warning signs??
Tobacco (cigarettes, pipes, cigars, chewing tobacco, and snuff) is the most common cause of oral cancer. Combining tobacco use with heavy drinking can also foster the development of oral cancer. Bad hygiene, prolonged irritation of the oral…

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Can you Visit the ER for Oral Cancer Concerns?
Q: I am concerned about several issues i have that match up with oral cancer symptoms. Around 7 years ago i had a swollen throat with bumps making it hard to speak and swallow and also i have and still have large to small white bumps in the back of my throat. I was misdiagnosed with strep and giving amoxicillin which in the end i turned out to be allergic to…(resulting in almost sufficating and now i have bumps on my stomach and scaring resulting from the hives) and even with the other medications to relieve it, the problem kept reoccuring every other week or so. After the misdiagnosis, they re-diagnosed me with having mono. However, mono is similar to chicken pox and it is supposedly rare for an individual who already showed the illness to get sick from it again due to the gain of immunity…and yet even today i get the throat illness, like the other day. It sometimes lasts a week to 2 weeks. 3 years after first symptoms, i began to notice loosening of my teeth and because of fear of my teeth fallin out ive suffered from plenty of nightmares lol. I went to a dentist to see what was wrong, and they claimed my teeth were in perfect condition(which they arnt lol) Now a year ago, i noticed a patch on the left side of my tongue where the taste buds were like gone…and it felt numb. Soon a white patch appeared on the area, and its been there since. there are swallon taste buds around it. i was told it could possibly just be thrush, but it didnt match with pictures relating to thrush in my own opinion. So i have ignored it since, but recently, they have been sore and a circular spot has appeared on the right side now and there was a small cut or somethin across the white patch that hurt alot. I dont smoke nor do i drink, but i grew up around 2nd hand smoking. I also had a condition when i was little and until recently where i would chew at the inside of my cheeks unconciously when i felt nervous, stressful, and when i was feeling anxiety. I read on many sites and in a few medical books that changes(sores, cuts, etc) or irritation can also lead to the development of oral cancer however it is more rare under those circumstances…But ive been doing it since i was a toddler and i am now 20 years old so that doesnt really look good. My cheeks are covered in white scarring and bumps. When i feel around with my tongue in my mouth, the saliva glads have a coppery sensation on my tongue. When i eat certain foods, especially breads, my mouth gets bumps and feels extremely sore. My gums are also white in alot of places and i have bad teeth in the first place beause i lacked insurance for a while, and couldnt afford a doctor or dentist(no dentists in town accept pple without insurance and only one accepts medicaid so its hard to get in anyways) under my tongue, where the gland or duct or w/e is, there is a lump on the right side bottom of my mouth. Also, 3 years ago, i also had an accident where i got hit with a golf ball on my upper lip and it split open. its healed, but scared badly and when i get dry lips, the wound reopens, even tho its been so long. its resulted in a bad scar. And i heard when i was in hs, a wound that does not heal is not a good one, as it often is a symptom of cancer. Also, recently ive had back neck problems as if someone was dragging a razor across the back of my neck. I was prescribed muscle relaxers and pain relievers, neither of which even have any effect on me. i also suffer really bad headaches from unknown causes…no store bought medicines have helped releave the pain not even naproxen. i had a ct scan done on my neck and head and they said it was perfectly fine. In the past, when i first had the throat problems, i had a ct scan and they also said i was fine. they also couldnt figure out the cause of my high heartrate that rapidly rises when i move leading to blackouts. that issue was olong ago forgotten when i lost insurance. (i have medicaid now)Ah sorry for talkin so much…basically, can i visit the ER to get my tongue n such looked out. a visit to the dentist will take a month to 3 just to get an appointmet.(my mom had to wait 4 months even tho she had a bad tooth infection that made her sick)Ive tried to set up a dentist appointment recently but they said it could take up to a month or so, and if its anything bad i already let it go on for years now…so i kinda dont wanna wait that long. also theres no chance of it being an std. ive only been with one partner whome is my fiance.They didnt really do anything and barely let me talk in the first place, but they gave me a prescription for Nystatin swish n swallow mouthwash style medicine..
A: I work in the ER. Let me tell you that if you do go to the ER tell them your tongue is numb and don’t go into all this background. It will drive them crazy and they will not give you a second look. Just go in, and say your tongue is numb, and let THEM take it from there without all your explainations of what happened in the past.
What’s causing my cat’s gum lesions? Tooth abscesses or oral cancer?
Q: Hello everyone,In advance, I’d like to thank you for reading this thread. Whether you are a veterinarian, vet tech, or plain old animal lover like me, I graciously appreciate any thoughts, feedback, or advice you can offer regarding my cat’s recent health dilemma. My cat, Melody, is a six-year-old female orange tabby. Two weeks ago, she presented with unusual gagging and pawing at the mouth, occurring several times throughout the day for a total of two days. She was eating and drinking fine during this time.An upper respiratory infection soon followed along with refusal to eat or drink for two days. On day three, we took her to see a veterinarian to make sure the situation didn’t get out of hand. The vet said she may have Feline Calicivirus or Rhinotracheitis, which cause recurring respiratiory infections, and we thought that was the culprit (e.g., the onset of the cold may have given her a scratchy/sore throat, causing the pawing and gagging behaviors).The other culprit suspected was dental disease. During the exam, the vet diagnosed Grade IV-V dental disease, and noted that Melody would need to have a full mouth exam, cleaning, and possible tooth extractions.For the time being, the vet put her on a liquid antibiotic (Clavamox) taken twice a day, administered an appetite stimulant, and gave an oral gel supplement (L-Lysine). Melody was just beginning to eat as we got home that night. Her voracious appetite returned over the next few days, much to my pleasure, and after a week, the cold was in remission!And now she’s begun the pawing at the mouth/gagging once again, with occasional drooling. She is having some trouble eating, but does eventually eat wet food nonetheless. Knowing that her symptoms are not cold-related, I now suspect that dental disease is the problem.I managed to take a few pictures of her mouth when she was eating and playing for a closer look, and found two cyst-like lesions on her bottom two canine teeth, left and right sides. Here are some pictures for your review:1) http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/7372/46368822.jpg2) http://img109.imageshack.us/img109/8217/16147540.jpg3) http://img6.imageshack.us/img6/9180/52037016.jpg4) http://img194.imageshack.us/img194/5527/30864271.jpgMy questions:1) Might these lesions be related to the Clavamox antibiotic (e.g., an allergic reaction to penicillin/clavulanate)? I didn’t notice the lesions at all before administering the antibiotic, nor did the vet, but they may have still been there.2) Does this look like some sort of pyoderma/bacterial gum infection? Possibly tooth abscesses? If so, why didn’t the antibiotic take care of it?3) One I’m especially worried about – might this be oral squamous cell carcinoma or a form of feline oral cancer? I know that cancer diagnosis can only be determined after performing a biopsy, but based on their shape, size, color, and appearance in general, do you think the lesions are benign or malignant?These questions are intended only for information gathering. Of course I will bring her in to see the veterinarian as soon as possible, but right now, we are swamped with an awful blizzard (several feet of snow), and local vets aren’t even in the office. I will look into emergency vet hospitals if I can’t get an appointment soon, but I’m once again grateful for your feedback in the interim. Thank you so much!The Clavamox antibiotic was administered for 10 days in total.
A: It’s tough to say just what it is, but I’ve never seen Clavamox to produce something like this. I will tell you though that there are several very nasty strains of Calici virus out there, and some of them can produce some wicked mouth lesions. The calici is a virus, and can take 3 weeks to run it’s course. Calici also produces drooling, sometimes heavy drooling. So she may have both that and the dental infection to contend with. An antibiotic won’t do a darn thing for calici, it just needs to run it’s course. I wouldn’t be surprised if she had lesions in her throat as well.Continue to encourage her to eat the canned food. If she won’t eat, try spoon or finger feeding it to her – cold! That can work for them the same as eating ice cream for a sore throat can work for us.
Which oral contraceptive pill is right for me?
Q: I’m currently taking Cerazette, I definitely feel it’s the best for me as in my emotional needs.But I have no idea what it means for my health needs, My Nana has recently recovered from Cervical cancer, she not was serious Kidney problems, and my family has a history of heart problems and various cancers. I myself and rather fit a healthy, I have respiratory problems now and again, but nothing that stops me from doing anything (caused from asthma as a child). I have terrible indigestion problems though.
A: You need to ask your doctor on this one hun
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