What causes discoloration of skin pigment

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What causes discoloration of skin pigment”,you can compare them.

The following list of conditions have ‘Skin color changes’ or similar listed as a symptom: Abalone poisoning, Abdominal Aneurysm, Abdominal Cancer, Abdominal muscle strain, Aberrant subclavian artery abnormality, Abscess, Acanthocytosis, MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-causes-discoloration-of-skin-pigment ]
More Answers to “What causes discoloration of skin pigment
Will the emulsion discolor natural pigmentation of skin??
There is no evidence that permanent discoloration of the skin will take place.

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what could cause the skin to tighten on the face?
Q: a co-worker has been advised by local doctors to take her 19 yr.son to the mayo clinic. over the last couple of years the skin on his face has pulled tight and there’s some discoloration (loss of pigment ) and change in skin exture on his neck. At first the doctors thought it was a flesh eating disease, also M.S. has been mentioned . any ideas waht is could be ? has anyone heard of these type of symptoms?
A: Scleroderma: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/scleroderma/DS00362
i had a skin rash and when it was gone, i was left with with skin discoloration, white spots, what do i have?
Q: the rash was all over my arms, torso back, top of my legs and was spreading to the rest of the legs, but more visible in my chest and arms. the rash were small ovals red but lighter in the middle. when my rash was gone i was left with white spots… not bright white spots, just skin discoloration, like i had lost pigment in the spots where my rash was.Some people have told me that i had a fungus, others that i have a hormone imbalance, some say its sun spots cause by a bacteria for being to much out in the sun and sweating a lot… mmm has anyone had my problem???
A: The spots that you have now are called “post inflammatory hypopigmentation”, and are very commonly seen after having had an inflammatory condition first. (I suspect that your preceding condition was pityriasis rosea, by the way). Over some length of time, the body will correct the condition, and the white spots eventually subside, but it’s going to take a while. In the meantime, there really is nothing you can do about it,other than wait it out. Obviously, if you were to be exposed to sunlight right now, the areas that are normal would tan up, and the white areas wouldn’t be able to, so it would look to you as if the spots were getting worse, by comparison to the tan skin.
Pigment on chest?
Q: They’re roundish and their not freckles they look more like pigment i’m not sure what it is. Heres a question that is from a while ago someone asked that sounds the same as mine.what are these round darker spots i have on my chest?They “feel” the same as the rest of my skin- they’re not “raised”.There’s about 4 of them around the middle of my chest-I got them in late teenage years gradually.The doctor just said it was some pigment thing was he right? Best Answer – Chosen by Askeryes thats right,these are just discoloration spots from sun damage.And sometimes caused by copper in the system.did the doctor tell u its vitiligo?????? Help please….
A: Round dark unraised spots on your chest could be about 12 different things ranging from large moles to malignant melanoma. See a dermatologist to make sure it’s not cancer. He/she will tell you what they are.
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