What is the cause of cancer in tobacco

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There are over 60 chemicals that are known to cause cancer that get wrapped up into those cigarettes daily. ChaCha [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-cause-of-cancer-in-tobacco ]
More Answers to “What is the cause of cancer in tobacco
Is it true that smoking weed can cause more cancer than smoking t…?
Smoking weed can cause cancer, but tobacco is still thought to be worse. ChaCha!
How Does Tobacco Cause Lung Cancer?
G’day, Thank you for your question. The process of burning tobacco causes the release of at least 80 different chemicals that cause cancer. These collect in your lungs and over time cause you to develop lung cancer. It also can alter DNA le…
How does tobacco cause cancer?
it blocks your lungs, making it hard for you to breath. it causes different breathing problems like asthma as well. you can look up pictures of diseased lungs and find out the details on other web sites or blackle.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why don’t tobacco companies invest in cancer research?
Q: I was thinking today, Why don’t tobacco companies invest in cancer research? It would make sense to try and find a cure for cancer, the reason why people have stopped smoking or never started is mainly because they don’t want to risk getting cancer and there can be no doubt that tobacco causes cancer so the tobacco companies might as well give up on trying to convince people that their product is not the cause of cancer. By investing in cancer research it not only makes them look good like their trying to fix their mistakes but if they do happen to find a cure they would probably see a grand return in their investments. I mean the people that do smoke now already know and get reminded everyday that the habit is cancer causing so i highly doubt that they would lose their customer base. What do y’all think?
A: Many tobacco companies are funding cancer research. The government has won lawsuits against tobacco companies and is requiring them to fund this research. Of course a lot of taxes, including from tobacco companies, help fund all kinds of medical research including cancer. As I see it, tobacco companies didn’t want to fund cancer research for two main reasons. The first is that it would cost them money. This means lower profits. The second is that it could be construed as an admission that tobacco products cause cancer and put them is a worse position in lawsuits than they already are.
What are the chances that smokeless tobacco will cause mouth cancer?
Q: I do chew once in a while I do a pouch maybe once or twice a day. I did use long cut straight for about a year about as often as I am today. I did quit for a year and got back into it but I am using the new camel snus now and I assume that its less potent considering I get way less of a buzz from it. I am not asking if this will cause mouth cancer, but I want to know about how long it takes on average to get mouth cancer from it. Basically I want statistics of the chances and the average time it takes to get cancer for those who did get it.
A: Chances are 1 in 3 people will get some type of cancer, either esophageal,lip,tongue or mouth cancer. How long it takes nobody knows for sure, every person is different.The important thing is to quit right NOW the sooner the better. Google smokeless tobacco and will see what comes up.It’s a powerfull habit, even worse that cigarette smoking,hard to break the physical and psychological addiction. Please call 1-800-try-to quit or talk to your doctor about ways to quit.Best of luck
Im 23 and dying from throat cancer. How should I break it to my family? I used tobacco could that’ve cause it?
Q: I know have cancer because six months ago i went to the doctor cause i had a sore throat. It wasn’t strep and he said it was sore he gave me some med and it went away for a week. Then my sore throat came back I went to diff DR not strep again and she told me what to do to help sooth my throat. I tried that and my sore throat never went away and it got worse and hoarse when I talked alot or if I drank alcohol. I started having trouble breathing and swallowing, then i started coughing up bloody mucus. I stopped going to the doctor cause I new by then it was probably cancer since I used tobacco since I was 17. I quit smoking a month before I started having all these symptoms cause I would have trouble breathing when I smoked so I quit. I was scared to go to doc after i had all the symptoms cause I knew my parents would prob find out, and I don’t know how to break it to them. I figured the doc didn’t make a soon enough diagnosis and I knew it was probably my fault I got cancer cause I used to have really good health. I was afraid for my family to find out cause my dad has high blood pressure. I know this doesn’t seem possible since im so young I didn’t think it was at first either. I know it has spread to my stomach and other organs now I cant hardly breath anymore and i have diarrhea everyday and I have pain all though my body. My urine is dark everytime i pee. Its been like 6 months since I had symptoms and I still havent told my family they know im depressed and been getting sick they think the depression is causin it. I quit my job 4 months ago cause i was doin half the amount of work i used to and i got to weak and sick to do any heavy lifting. This is not a joke Im afraid to tell my family cause Im afraid that my dad might have a stroke since he has high blood pressure. I know theyre gonna find out when I die but Im scared to see whats gon happen. They know something is up cause theyre worried about me but they dont think its a terminal illness. They think I lay around alot cause im depressed. Im scared to tell them cause we live in small town where most of my immediate family lives here and all around the area. Im afraid that I destroyed my wonderful family they are all so nice. Im afraid I have destroyed the community to cause my family is friends with alot of people in this town, and everybody knows me and I have alot of friends around here to. Im afraid to see how my family is gonna react my family and everyone I know is gonna think im stupid for dying of tobacco. They will be ashamed of me probably, I hate myself you only get one life im leaving everything behind me this is my fault im dying. Ive been thinkin about wrecking my truck should i do they that and make them think I died in a wreck they mite do an autopsy though. I need some help this no joke what should I do?
A: I saw your numerous questions yesterday and I’m not sure what your problem is, but I do know you are not dying from throat cancer. If you knew anything about this disease you wouldn’t bother posting this question over and over. If you were really dying from this disease you wouldn’t have to tell your family anything, as it would be obvious and not very likely that you would even be able to speak at all anyway. So stop feeling sorry for yourself and seeking attention here. As there are people here who really are dying from cancer or have loved ones that are and it is disrespectful to them. Go back to your doctor and follow their advice
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