What did Farrah Fawcet die of

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Farrah Fawcett died in a Los Angeles hospital, some 2 1/2 years after being diagnosed with colorectal cancer. She was 62. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-did-farrah-fawcet-die-of ]
More Answers to “What did Farrah Fawcet die of
When did Farrah Fawcet die?
June 26,2009 the same day that Michael Jackson died too.
When and how did michael jackson and Farrah fawcet die??
She died this morning, June 25 at 62 of cancer. Michael Jackson had a heart attack but is still alive!
How old was Farrah Fawcet when she died?
She was 62 years of age Farah Fawcett was born on February 2 1947 in Corpus Christi, Texas as Ferrah Leni Fawcett. She was 62 when she died on June 25 2009. She was married to Lee Majors from 1973 to 1982 and also lived with Ryan O’Neal fro…

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A: Try not to associate night time with fearful sensations and stress. It sounds like your life has very stressful points, such as when your friend’s dad says you can’t hang with him anymore. These things are burdening your subconscious and whenever something is particularly stressful or frightening (like death or loss of a friend), a phobia is created. In your case it is the fear of night time. My suggestion to you is to try and reason out your fear; it is an irrational disturbance. You have no reason to fear it. I know its difficult to logically disprove a fear, but other than systematic desensitization or drug therapy, rationalizing is the best way to rid yourself of your phobia.
whats happening to the celebrities!?!?
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A: It’s sad, but it is just a coincidence that they have died in such a short time. Farrah has been suffering for a long time and is free of her pain. I enjoyed her in Charley’s Angels. Michael Jackson was fortunate to die so quickly and not suffer. The shock is hard when a person dies suddenly, but the pain of watching someone suffer for months or even years is worse.
Poll:Ed McMahon, Billy Mays, Michael Jackson, Farrah Fawcet, and Fred Travalen all died?
Q: That’s 5 people.Count ’em! 5!I’m starting a conspiracy that none of them are actually dead and this is all a part of the government’s evil plan.What do you think? Anyone have a better conspiracy theory?I like to make death funGale Storm died?I know, that’s why it’s my alias
A: you forgot david carradine you know the kung fu legend continues guy, he died too & yes thats abnormally alot.
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