Is he still alive and if not where did he died and when

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On 7-26-84, Gein died of respiratory and heart failure due to cancer at the Mendota Mental Health Institute in Madison, Wisconsin. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is he still alive and if not where did he died and when
Is Elvis still alive? If he’s not, when did he died??
Elvis Presley may be the single most important figure in American 20th century popular music. Not necessarily the best, and certainly not the most consistent. But no one could argue with the fact that he was the musician most responsible fo…
Is John Astin (Gomex Addams) still alive? If not, when did he die…?
According to the Internet Movie database, he’s still alive and making movies. I think you be confusing Astin with Raul Julia, who played Gomez in the Addams Family movies, and who died of a heart attack a few years ago.
Is herbert muhammad son of muslim leader elijah muhammad still al…?
Jabir herbert Muhammad, son of Elijah Muhammad, died last year after open heart surgery at age 79.

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Dating a man 22 years older, his wife died 3 yrs ago and he still hasn’t moved any of her things out?
Q: He’s twenty something years older than me, 66 and his wife died three years ago, and he hasn’t moved anything in his house, her clothes jewery, nothing, it’s like she still is alive. We have been dating for a year and it is really getting to me to the point I can’t go to his house because it’s like she still exist. He says he keeps it like that because of his son, he’s 34 or 35 and lives in another state, and never comes home but once a year, and doesn’t want the house, the part of town the house is is getting bad, dangerous in fact, yet though he wants to marry me, I can’t move into that house. If he won’t move her things out, and makes no attempt to put her things away or give them to his son, and I wouldn’t live in that neighborhood, because of the danger, yet he says if we married he would move, but he does nothing to attempt to show me he’s trying to move, nothing. I’ve asked him to at least put her jewery away, her purfume, ect away, so I don’t feel like I’m going into her house, yet he won’t do it, because he says it’s for his son, which like I said, never comes home. Even his brother, sister and family think he needs to sell the house, and move on, and love me to death, but it’s gotten to the point I just get him to come to my house. Although I’m not ready for marraige yet, and love him, he’s really clingy, wants to be with me 24/7, and I’ve been divorced 19 yrs and have children in college away, and raised them on my own, so I’m very independent, and I like my space, and I don’t want someone around me 24/7 and told him, I just don’t think if we married it would’nt work, because I need my space. It’s so bad, he can have something going on, and he won’t do it, because he says he doesn’t want to stay away from me. I have to say my kids are coming in town for the night and spending the night just so I can have a breather, but that’s not the problem now, I’m wondering, we’ve been dating a year, his house is like a shrine to his dead wife, he says he’s over her, but refuses to change his house, and then he tells me if he ever lost me, he couldn’t go on, he would die, which I told him, you would go on, but you arn’t going to lose me, you just need to look ahead and go on with your life, and I’ve gone to counselors, which he thinks are quacks and think they tell me what to do, which they don’t they are really good ones, and I don’t go just for him, I rarely talk about him, I go for me, because I was in a very abused relationship 19 yrs ago, had a terrible car accident which I almost died, post-tramadic symdrome, been raped twice when I was in my twenties ect, and been going though they say I’m fine now, I just feel better going, since I’ve been going all these years and they know me, and think it would do him good, he just refuses to go. My concern is, am I allowing him to manipulate me, with this I can’t live without you, blah blah blah, and it goes beyond that, where it’s gotten to the point I don’t want to make love with him anymore, and I caught him in lies before, not cheating but lies, small ones to the point I think, he watches my house, maybe has tapped my phone, ect, which creeps me out, when I see him around my house, he says he was just in the neighborhood which I know isn’t true. I’m 45, but look in my thirties and he knows in my line of work I meet alot of men, and is always saying I know guys hit on you all the time, and I’m like what, I don’t pay attention, which I don’t. He’s very sweet, kind, gentle, if you didn’t know better you would even think he’s gay, but I know he’s not, he’s that sweet and kind and does things for me out of the blue which is so sweet, but I know from him and his brother I’ve found they used to have a very devious, wild side, and would resort to tapping the phone and such, which I use my cell now when I need to talk to my friend about him. I’m getting off the main subject though, which I guess there are alot of things going on, and the more I date him, I love him, but just not in love, and don’t know maybe one day, that will happen with the way he treats me so good, if we could just get beyond the wife deal, and the smothering thing. I’m not trying to sound cold or mean, everyone would tell you I’m the sweetest person in the world, I volunteer, and help homeless ect, plus work and pay for my daughters to go to college when I’m not even supposed to be working with all that’s happened to me physically from my car accident years ago, but had no other choice and they work two jobs so they do do their part, and they are going to be dr.s, but if you looked at me, you wouldln’t be able to tell, because it’s all inernal, plus I’m deaf. Someone please give me advise on my relationship. It’s a year, and I’m still young and attractive and not to sound vain, get offers everyday for dates, but don’t act upon them as I do love him, I’m just not in love, and he is sooo sweet and kind, I just don’t like little lies, and don’t like him saying he’s doing the house bit fI’m asking what do I do, let him go, or stick around? Is it normal for him to leave his house like a shrine for his dead wife and tell me it’s for his son?
A: Holy shyt that is long. You just wrote a damn novel.
Is British serial killer Dennis Andrew Nilsen still alive?
Q: Hello. I was wondering if serial killer Dennis Nilsen was still alive. I know he didn’t commit his crimes all that long ago and I don’t recall ever hearing of him dying. If so, does anyone know where he is currently being held? If not, when did he die? (I’m not a crazy, I was just curious)
A: Yes he is still alive. He’s held a HMP Full Sutton maximum security prison.
What Does It Say About Obama Supporters When They Deny He Lied Even Though His Campaign Admitted He Lied ?
Q: Concerning his vote on the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act when he was in the Illinois State Senate.. The bill that would stop doctors from throwing live babies in garbage cans and utility closets to die, or just leaving them on the table to die without providing assistance .Obama claimed that the Federal “neutrality clause” wasn’t in the Illinois bill and that if it were he would have voted for the bill instead of against it. Investigative reporter Jill Stanek proved that the exact same clause Obama said wasn’t in the bill was actually placed in the bill by the very committee Obama chaired. Yet he still voted against it.Then Obama calls us all liars —–Since the August 13 report, Obama was a guest with CBN’s David Brody File where he told the world that anyone who doubts his word on his Illinois BAIP vote is a “liar.”Here in part is what Obama told David Brody in Saturday’s August 16 interview:”Well and because they have not been telling the truth. And I hate to say that people are lying, but here’s a situation where folks are lying.”However — The Truth finally comes out . ** The same day the interview aired, the Obama campaign did a 180 on the issue admitting that Obama did vote against the very bill with the very language in it that Obama has claimed for 6 years did not exist.His campaign yesterday acknowledged that he had voted against an identical bill in the state Senate,So in the end, Obama does support leaving live babies to die . His votes tell us that , the record proves that, and now even his campaign admits that . . . . . .yet some of you still deny it???I realize that this info won’t magically change a democrat into a republican, and that was never my intent . I like the fact that we have people with diverse and opposing views . But folks, it’s one thing to be a democrat and yet another thing to vote for a man who supports leaving live babies to die without aid, and then has the audacity to think you’re so stupid as to believe his lie of 6 yrs despite his campaign admission.
A: As Drew Bloodsd’s answer proves;Obama supporters are just plain ignorant!
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