What happens when you have colon cancer

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What happens when you have colon cancer”,you can compare them.

U have change in bowel habits, rectal bleeding, persistent abdominal discomfort, such as cramps, gas or pain, abdominal pain [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-happens-when-you-have-colon-cancer ]
More Answers to “What happens when you have colon cancer
What happens after colon cancer gets into the stomach lining??
Not sure what you are asking . . once the cancer is metastatic it hitches a ride in the blood stream and lymphatic system . . meaning it can go anywhere in the body and set up new cancer colonies everywhere. With colon cancer complete surgi…
Can colon cancer happen to a young girl, like the age of thirteen…?
People often ask the wrong questions . . and in this case you may be asking the wrong question because colon cancer is a disease of older adults . .usually over the age of 60. So when you ask this question people will dismiss your complaint…
What Happens During Colon Cancer Screening?
During a colonoscopy, your doctor inserts a long, thin tube with a tiny camera on the end into your rectum and the full length of your colon. Air or water will be put into your colon, as well, to allow for a better view. A colonoscopy typic…

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Mom new symptoms are showing in stage IV colon cancer whats happening?
Q: She was recently diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer July 30. She has had surgery to give her a colostomy which was necessary to save her life temporary for a few more months. Mom is 79 yrs old and is so tiny weighing in at 79 lbs. She is now at home under hospice care where she is very happy instead of being at the hospital. The hospice nurse shows once/twice a week for the moment until she worsens then the visits will get more frequent. Mom was getting so strong lately and eating well and visiting with guests.. now she has a new symptom. Her tiny little feet and ankles are swelling up like little baloons. You can leave an finger indentation in them when you push on them. What is causing the swelling I know its more than likely Edema or acities but is there really a difference between the two of them? Does this means her kidneys are failing? Yesterday she is drinking better than the day before but urinates only once to maybe twice a day. Is there anyone out there that has or had a loved one or friend with stage 4 and did they begin to have swelling at the feet and ankles as a beginning symptom of declining in health towards the end? I have heard that many patients begin to feel better before they begin to decline. She has felt really great the past week and a half now her feet are swelling and its completely new to us and her. What shoul we as her children expect next swellling anywhere else, loss of appetite, onger sleeping patterns, ore naps what anything will help. We are all so scared that this may be the beginning of the end for mom. If there is anything we can do to make her feel more comfortable please let us know. Thank for your responses and God Bless you all
A: Yes – It is possible to have swelling. I hope she has been given chemotheraphy treatment and most probably Medicine Ifosfamide in combination withe Mesna is given. Some of the chemo drugs cause swelling in the feet, etc. and it will go away in due course. Secondly due to the side effects of these medicines and also Radiation some times the patient may suffer from UTI (Urinary track Infection) which will also lead to swelling of legs and feets. And it may be the result of swelling of Lymph nodes and this also can be treated by your doctor. I find she had already had the full treatment like colostomy etc. and this is not a very bigh thing. Or there may be some other reason due to which this swelling has taken place. Your doctor is the best judge on the spot to tell the reason and also treat it. Please therefore consult him. But for this do not get alarmed as all these side effect are imaginable in a Stage IV patient. Please take care of her. –
Mom is developing new symptom in her stage IV colon cancer whats happening?
Q: She was recently diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer July 30. She has had surgery to give her a colostomy which was necessary to save her life temporary for a few more months. Mom is 79 yrs old and is so tiny weighing in at 79 lbs. She is now at home under hospice care where she is very happy instead of being at the hospital. The hospice nurse shows once/twice a week for the moment until she worsens then the visits will get more frequent. Mom was getting so strong lately and eating well and visiting with guests.. now she has a new symptom. Her tiny little feet and ankles are swelling up like little baloons. You can leave an finger indentation in them when you push on them. What is causing the swelling I know its more than likely Edema or acities but is there really a difference between the two of them? Does this means her kidneys are failing? Yesterday she is drinking better than the day before but urinates only once to maybe twice a day. Is there anyone out there that has or had a loved one or friend with stage 4 and did they begin to have swelling at the feet and ankles as a beginning symptom of declining in health towards the end? I have heard that many patients begin to feel better before they begin to decline. She has felt really great the past week and a half now her feet are swelling and its completely new to us and her. What shoul we as her children expect next swellling anywhere else, loss of appetite, onger sleeping patterns, ore naps what anything will help. We are all so scared that this may be the beginning of the end for mom. If there is anything we can do to make her feel more comfortable please let us know. Thank for your responses and God Bless you all.
A: Just be with her and give her lots of hugs and kisses or even sit by her bed stroking her hand or running your hand through her hair is also quite soothing. I think her time to go is close as the swelling of the body is a sign of this.Sorry to hear about your mom god bless.
There is blood when I poo.. ive read it could be anything from hemmroids to colon cancer. Help!?
Q: For some reason Ive never quite pooped “right”. I always would take a longer while to get it all out. Back before everything described below happened, it would take maybe 20-30 minutes to get everything out and be done. Ill give you a quick history of my poop paterns lately…A month or so ago I had to poo after everything I ate. Anytime my stomach got some food in it, it would become very upset and I had to poo quickly after, many times being diareha. This went on for 2-3 days. Then after that was gone, it became very hard to poo. I would have to strain to get it out, and after a while it became VERY VERY painful to poop.. every time I had to poo I would expect going through hell again. I had to resort to a laxative for a couple days, and then I increased my fiber diet and began drinking more liquids, but that only helped a little.Now, I am still eating more fiber and liquids, but I still have to strain when I poo. It doesnt hurt as much as it did before, but it is still a little painful. The poo was green for maybe no more than a week, but recently it is not. Now there is a decent amount of blood when I poo (there was blood a little before, but not enough to be notable or significant). The blood will first come out on end part (or the beginning part? cant tell) of the poop, and then I wipe just to see if the blood will show on the toilet paper and it does (bright red). I wipe a few more times in hopes to “clean up” the blood. The first wipe has a bunch of blood on it… enough to cover a good amount of the toilet paper wad, but not enough to make it dripping with blood or anything. With the second wipe, the blood is mixed with feces. It maybe takes 3-4 more wipes to get all the blood off.After researching online, my first thought was hemmroids caused by my straining. But I just checked in a mirror (about 20 mins after I pooed) and I didnt spot any blood or veins coming out (though it is a bit hard to see past the hair). So what could it be? I went to WebMD and selected all the “bleeding” options in the rectum section and it gave me 20 results ranging from hemmroids to colon cancer. I dont know which one of these many things it is…. HELP!!
A: Blood down there, that’s not good. From what you have describe it could be just like you guessed it. Hemorrhoids!Don’t be afraid, you just have to get the correct diagnose from your doctor. If it is Hemorrhoids, the doctor will put you on some form of adult suppositories for over a week. *if blood is still present even with treatment there are more invasive procedure that the doctor might order like a colonoscopy.
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