What is gullet cancer

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Cancer of the oesophagus or gullet develops as a result of cell changes in the lining of the oesophagus. There are 2 main types of cancer of the oesophagus: squamous carcinoma, which is more common at the upper end of the gullet & adenocarcinoma. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-gullet-cancer ]
More Answers to “What is gullet cancer
What is gullet cancer
Cancer of the oesophagus or gullet develops as a result of cell changes in the lining of the oesophagus. There are 2 main types of cancer of the oesophagus: squamous carcinoma, which is more common at the upper end of the gullet & adeno…
Does drinking tea cause gullet cancer?
First of all, what is a gullet? Secondly, the person who gave the other answer is correct.
What are the symptoms of esophagus cancer?
Unfortunately, there are no “warning symptoms.” Esophagus cancer is a lot like colon cancer; symptoms do not occur until the cancer has reached an advanced stage, when a cure is unlikely. The most common symptom of esophageal canc…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

what is gullet cancer?
A: Its oesophagal cancer – the tube that carries food into the stomach. My mum sadly died of this cancer. It begins with a feeling of food being stuck in the throat which makes the person vomit – obviously weight loss is fast and dramatic in most cases. Tests are done via passing a camera into the stomach which can then find the cancer and do a biopsy. Treatment to relieve the initial problem can be either stretching the oesophagus and sometimes inserting a stent – depending on how advanced it is. Sometimes an operation can be done to remove the tumour again dependant on size etc. Most commonly chemotherapy treatment is given and although I said my mum died of this – at that time combined chemo was in experimental stages and has since advanced to a stage where many more people survive this cancer. Stay positive is the key and rest during chemo. xxxxx
Cancer please help me?
Q: my grandad had cancer of the gullet in june of last year he had it removed and got the all clear then last week they found it had returned and that it is in the lymph glands under his arpit and its secondary cancer, we are all visiting him next week in case anything bad should happen, they have told him it cannot be treated and they arnt sure how long he has left…..or maybe he knows but wont tell us…… the thing im most upset about is that he wont see my new boyfriend he comes to visit in july ( in 5 months) and im just worried he will never see what a ncie guy he is and see that i am happy, have i got any hope of him still being here to see how happy i am i know he would just love that please honest answersno this isnt all i care about…. its just a question….basically im asking if anyone knows how long he could have left…..i am having counselling for my own feelings…and dealing with it….i have been a single mum for 5 years and he always said i wanna see you with someone and happy this is why i have asked this question i havent came here to ask how to deal with my feelings
A: Im so sorry to hear about your sad news about your grandpa. I recently lost my stepdad to cancer and I was pregnant at the time. I prayed and prayed that he would make it long enough to see my baby because he loved my first son so much I knew he would love this baby to. But the true reality is we never no when it comes to cancer when someone will pass no matter what a doctor says. I defiantly found that out with my dad. The only advice I can tell you is to let your grandpa know every single day how much you love him and how happy he has made you in your life. And just in case show him pictures of you and your boyfriend together to let him know how happy you are and what a wonderful person your boyfriend is. I feel really bad for you and I feel your pain. And what helped me through the passing of my dad before he could see my beautiful baby is that I knew he would be watching over us in heaven. I hope I have helped.
i scared im gona loose my mum!!!?
Q: my mum has cancer of the gullet [food pipe] and shes my best friend im scared im gona loose her and wont be able to cope without her. what do i do??? how do i cope????
A: I lost my mom through cancer, she was 53 and was my best friend, i miss her terribly even though it was 25 years ago, I hope you dont have to go through the same, but if you do, you will survive, its hard and painful for many years, I hope she gets better, hugs to both of you
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