What is the most common place for skin cancer for women

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Skin Cancer in women can occur in any part of the body but most likely appear on the face and hands as these are the most exposed parts of the body. Malignant melanoma is the most frequent cancer in women ages 25-29. ChaCha all day long! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-most-common-place-for-skin-cancer-for-women ]
More Answers to “What is the most common place for skin cancer for women
Is the eighth most common cancer among women, excluding non-melan…?
gynecologic cancer preceded by Uterine Cancer. In the United States, approximately 22,430( 2006 estimated cases 20,180 cases will be diagnosed this year and nearly 15,280( 2006 estimated cases 15,310 women die from the disease this year.

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Looks like I’ve learned about HPV the hard way……?
Q: Well I met this girl online , and we dated for about a month. For most of the dates we didn’t do anything crazy except kiss, but a few nights ago after a night of drinking with some friends , me and her went back to my place and fooled around. She gave me oral sex a few times and we fooled around a little more. I didn’t have a condom on, cause we talked and didn’t want to have sex so soon. Well after I dropped her off the next morning I was really worried because about two weeks ago I walked in as she was talking to her doctor. She told me it was good news, but wouldn’t tell me what the problem was. I asked her if she was sexually healthy and she said she was, and it wasn’t any of my concern. Well…………turns out it was my concern, cause I asked her again what was wrong after we fooled around and she told me she had HPV several months ago. I am not sure of those familiar with HPV but it is some kind of skin virus that is very contagious and I guess very common in people that are sexually active. Basically it is mostly infectious through genital skin on skin contact. Most articles say that condoms don’t even prevent it, because its not fluid based. When we were fooling around I was on top of her at one time and my penis certainly did make contact with her vagina, but we didn’t have sex because she was dry and she said she didn’t want to yet. I wasn’t in her for long, not more than a few seconds due to her not being ready, but now I am just really worried about the whole thing. We had a fight on the phone after we talked about this, because I felt it was my every right to know this when she told me their was a problem but it wasn’t my concern. I’ve talked to my doctor and she told me its a very common virus and not too worry as it generally doesn’t hurt men, and only 1% of men will get genital warts from it. It mostly hurts women, as it causes abnormal cells in a women’s cervix which could lead to cancer. So now I don’t know where this leads me with other future girls that I will hook up with or date in the future. I mean I don’t even know if I have it. There is no test for men. The only way I would no for sure is if i get the warts and its very uncommon. I mean what am I suppose to do the next time I am about to hook up with a girl? Tell her I once hooked up with a girl who had HPV at one time, but was healthy when i hooked up with her, but for one moment my penis was in her for a second, and I don’t know if I have HPV, but is that ok with you? What girl is going to buy that? I asked my doctor and she said just wear a condom when you have sex and don’t worry about it. and most likely my immune system will kill the virus. But I feel guilty now, I don’t want to do anything thats going to hurt any girls I hook up with. I feel they have the right to know, but in my situation I feel the chances are slim I even have it and that I may make a big fuss out of nothing and just scare girls away. What would you guys do? and if anyone has any first hand experience with this HPV, please let me know.
A: HPV needs some education campaign from the sounds of it..Its a virus that causes warts and 4 common oncotypes cause changes to the cervix that over 5-10 years potentially can lead to cervical cancer. Girls are currently getting immunised for it in America maily to decrease the incidence of cervical cancer. Older generations probably 40-60% of people have it and most causes no problems. The types that cause cervical changes dont cause the warts so guys have no signs of it. So dont let something like this ruin a future healthy sex life. If your concerned about partners in the future tell them what happened and they can get immunised if they havent already and as long as girls get regular pap smears its not a problem anyway as things are picked up way before cancer develops and treated thenhave a read herehttp://www.health.qld.gov.au/cervicalscreening/women/hpv.asp
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