What is so wrong about tanning

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Dermatologists have warned for years that ‘indoor tanning’ can cause skin cancer; others say, that if used sparingly, it’s fine. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-so-wrong-about-tanning ]
More Answers to “What is so wrong about tanning
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Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What’s wrong with a tanning salon?
Q: I’ve been reading about how awful tanning is. I indoor tan about 3 times a week in the stand up booth, 10 min max each time. Is it really so awful? It helps my bacne!Why do people who work mostly inside have a higher rate of skin cancer?I wanna be brown, not black!The sun is good in moderation, no?
A: I think there are a lot of myths out there about the negative effects of the tanning salon. For a balanced argument, I’d like to highlight some of the benefits of indoor tanning:1. Controlled environment – You can avoid sunburn by going for the exact right time. The intensity of the bulbs is always the same too. Go tanning outdoors and there are a lot more variables and opportunity to get a burn.2. Your body needs Vitamin D. Tanning is a great source of Vitamin D.3. Flexible environment – Not everyone lives in a location or has a job that allows time for outdoor tanning. You can tan indoors at any time.Let’s think about it another way. Were we meant to sit inside all day and get no sun? No! Our ancestors were hunters and gatherers and spent all day outdoors. We can’t do that anymore because many of us work inside. How can we compensate? Your local tanning salon. 🙂 Just make sure to take it really slow, and go in moderation. The tanning salon is a great place to get a HEALTHY tan if you follow the rules. Unfortunately, I will say that the employees at some salons will “push” you to go to quickly. Make sure to follow the rules printed on the machines regardless of how fast the employees push you to go. Good luck!
What’s wrong with these tanning beds?
Q: I have been tanning at my gym for a month or so and for some reason after 15 to 18 minutes the beds get soooo HOT that they are literally HOT to the touch. Like if I change positions, it burns my skin to touch the bed. Not like a sunburn, but hot to touch. Is it just because the bulbs need to be changed? How do I approach the owners about this?
A: Unfortunately, tanning beds at gyms usually get sort of neglected compared to those in salons (because gym owners are more concerned with gym equipment than tanning equipment usually). Tanning beds get hot when there isn’t enough air coming in (no fan?) or when the fans installed in the beds become filled with dust. Cleaning these fans requires taking the bed apart and dusting the inside of the machine – most gyms don’t do this. Approach the desk at your gym and let them know that the tanning beds get dangerously hot and that the fans probably need to be cleaned. Until then, bring a towel with you and tan one side at a time (if you’re tanning 20 minutes, tan 10 on your back and 10 on your stomach while you lie on the towel).For your own safety, you should also clean these beds really thoroughly before you use them. If no one is caring for the air circulation on these beds, they probably aren’t caring for the cleanliness either!
What will happen if i tan while on accutane?
Q: Im on accutane for 5 months already and ill be done in a month .Its summer and im tanned from the sun, i dont see whats wrong with tanning while on accutane… im fine.. ?So whats so bad about it ? :Slol thanks
A: Accutane is basically tanning on steriods. It sloughs off layers of skin and dries up oil that protects your skin. Tanning while on accutane is VERY dangerous and bad for your skin, it is much more likely to turn into skin cancer because your skin is already fragile and the inner layers are exposed. You aren’t protected by the normal skin cells because they have been compromised by your treatment. You are lucky that you haven’t blistered and gotten bad burns from the sun if you aren’t wearing sunscreen. Sun damage doesn’t have to be so obvious though, the signs will show up years later in the form of age spots, wrinkles and melanoma.
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