What are some unusual cancers

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Some rare and unusual cancers are: Cancer of the Nose and Throat, Mouth Cancer, Salivary Gland Cancers, Cancer of the Larynx-More? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-unusual-cancers ]
More Answers to “What are some unusual cancers
Do You Know These 5 Unusual Lung Cancer Symptoms?
Lung cancer is one of the top killers in developed and of late developing countries. More than a million deaths are reported worldwide. Smoking still remains the number one risk factor for lung cancer. Other risk factors include passive or …
What are the cancer warning signals? If I feel something unusual …?
Lump or swelling: A swelling or lump is a symptom of cancers in the superficial body parts such as skin, breast, muscles, bones, etc. For breast cancer, which is the commonest cancer in women all over the world, a lump in the breast is the …
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The evaluation demonstrated four children with cancer living in close proximity (within a

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A: I saw a recent study that showd ………..no link with aspartimine. Try googling. It was about two years ago.
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A: Yeah, I See That Often Also, I Guess Opposite Do Attract. I’m A Aquarius Woman In Love With A Cancer Man Since Forever And My Last Two Ex’s Were Cancer Men,Its More To Astrology Than Sun Sign Compatibility, Sometimes The Sun Signs Don’t Match, But Other Planets Placement Are Compatible(Rising, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars…etc) .For Example:My Chart:~~~~~~His Chart:Aquarius Sun ~ Cancer Sun = IncompatibleAries Moon ~ Sagittarius Moon = CompatiblePisces Venus ~ Cancer Venus = CompatiblePisces Mars ~ Scorpio Mars = Compatible
what is a good secondary research project topic on oncology?
Q: I’m in the eighth grade and we are required to do a secondary research project. I’m interested in cancer, and I know it’s a very broad and complex topic, so something simple would be much appreciated! It needs to be in question form.e.g. Does (certain factor lead to the growth of a cancer cell?or some unusual relationship between cancer and something else? lolI’m just really interested in this and would like to learn about it, but if you can’t think of anything could you please give me another topic that falls into earth, physical or life science?Please and thank yous! <3
A: I like Tarkarri’s suggestion.I have a different idea – If it hasn’t been beaten to death at your school. The topic of cigarette smoking is also relevant in your age group.More people die from lung cancer than any other type of cancer. In 2004 – lung cancer killed more people than breast cancer, prostate cancer, and colon cancer combined – in the USA. Lung cancer accounts for at least 31% of all deaths from cancer.Approximately 90% of these could have been prevented if people had not smoked. Tobacco addiction is by far the most important risk factor in the development of lung cancer. There are almost 160,000 lung cancer deaths per year attributable to smoking.  (Source:  ACS – – American Cancer Society) 99% of men diagnosed with prostate cancer will be alive 5 years later.88% of women diagnosed with breast cancer will be alive 5 years later.63% of those diagnosed with colorectal cancer will survive at least 5 years.Lung cancer’s five year survival rate is dramatically different, 15%.GOOD NEWS for young people – Lung cancer mainly occurs in the elderly. About 2/3 people older than 65 Fewer than 3% under the age of 45Average age of diagnosis ~ 70 Male smokers – lifetime risk of lung cancer 1 in 6 Female smokers – risk of lung cancer is 1 in 9 Risk of lung cancer in non-smokers is 1 in 77Can J Public Health. 1994 Nov-Dec;85(6):385-8. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7895211 The risk increases with amount of exposure – number of cigarettes per day and years of smoking [“pack years”] Tobacco use kills nearly half a million Americans each year1 out of 6 deaths in the U.S. result from smoking Good way to cut health care expense – – – encourage people to not smoke cigarettes – – – it cannot be legislated away
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