What’s a pap smear

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Pap smear checks for changes in the cells of your cervix. It can see if you have an infection, abnormal cervical cells, or cancer. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what%27s-a-pap-smear ]
More Answers to “What’s a pap smear
A pap smear is short procedure that a female undergoes where cells are scraped off the wall of the cervix and put on a slide to be examined. Pap smears check for changes that could develop into cancer. For more information see here: http://…
If by chance you mean “Pap Smear” it is a test preformed by an OB/GYN nurse or doctor to test for diseases such as cervical cancer in women.
The Pap smear tests for abnormal changes in the cervical cells. A precancerous change in the cells, called cervical dysplasia, can be detected by a Pap smear. The abnormal cells can develop into cancer if the dysplasia is not discovered and…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Atypical pap smear? What’s happening?
Q: i got a call from Planned Parenthood this morning concerning my pap smear. The results came back as having atypical cells. They want me to come back in 6 months to test my cells again.Should i be worried? I’m freaking out and scared.
A: Don’t get too worried yet. Just because you have atypical cells does not mean that they are cancerous or even pre-cancerous. They could be atypical due to a recent infection or trauma. They want to give it time to see if it is due to something that will resolve on its own or if it is something that needs more treatment. While it may in 6 months turn out to be something serious, don’t freak out just yet.
Abnormal cells on pap smear? What’s up with that?
Q: On July17th, I had my first pap smear.I just got a letter in the mail from my gynecologist that said “abnormal cells on pap (HPV negative)” and told me to come in between November and January for another pap smear.It’s HPV negative, so what else could the abnormal cells be?It’s driving me nuts.I’m a virgin, and have only given oral twice, to two different guys. One was about 4 years ago and the other was last year. I don’t want a lecture on what I’ve done, because trust me, I regret it enough as it is… but what could the abnormal cells be?Oh, and if you are gynecologist or have experiences this, how weird would it be for me to call the office and ask? My doctor is very busy (always booked up for 2 months at a time), so I feel bad wasting her time.
A: It’s nothing to worry about if it was HPV negative. And you didn’t do anything wrong by getting oral. Nothing dirty about it. It could be bacteria that built up. That’s usually what it is when it’s not HPV. Nothing to be concerned about because they don’t want you back immediately. Just make sure you go to that appointment.
What’s a pap smear for and how do they do it?
A: in england, paps or smears are done from the age of 25..20 in scotland. You have a tiny amount of cervical tissue removed, and it is tested for abnormalities, these days liquid based cytology is the common method. There are 3 stages of abnormalities, CIN 1,2 and 3. minor/borderline, moderate and severe. Almost all paps are returned normal though. However, should you miss a pap, then you are risking any abnormality you have becoming worse. The abnormal cells they are looking for, are of course related to cervical cancer, these cells can take years to develop and change. Most minor abnormalities, revert back to normal themsleves, more severe results will require treatment, which is unpleasant, so dont miss a pap EVER, it is not worth the risk. It is a few moments discomfort, and could save your life.
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