Are diet cokes bad for you

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With diet soda, you’ve gone from high calories to poisonous levels of methanal and an increased chance of developing cancer. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Are diet cokes bad for you
Is Diet Coke bad for you?
I’ve written about this topic an infinite amount of times… It’s really up to each one of us – if you like it, drink it, if you don’t like it, don’t drink it. I’ve been drinking diet soda of one type of another for as long as I can remem…
Is too much Diet Coke bad for you?
8-10 is an awfully high amount. Plus with about 30-35 mg of caffeine, I’d be surprised if you didn’t have a little bit of trouble sleeping sometimes. As for Aspartame, I haven’t actually researched it because mainly I’m young and invincible…
What are the bad side effects of Diet Coke?
Diet Coke uses lethal suger-substiture, aspartame. In fact, not just coca-cola but all major soft-drinks including Pepsi-cola (Diet Pepsi) use this substance. Infact I believe that even ordinary and not just the diet version of the colas us…

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Is drinking sugar-free drinks like sugar-free red bull or diet coke bad for your teeth like cokes are?
A: Sugar free drinks are ok for your teeth, as they don’t have carbohydrates (which is food metabolized by bacteria to produce acid that will decay your teeth)however, sodas, or carbonated drinks, even if sugar free, are acidic, that will weaken your teeth structure, and make it more susceptible to caries from other sources, like food, candy etc…
Is drinking too much diet coke bad?
Q: I drink quite a lot of diet coke. I know this is definately better than drinking normal coke. But can drinking too much diet coke be bad too?Thanks!
A: Actually, it can be worse for you than drinking ordinary Coke. Both ordinary and Diet Coke will do the following:-weaken teeth due to the leaching effect of the carbon dioxide fizz on the minerals in the enamel, the acid in the flavouring, and the sweeteners;-increase likelihood of stomach ulcers and digestion problems;-encourage caffeine dependency and not give you sufficient liquid intake – any caffeiated drinks you consume should be offset by a glass of water to avoid mild dehydration. In addition to the above, Diet Coke, in fact, diet drinks in general, also contain sweeteners. Some contain sorbitol, which will merely give you the runs. Diet Coke however, contains aspartame – a derivative of phenylanaline (other names for this group of sweteners include Sweetex, Nutrasweet and Acesculfame K). These sweeteners are all mild neurotoxins, which means that in large quantities in certian people they can affect the brain and nervous system leading to MS- or Parkinson’s-like symptoms including tingling, shaking and reduced vision. These effects nealry always diminish when the sweetener is removed from the diet. I remain very concerned that they are present in so many drinks (they don’t even taste as nice as sugar!) and that various international governments actively encourage their use in more and more products owing to their cheapness to produce. My advice would be to cut down the Coke to one a day at most, and try to replace it with water, natural fruit juice, or unsweetened squash. Avoid things which brag ‘no added sugar’ it just means they’ve added loads of other rubbish instead!
Why is diet coke bad for people?
Q: My dad always drinks diet coke and I’ve been trying to get him to quit. I’ve read some articles like one from Woman’s Day magazine that says it’s bad for you and makes you want to eat more. I need more information to get him to finally quit. Please help out, I would very much appreciate it. Post answers along with sites where you found the information…..Thanks!
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