What is the most unhealthy food for you

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the most unhealthy food for you”,you can compare them.

Regular soda is probably the most unhealthy food for you because it is high calorie and contains no nutrients at all. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-most-unhealthy-food-for-you ]
More Answers to “What is the most unhealthy food for you
What is an unhealthy food?
By definition, an unhealthy food would be a food that added nothing to the nutritional picture, and also was detrimental to the consumer’s health. There aren’t a lot of “foods” that fit this criterion, as no-one would eat them. Ho…
Why is fast food unhealthy ?
because they have lot of Calories, fat , starch and sodium. its better we eat sandwich with out cheese and saucer because of fat an sodium. the roasted meat or chicken or sausages is better than sausage it.
Why is junk food unhealthy ?
Well when there’s several things. There is the sodium levels, trans fat levels and how it is prepared matters. But the biggest problem I find is that people have issues with portion control and that makes the act of eatting junk food out-of…

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A: Chocolate Truffles – Just 2 (about the size of a large gum drop) give you 60% of your recommended daily allowance of saturated fat! And they are about 60% fat composition – the rest is cocoa and sugar. No vitamins and mineral value to speak of.But they taste soooooo goood.I would say a close second is regular soda pop. No nutrition and all sugar and calories.
What’s some of the most fattening foods that aren’t considered “greasy” “fast food” “unhealthy”?
Q: What’s some of the most fattening foods that aren’t really in the unhealthy or greasy, fast food types.You know something you’ll find at a sit down restaurant
A: Well there are 2 different types fats. There are natural foods that are high in fat but actually help you lose weight by speeding up metabolism such as avocados and nuts. These types of fats are “good fats” that your body NEEDS. The “bad fats” are the ones that your body doesn’t need, such as all dairy, salad dressings, meats, and alcoholic drinks. I did lots of research on this topic and found the results very suprising!
If Most food companies acknolodge America’s obesity problem why do they make unhealthy foods?
Q: Most Companies in the food industry acknolege america’s health problems and still they serve potato chips/cheetos/salty chips/Cheeseburgers and more. even though some make healthy versions of there foods it’s some times not healthy enough or that they still advertise and produce the unhealthy product. And even though some might say for money (that’s what i heard from some local people before i remembered about Yahoo Awnsers) but more people (including parents and Concerned children) might pay for the healthy version if it is good for them and others around them.
A: Because that’s where the money is – that’s how America got where it is today.
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