Are kiwis good for you

Health related question in topics Food Drink Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Are kiwis good for you”,you can compare them.

Yes, kiwi is good for you. Kiwi fruit is rich in nutrients, minerals, vitamins, enzymes, fiber and can even help sleep disorders. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Are kiwis good for you
Are Kiwis Good For You?
they are very good for you, there is 14 calories in an average 28g kiwi x
What are kiwis good for?
I hope you are eating them with the skin on because that is where most of the nutrition can be found. They also won’t burn your tongue as much if you do. They are high in Vitamin C, dietary fiber (if you eat the skin) potassium and a bunch …
Is Kiwi Good For You?
The Kiwi has been known to have high concentrations of vitamin C. One piece that comes from a tree contains 74 mgs while those that are bought in the supermarket and are stored in a cooler will only have 57 mgs. The Kiwi is also known to ha…

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Why don’t the kiwis field a team with players based in NZ. There are a lot of good players at home.?
Q: Using overseas players won’t work because they won’t commit themselves 100% for fear of injury and putting there income at risk.
A: The reason they are playing in NZ is that they are not good enough to play NRL or Super League. Those that may be good enough may not have committed to play for NZ, they may be more interested in playing for Tonga or Samoa at the World Cup.
Hi 2 all kiwis. How much can we earn being a forieng student in Kiwi and which is the good city to live in NZ.
A: well your wages will be exactly the same as everyone else working here. there is no difference, even if you are from another country.hmmm and the best city, well it depends on what you like.I would say if you are a foreigner, the best city’s too live would be, Auckland, wellington or Christchurch. those city’s are very main city’s in new Zealand and they have the most opportunity’s for jobs and educations, with alot of different courses, university’s and job opportunity’s.But living in new Zealand the cost has become very very high, food is very expensive, living is very expensive also the wages are not that high and taxes are very high and they just keep on rising, but it is very laid back, nice country and people are all around quite nice. but oyu will notice alot of people once they finish study they leave new zealand too work overseas, because everything is just getting too expensive here and the wages are just not that high. but it is still a very nice laid back country.
What tastes good with kiwis?
A: Other fresh fruit like strawberries, melons, and yogurt with granola.
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