What does the salt do

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “What does the salt do”,you can compare them.

The salt assures that only the inside of the egg will rot. Keep on doing the ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-the-salt-do ]
More Answers to “What does the salt do
Sodium and Chlorine (aka: SodiumChloride or NaCl)
when you use to much salt it will begin to clog up your arteries and hurt your heart…salt equals sodium witch equals heart attack…i don’t use salt any more…hope i answered your question
The salt neutralizes the negative charges on the DNA and thus enables the DNA strands to stick together. It also causes proteins and carbohydrates to precipitate.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

In the fall, in the north, the salt water when touched, glows or becomes luminescent, what is it exactly?
Q: When the sea water or even on the shore on the sand, is touched with an oar or stepped upon in the night, the water and/or the sand glows to the touch or becomes luminescent, what makes it glow?
A: It is caused by small living creatures that glow under certain conditions.http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/365315/marine-phosphorescencehttp://www.web-books.com/Classics/YoungFolks/Earth/YoungFolks_EarthC14P1.htm
How does sea salt work, exactly, to do good for and help heal piercings?
Q: What is it chemically about sea salt that makes sea-salt soaks so good for healing piercings? How does it work on a microscopic level (if it kills bacteria, for example, how does it do it)?
A: Natural sea salt contains 81 minerals that are essential to the human body. When using it in a solution (1/4tsp sea salt to 1 cup of boiled or bottled water) it aids in promoting healing, relieving pain, and reducing swelling to a fresh piercing.It’s not that it kills bacteria, but it helps to stimulate your body to fight off the bacteria and to heal itself faster.
Why does salt water work better than regular water when trying to prooduce an electric current?
Q: I am performing an experiment in which you wet your hands, place one on an aluminum plate and one on a copper plate, and it produces an electric current when connected to a DC micrfo ammeter. Wet hands produce more of a current than dry hands because water conducts electricity. Why does salt water work better than plain water? And why does tap water work better than distilled water? I believe both have something to do with ions but I’m not sure. Help me please!
A: For an electric current to flow, it needs to travel through a medium that has both components of an electric charge, namely, the positive and negative charge.When electricity flows, it moves from an area of high charge density to lower charge density, because in nature, all systems prefer to move from high density to lower density (aka lower rest state). In your electric current experiement, you are running a current from your source, lets say, a battery. This source will be your high energy density source and the electricity will be flowing from it to the lower electric density water.In salt water (where the salt used is, lets say sodium cloride [NaCl] aka table salt) salt molecules dissociate into their respective components (Na+) and (Cl-).Current must travel from positive to negative, or negative to positive, and the dissociated ions in the water provide this separation of charges through which the electricity can travel.Pure water, on the other hand, has no such charge separation, therefore, the electricity has a poor medium through which to travel.
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